Chapter 278 

Christine was rarely this serious, and a vague sense of unease began to rise in my heart. 

It felt as if something was about to shatter. 

I stared at Christine, biting my lower lip, “I’m all ears. Lay it on me.” 


Christine struggled with her words, clenched her teeth, and finally blurted out, “The person who took you to the infirmary in college, and the one who brought you food, it wasn’t Bryant!” 

Not Bryant? 

My mind was buzzing, everything went blank for a second, and I was totally shocked. 

It took a while before I could gather my thoughts, feeling as if a heavy stone was pressing on my chest, making my voice tremble, “Really?” 

I knew it was true. 

Christine knew too well how much this meant to me. She wouldn’t have told me unless she was absolutely sure. 

But then… 

What did all my years of affection amount to? 

Christine nodded, “Yeah.” 

“So… the person who helped me…” 

I took a deep breath, trying to stay calm, “Was it actually Mark?” 

Christine was taken aback, “How did you know?!” 

“It all makes sense now…” 

I responded, but my mind was swirling with a bitter realization. 

No wonder. 

No wonder Bryant always thought I had a thing for Mark, constantly questioning the nature of my relationship with him. 

No wonder he panicked when I told him my feelings for him were based on those actions. 

He even asked me if I would still like him if it wasn’t him who helped me. 

I should have realized sooner! 

I was too blinded by my own assumptions… 

All this time, the light I’d been chasing had never shone on me. Not even for a moment did he share his warmth with me. 

He didn’t like me, yet he watched coldly as I suffered, mistaking him for someone else, falling and struggling in vain. 

No wonder that gun was pointed at me without hesitation. 

It was all one–sided! 

Always had been!! 

Christine looked out the window, suddenly saying, “Jane, it’s snowing! The forecast predicted it yesterday, but it didn’t, I thought maybe it wouldn’t at all!” 

I turned to look outside at the snowflakes swirling down. Without a doubt, by evening, the ground would be covered in a layer of pristine 


“The weather forecast predicts snow this Sunday. Want to build a snowman together?” 

That message suddenly invaded my thoughts. 

I couldn’t help but laugh, a laughter that soon tasted salty with tears. 

It was all lies. 

All of it. 

The day he told me he’d come build a snowman with me, he was pointing a gun at me. 

On the day it actually snowed, he announced his engagement to another woman! 

Bryant, how hypocritical you are. 



Chapter 278 

Staying silent through my years of misplaced affection… 

Vilely basking in my affection with no intent of reciprocation! 

I murmured, “I was wrong…” 

So terribly wrong. 

“Jane?” Christine handed me a few tissues, cleaning my tears, “Hey, this isn’t your fault. No one could have seen this coming. If anything… it’s just fate playing tricks.” 

Fate playing tricks, huh. 

I didn’t know how long I cried before I finally calmed down, curled up on the couch, staring blankly out the window. 

The snow kept falling. 

I couldn’t quite pinpoint what I was feeling at that moment. 

Before, I had felt wronged, saddened, disappointed… 

But now, a mix of emotions were tangled together, and above all, there was this sense of indignation. 

Indignant on my own behalf. 

Ding dong! 

The doorbell rang. 

“That must be the delivery I ordered! With this heavy snowfall, let’s have a cozy night in with some stew!” 

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