Chapter 248 

The winter days were short, and darkness had enveloped everything when evening rolled around at about six. I arrived at the coffee shop before 6:30. But Allen was already there. 

I walked over to him, cutting straight to the chase. “What was all that about at the hospital today?” 

Allen lifted his chin slightly. “Take a seat.” 

“You asked me to come, so here I am. Let’s not beat around the bush.” I sat down as he suggested. 

The previous customer must have bathed in perfume because when I took my seat, the scent was overwhelming, making me scrunch my nose. 

Allen began speaking, diverting my attention. “You can’t seriously believe you’re not your parents‘ biological child, right?” 

“Cut the crap. What did you mean by what you said at the hospital?” I still doubted if it were just a slip of the tongue said in anger. Besides, he wouldn’t have insisted on meeting up if it were. 

Allen nonchalantly shook his leg. “Just a spur–of–the–moment thing. Are you taking it seriously?” 

“Is that so?” I eyed him skeptically. 

Just then, a waiter brought over two cups of coffee. 

“What else could it be?” Allen pushed one of the cups toward me, “Ordered this for you. Drink up.” 

Something was off. Allen wasn’t usually so generous. Growing up, he’d rant for ages if I took an extra bite of a burger. Why would he buy me coffee? 

“Til pass on the coffee. I’m asking you one more time. Was there no hidden meaning behind your words?” I suddenly stood up, feeling dizzy, and had to support myself on the table. My whole body felt weak. 

Allen’s expression turned odd. “Hmph, there’s nothing more to it. What, did you think you’d turn into some heiress?” 

“It better be.” I took a moment to gather my strength and tried to leave but was enveloped in endless darkness the next second. When I woke up, I was lying on a large bed, my heart racing as I scrambled to get up, only to find my strength failing me, and then someone pushed me back down. 

It was Margaret. She stood there with her arms crossed, a smirk on her face, “Finally awake?” 

I looked around. It seemed to be a hotel room. Immediately on guard, I cowered back, “Was this your scheme? Where’s Allen?” 

e when were Allen and Margaret on the same side? 


“What do you think?” Margaret’s cold laugh was with malice, “Jane, did you ever imagine you’d end up in my hands after what you did to me?” 

“What did I do to you?” I was confused. 

“Stop pretending!” She gritted her teeth, filled with resentment. “That video, who else but you would post it online? And Bry defended you, saying you didn’t do it.” 

I frowned. “I didn’t post it.” 

The whole mess with Gregory has screwed me over. I didn’t get the divorce papers. And Margaret was pinning this on me, too. 

“It doesn’t matter anymore!” Margaret shouted, her face contorted in rage, her red lips as if poisoned, “Bry has turned his back on me. I had a sliver of a chance, and you ruined it! I’ll never have the chance to marry into the Ferguson family now, Jane. I despise you! Why? Why do you get to?” 

She glared at me with venom. “What makes you better than me? Why did Timothy constantly thwart my attempts to marry into the Ferguson family, yet he was so kind to you? It’s not fair, not at all!” 

“Bryant and I are getting a divorce.” I didn’t want to provoke her, so I spoke calmly. “Whether he wants to accept you is between you two. It has nothing to do with me.” 

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