Losers: Part II
: Chapter 41

We left the club on shaking legs, our heads so lost in the afterglow we looked far drunker than we actually were. Vincent led the way back to the hotel, his arm slung around Jason’s shoulders as the two scream-sang Rob Zombie at the top of their lungs. Manson was carrying Jess on his back as he walked beside me, and I had her heels dangling from my hand.

“I need a very hot shower,” she said, her head resting tiredly against Manson’s shoulder. “I’m so sticky.”

We all were. Sweat, champagne, and cum had left us all a mess, even after cleaning ourselves up before we left the booth.

We’d splurged on the hotel since it was only for one night. It was a couple blocks from the club, and the large marble-floored lobby was almost entirely empty as we walked in. Our room was on the top floor, with a stunning view of the city skyline. Vincent and Jess took immediate offense at the sight of the two separate beds, and immediately set to work rearranging furniture so they could push the beds together.

“You two are going to get us kicked out,” Manson said. “Most hotel rooms just don’t have big enough beds for five people.”

“Unacceptable,” Vincent said, determinedly bracing himself against the wall as he tried to move the bed even an inch. Jess was attempting to drag the set of drawers between the beds out of the way, and she wasn’t having any success either.

“You’re both terrible at this,” I said. I grabbed Jess around the waist, picking her up off the ground. “Someone pick up Vincent and get him in the shower.”

“Then we can fight about which bed Jess sleeps in,” Jason said, but I shook my head as I hauled Jess into the bathroom.

“She’s sleeping with me, boys, that’s that,” I said, turning on the shower with one hand while I kept the other arm looped around Jess. She wasn’t making any attempts to escape; it was the opposite. She had her arms around me, kissing my neck, touching me greedily. “Whoever manages to squeeze into bed with us is up to y’all to figure out.”

They followed me into the bathroom, which was sizeable enough for all of us but only barely. But we were used to things being crowded. Whipping off my shirt, I was about to help Jess out of her clothes when Manson came up to me, caught me by the throat, and pinned me to the wall.

“She’s sleeping with me,” he said, in a tone that allowed no room for argument. I swear we were the same damn height, but he made himself seem taller. “If you behave, you’ll be allowed to join us.”

Behave. Fucking hell. He knew exactly the right words, the little tricks of humiliation and control that would crush my pride in just the right way. He’d already spent significant time that night turning my brain to mush: making me kneel for him where everyone could see had squeezed my stomach into knots. He was the only person I allowed to push my limits like that, but I trusted him to do it.

He’d gotten me addicted to submission. I fucking craved the things he could do.

“I’ll behave,” I said. It felt ridiculously good when he hummed with satisfaction, kissing me tenderly before he let me go. He peeled his shirt off as he stepped back, and Vincent and Jason had stripped down. For a moment, I leaned there against the wall with Jess still tucked under my arm, watching them.

I was half-hard again already. Although I doubted I’d come again so soon, that didn’t matter. The smell of sweat, sex, and alcohol on their skin made me eager; it tapped into some primal animal drive to just fuck.

As if our minds were operating on the same wavelength, Jess sighed as she said, “God, you’re all so sexy, it really isn’t fair.”

“Not fair, hm?” I switched our positions, pressing her to the wall as I unhooked the chains holding her shirt in place. “I think what’s not fair is that I didn’t get to drench you in my cum tonight.” After pulling down her skirt, I knelt at her feet and grabbed her underwear in my teeth, dragging them off her too.

“Look how messy she is,” Jason said, crouching beside me. The stickiness on her legs was obvious; her tiny thong soaked. We probed her simultaneously as she leaned heavily against the wall, our fingers slick as they sunk into her heat. Her eyes fluttered closed, whimpers of pleasure panting out of her.

“Hold her open for me,” I said, and Jason knew what to do. He stood up, positioned Jess in front of him and lifted her leg, hooking his arm beneath her knee to hold it up as she leaned against him for balance. The position spread her open before me, her pussy glistening with her own arousal and the cum pumped into her.

The sight of her made me salivate. The way she looked down at me — wide-eyed, vulnerable, full of longing — had my dick standing rigidly at attention as I closed my mouth over her. She groaned deeply, bucking her hips against my mouth.  She was so juicy, deliciously wet; I could have eaten her for hours.

But the shower was still running, and I wasn’t sure if fancy hotels ran out of hot water, but I didn’t want to find out.

Getting to my feet, I gave her dazed face a little shake before I said, “Get in the shower. I’ll join you after I take a piss.”

Probably should have pissed before I got hard again, but fuck, I didn’t plan my erections. Lifting the toilet seat as they all piled into the shower, I tried to focus on my aim when Jess’s voice brought the whole process grinding to a halt.

“Wait, Lucas, please…”

It dragged my attention back to her immediately. She was standing in the open shower door, looking at me.

“I want it,” she whispered, the words barely able to be heard. But it made us all pause, watching her. Her face turned bright, blazing red as she bit her lip, struggling to get the words out. “Please…I…don’t waste it…”

Holy shit. She couldn’t mean…no…no way. She had filthy desires, but this…she couldn’t mean it. She was drunker than I thought she was.

Jason, smiling slyly, said, “I think you’re going to have to be a bit clearer, Jess. What exactly do you want?”

She glared at him, as if he was asking for far too much. But then Vincent joined in, saying, “I don’t think he understands, baby, you’re going to have to be more explicit.”

Jess looked like she wanted to crawl underground. My need to piss was now overshadowed by the desire to hear her confirm what she was asking for.

“Ugh, I don’t…” She folded her arms, looking between the four of us. As if hoping one of us would interpret for her, so she wouldn’t have to actually say it. “You know what I mean.”

“I’m afraid I don’t, sweetheart,” I said. “Explain yourself.”

“Go on, Jess,” Manson said. “Tell him what you want. Communication is important, remember?”

“I want…um…shit…” It was frankly adorable how red she was. Out of all the things we’d done, I liked knowing there were still things that could make her blush.

No matter how much it made her cringe, no matter how embarrassing, I wanted to hear her say it.

“What do you want?” I said. I was smiling like a madman but I couldn’t help it: seeing her struggle like this, trying desperately to hide her embarrassment, gave me such a rush.

“I want…” Jess paused, licked her lips, and took another deep breath before saying the words that made my heart pound. “I want you to piss on me.”

“Dirty girl,” Vincent said, as Manson muttered “Holy shit” under his breath.

“Look at me,” I said, and she gulped as she lifted her eyes. They were wide, her pupils full and dark with lust. I watched her expression, her movement, her awareness — searching for any indication she wasn’t mentally present enough to make this decision. But all I saw in her was embarrassment and desire, inextricably tangled. “Is that really what you want, Jess? Do you want me to put you down on your knees and piss on you?”

Even her chest was red from the heat of her blush as she nodded. “Yes, please…I…I’m yours. You should claim your property.”

“Fucking hell,” Jason groaned. At least I wasn’t the only one with a hard-on; Jess’s request had hit a sweet spot for all of us. “Do it, Lucas. Make our girl filthy.”

Feeling as if I was moving in a dream, I stepped into the shower. The steam was thick, the air was heavy. Having so many naked bodies around me at once, slick skin rubbing against mine, all watching me, was frankly a little intimidating. I wasn’t used to being the center of attention.

Jess shivered when her knees hit the tile. She waited, face upturned, her eyes darting to my cock again and again in nervous anticipation. It would be a challenge to go; I was so damn hard. No amount of mental math problems could change the fact that I had the most beautiful woman I’d ever seen on her knees for me, waiting to be covered in my piss because she asked for it.

“Look at me,” I said, my voice thick. She lifted her eyes, locking onto my own. “Tell me what you want.”

“Piss on me, sir,” she said. She was confident this time; any hesitation had vanished. “Put me in my place.”

Damn, if she thought her place was on her knees at my feet, I was a lucky man.

For a split second, I worried that I couldn’t do it. Subconscious instinct demanded I stop, my domestic brain screaming at me that this was vile, filthy, wrong. Everyone’s eyes on me added an extra layer of difficulty. But Manson was stroking himself already, and they all looked so damn eager to see me do it. And Jess — this beautiful, wild, insatiable woman — was looking at me like she was waiting for a gift, pleading with her eyes.

The way she gasped when the stream hit her chest was possibly one of the sexiest things I’d ever seen. The jewels on her bare tits caught the light as the golden liquid trickled over her, her entire body shaking as I got closer. I gripped her hair and pulled her head back, so I could watch her face as I pissed all over her.

“Thank you, sir,” she said. The smell was intoxicating; it was arousing on a deep, dark, primal level. Even though the shower washed it right away, it still felt like I was leaving a permanent mark on her.

“Fuck, that’s a beautiful sight,” Vincent said, his arms around Jason as they watched me. Manson groaned softly; he was stroking himself hard and fast, shuddering. If I’d been able to, I would have kept going.

Jess smiled at me when I stopped, with my hand still knotted in her hair. “God, I love you,” she said, and it unraveled me.

The hot water streamed over both of us as I sank to my knees to kiss her. Hearing those words still punched me straight in the heart; they latched on to me and made my brain flip upside-down.

She loved me. Every single person I was surrounded by loved me. Until I’d met Manson, I hadn’t thought anything like this was remotely possible. Having a family, a home, falling in love — they were nice things for other people, not for me.

“I love you, too,” I said, even though the words still felt terrifying to say. But it made her entire face light up. I turned her, urging her toward Manson. “Give him your mouth, sweetheart.”

She opened, sliding her lips over him, and pushed his hand away so she could circle her thumb and forefinger around his shaft. She stroked him with her fingers as she bobbed her head up and down, humming and slurping with enthusiasm.

He cradled her head in his hands, grunting harshly as he fucked her throat. I reached between her legs, massaging her clit as she got him off.

“Such a good girl,” Jason said, and she shivered at the praise.

Manson came into her mouth with a strangled curse. He let her go but remained leaning against the wall, his eyes far-off and dazed. Vincent got down beside me, kissing Jess as I brought her to another trembling orgasm. She cried out against his mouth when the euphoria overtook her, and he praised her through it, whispering words of affection, words of love.

The rest of that shower was as hazy in my memory as the steam that surrounded us. None of us had any energy left. By the time we stumbled out of the bathroom, I barely even managed to grab a towel before I dragged Jess into bed. The last thing I was aware of was Manson wrapping his arms around me from behind and feeling Jason’s fingers come to rest on my hand. Vincent laughed, saying something about “lying on top of us.”

But I didn’t care how crowded that damn bed was. We all got into it somehow, and I couldn’t move an inch, but I still slept like the dead.

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