Losers: Part II
: Chapter 37

Lucas was shaking like a leaf as I touched him. He tried so hard; not a single one of us doubted it. But he was still cruel to himself. He was really no better than me when it came to treating himself kindly.

But that was what we had each other for. Some folks said that you couldn’t be loved by someone else until you loved yourself, but that simply wasn’t true.

I learned how to love myself from the love others gave me. I was still learning, I’d always be learning. Lucas had a hard time seeing the goodness in himself, but he was getting better every day. He just needed reminders.

“I’ll take care of you,” I assured him, cupping my hand around his bulge and squeezing as he groaned. I was taking my time and he was getting antsy, waiting for the moment when I would pin him down and be rough with him.

But it wasn’t happening this time, no matter how much he protested. He wanted to punish himself for needing comfort, but I couldn’t let him do that.

Taking his hand, I opened the door to Jessica’s backseat. “Get in.”

He gave me a baffled look, but got in. I pushed him back as I crawled in after him, so that he was lying against the opposite door with one leg up on the seat, the other sprawled on the floor.

“Smells like our girl, doesn’t it?” I said, crawling into the back. I popped open the button on his pants and dragged them off him, then his underwear too.

He looked so fucking good. Completely naked with his legs sprawled on those red leather seats, his hard cock resting against his belly. There wasn’t much room back here but I was determined to make it work.

Fucking him in Jess’s car just felt right.

“It does smell like her,” he said. “Hopefully she doesn’t mind us steaming up her backseat.”

I shook my head as I pulled my pants off. “Are you kidding? She’ll love this. She’s going to lose her shit when I tell her.” Crawling back on top of him and forcing his legs even wider apart, I grinned. “I bet you she’ll even get off to it.”

I spat on my hand, getting my cock slick first. There wasn’t any lube out here, but whatever, I’d made it work. Lucas wanted a rough fuck anyway, and although I was determined to be gentle, I really did enjoy when it was a struggle to squeeze inside him.

Getting as close to him as I could, I hooked his leg over mine and pushed the other one up, so his foot rested on my shoulder. He huffed, squirming against the door, glaring at me for putting him into such a ridiculous position. I took both of us in my hand, holding our cocks together as I thrust against him.

“Goddamn it,” he gasped, teeth bared at the pleasure. “Fuck me, Manson. I don’t care if it hurts, just —”

“I care,” I said. I kept stroking us together, enamored by the sight of us. “I’m not rushing a damn thing. You look so fucking good like that…” He growled at me, furiously petulant, and I teased, “Are you really in a position to be snarling at me? When you have your legs up in the air, spread open like a slut?”

“Then fuck me like one!” he demanded, hips bucking, his entire body squirming.

I suddenly recalled the first time I ever fucked him. He’d been so…pushy. Almost angry in how demanding he was, like he was constantly challenging me to fight back, to put him in his place.

Now, I could recognize that desperation in his eyes.

“What are you waiting for?” He gasped out the sharp words. His toes twitched as I pressed his leg even further up, crushing him into the seat.

“Ask nicely,” I said.

He practically snapped his teeth at me.

“Are you fucking kidding? Come on! Reed!” He jolted his hips toward me. Aggressive. Demanding. “Fuck me, bitch! Come on!”

His pupils visibly dilated when my hand snapped out and grabbed his face. “Excuse me? Would you like to repeat that?”

He gulped. The leather seat creaked beneath him. “Uh…no. Wouldn’t…I don’t…”

“Come on, Bent,” I snapped, squeezing my grip into his face at the same time. “Try me, love. Call me a bitch again. I dare you. I really want you to. Go on.”

He shook his head, lips firmly sealed. He was shaking like he was actually scared of me and I felt a little mean for smiling. Softening my grip on his face, I said, “I promised you I was going to be gentle. Why are you trying so hard to force me not to be?”

“I told you I don’t deserve it,” he said. His voice was pleading, as if he was begging me to believe him. He looked down, whimpering softly as I continued to stroke our cocks together. “Please, Manson. Please…it’s so hard.”

“I know it is.” I let go of him, angling myself towards his hole instead. His entire body tensed up in anticipation, but I took my time. “But it will get easier. I’ll remind you every day if I have to: of how much I love you, and how precious you are to me.”

He groaned like he was angry, his hand locked around my arm as he watched me press into him. I moved slowly, pushing inside only until I encountered resistance. Then I paused, letting his muscles relax, allowing him time to open up to me.

After several minutes of stretching him, inch by inch, I was able to enter him fully. His eyes widened, his mouth opened as if to make a sound but he snapped his jaw shut, grit his teeth. I moved slowly and he was more than ready for me, but he still looked at me like I was killing him.

“This is exactly what you deserve,” I said. “You deserve to be treated kindly. You deserve to be loved and pleasured and cared for.”

“Stop,” he whispered, and I paused. He swallowed hard, blinking rapidly. “Yellow…I just…need a second…”

He closed his eyes, breathing deep and slow. I waited, sheathed fully inside him. My balls were drawn up so tight, and I wanted nothing more than to fuck him hard and fast. But ensuring he was okay was far more important than momentary pleasure.

When he opened his eyes again, the hardness in them was gone. Fuck, he looked so vulnerable like that. Legs up, crushed beneath me, eyes wide. He’d been a fighter all his life, he so rarely had the opportunity to be soft.

“You’re safe here,” I said, and he nodded his head. I began to move, rocking against him, and he let out a breathless noise. He was trapped between the door and my cock, nowhere to squirm away to, nowhere to hide. “You’re so fucking sexy, Lucas. Goddamn, I’m a lucky man.”

He shook his head as if that would convince me to stop talking. This was torturing him, but I had no intentions of stopping. I didn’t need to cause physical pain to satisfy my sadism; watching him struggle so hard against my tenderness was more than enough.

“I want to see you come all over yourself,” I said, wrapping my hand around him and stroking as I fucked him. He shuddered as I massaged my fingers over his glans, legs twitching, breath catching. “I want to feel this beautiful cock throb in my hand. I want to taste you…” I leaned down, curled over him, our panting breaths hot as they mingled. “This is what you needed, isn’t it, pup? Just someone to take care of you, fuck all the bad thoughts away. Remind you how fucking sexy and strong and incredible you are —”

He made a keening sound and strangled it. His dick pulsed and I squeezed, then his legs were shaking, cum spurting over his stomach. I fucked him through it, but the sight of him was too perfect, it was exquisite. I groaned, my movements becoming erratic as the pleasure built, radiating through me. I came only a few seconds after he did, my sweaty forehead pressed to his.

We didn’t move for nearly a minute. Our bodies were clenched so tight and close into the back of that car; my muscles would ache when I eventually unfolded them. But I was perfectly content for now, squashed into the corner of Jess’ backseat with Luas impaled on me, eyes closed as he composed himself.

“We…we made a mess of her car,” he said faintly.

“Too bad she isn’t here to clean it up with her tongue,” I said, and he swore with a soft laugh.

We moved slowly, disentangling from each other, stretching out our limbs as we crawled out of the car. I grabbed a clean rag and wiped us both down, cleaning up the mess from his stomach. My tongue helped a bit too, which made him shiver and complain that I was tickling him.

“Keep complaining and I really will tickle you,” I said, and that shut him up pretty quick.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Jason open the front door to let the dogs out, stretching his arms as he shuffled out onto the porch. They trotted back into the trees, as they usually did to take care of their business. Soon, however, I could hear one of them messing around near the fence, snuffling and scratching.

“Sounds like Jojo is digging again,” Lucas said. Buckling my pants, I trudged around to the side of the garage to stop her. She had a bad habit of digging at the fence, and I didn’t want her slipping out of the yard.

But when I rounded the garage, she wasn’t digging. She had something in her mouth — something wet and slimy — and she was trying to choke it down as quickly as she could.

“Hey, woah, spit that out…shit!” I locked my arm around her neck, squeezing her big jaws in an attempt to get her to give it up. She gave me a very guilty look but didn’t let go. “Lucas! Damn it, I need some help!”

Lucas sprinted over to me, and as I held Jojo still, he managed to pry her jaws open. She spit out her prize, licking her chops with disappointment. The thing she’d spit out was red and smelled strange, dripping with some kind of greenish liquid.

“Is that a dead animal?” Lucas said. Bo was barking excitedly, unsure of what was going on but very sure he wanted to be part of it.

“Hey what’s going on? Is that —” Jason stopped abruptly as he came around the garage, trying to figure out what we were staring at. “Is that a steak?”

Not just a steak. The thin cut of raw meat sat in a pool of neon green liquid, close to the base of the fence. The smell of it was acrid, like something chemical…

Like rat poison.

“Get the dogs inside,” I said. I thought I’d gotten to Jojo in time, but I had no idea if she’d managed to swallow anything before I reached her. “Jason, call the emergency vet. Tell them Jojo might have eaten rat poison.”

We spent the next half hour searching the property. We found more meat inside the fence, similarly poisoned. Jojo seemed okay, luckily, and hadn’t actually swallowed any of it. But given a few more seconds, she wouldn’t have been so fortunate.

“I checked the cameras,” Jason said, as Lucas and I came back inside. As he put Cherry’s box on the coffee table, I leaned down to take a look at Jason’s screen. He played back the video, pointing out the skinny figure barely visible outside our fence.

The time had been after 3 in the morning.

“Reagan,” I said grimly.

“Have you checked the older footage too?” I said, and Jason shook his head. His arms were tightly folded, his foot tapping rapidly on the rug. “I want to know how often he’s been coming here. Document all of it.” I really hated what I was about to say, but I didn’t think we had a choice anymore. “We need to report this to the cops. Even if they don’t do shit. We need a paper trail to cover our asses.”

We needed to have evidence that we’d tried to solve this problem legally. Because in all likelihood, the resolution wouldn’t be legal at all.

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