Losers: Part II
: Chapter 11

The next morning, I was the first one awake. The sun was just beginning to peek through the trees when I got out of bed, squeezing myself out from between the boys. They were all still snoring, the sheets and blankets partially kicked away, limbs sprawled everywhere.

When I lived in the dorms, I’d done a lot of cooking for myself and my sorority sisters. I had fallen out of the habit since I’d moved back home, but I really enjoyed cooking. Luckily, the cabin was already stocked with cookware, and the boys had brought plenty of food for the weekend. I whipped up some pancakes, bacon, and eggs, soon filling the kitchen with delicious smells.

There was a footstep behind me, and Lucas wrapped his arms around my waist. The stubble on his face was rough against my skin as he kissed my cheek, saying, “You’re up early.”

“I wanted to have enough time to make breakfast for all of you,” I said. He nibbled my ear, sucking and biting as a coil of heat tightened inside my abdomen.

Despite still being sore from yesterday, I was eager for more.

Insatiable. That was how I felt. Desperate, needy, aching.

“Do I smell bacon?” Jason’s voice was husky with sleep as he padded into the kitchen. Lucas pulled my back to his chest as he leaned against the counter, resting his chin on my shoulder. Jason was only wearing his boxers as he came to stand before me. He gripped my hips, leaning in for a kiss that sent a zing of electricity all the way down to my toes.

“Why are you up early?” Lucas said, speaking to Jason as the two of them crushed me between them.

“Because Jess has trained me to be,” Jason said. “Besides, it’s hard to sleep with this food smelling so good.”

I didn’t have anything on the stove at the moment, which worked out perfectly. Lucas’s hard cock nudged against my ass, and he lifted his arm from my waist so he could wrap his fingers around my throat. His arm shook slightly, as if it took a great effort for him to be gentle.

“I’m here to serve, sirs,” I said. Reaching down, I grasped Jason’s bulge and stroked my hand over him, grinding my ass back against Lucas at the same time. “Use me.”

“What a good girl you are this morning,” Jason said, caressing his fingers along my jaw.

“I think we should give her what she wants then, J,” Lucas said. “Let’s use that pretty little mouth.”

Before they could order me to do so, I sank to my knees. Jason’s tongue traced along his lower lip as he watched me, and Lucas came to stand alongside him. Neither of them were wearing more than their underwear, but they stripped down to stand naked before me.

They looked so different, and yet so alike. Jason was bright while Lucas was dark; light and shadow standing side by side.

Grasping one cock in each hand, I stroked them in unison. They were in charge, but their pleasure was in my control. I knew exactly how to make them weak for me.

“Ahh…fuck…” Jason exhaled slowly as I closed my lips over him. I bobbed my head, giving him long, slow strokes with my tongue as I used my hand on Lucas. Then I switched, turning my mouth to Lucas and stroking Jason in my hand.

“God, that tongue,” Lucas murmured. “You’re too damn good.”

Lucas’s fingers tangled in my hair as I turned back to Jason, taking him deep into my throat. I used my thumb to press lightly on Lucas’s piercing, moving the bar like I knew he loved.

“Fucking hell,” Lucas growled, tugging my hair. I dragged my nails down Jason’s thigh as I popped my lips off him and closed my mouth over Lucas again. He gripped my hair with both hands, shuffling his feet as if he couldn’t bear to stay still.

“Gonna come already?” Jason teased. He smiled as he said it, eyes half-lidded with pleasure. Lucas’s face twitched as I clenched him in my throat.

“I can last longer than you,” Lucas said, but his voice was fraught with a dangerous amount of pleasure. He allowed me to lift my head, and I paused for a moment to extend my tongue and swirl the tip of it over his jewelry.

“You can’t last,” Jason said simply, with that blissful, cocky smile. A sigh escaped his lips as I went down on him again. “You hate edging; I do it all the time. So, good fucking luck.”

They had a competition going among themselves, but I was competing too. I was determined to sabotage both of them simultaneously; I wanted to see how fast I could make them come.

I popped my lips off Jason for a moment, looking up at him sweetly as I rubbed his cock over my lower lip.

“Am I doing good, sir?” I said.

“Fuck, baby, so good,” he said, guiding my head back down. Lucas looked like he was doing mathematics in his head, his brow furrowed with concentration. But his thighs shook every time my fingers stroked over him.

There was movement in the doorway behind them. Manson came up silently and leaned against the frame as he watched. The small, sleepy smile he gave me inspired me to try even harder. I loved putting on a show, and now that I had an audience, I was truly in my element.

I guided Jason and Lucas closer together so I could take them both into my mouth at once — or try to, at least. I had to open wide as I slid my tongue between them.

“I want your cum please,” I murmured. “Please…”

“Oh my God…fuck…” Lucas sounded furious, but I knew better. He was about to come all over my face. But Jason was holding out, and Lucas hated to lose, probably as much as I did.

But sometimes, being a loser could be very, very good.

“I knew you’d come first,” Jason ground out the words so tauntingly I almost laughed, but that was impossible with both their cocks needing my attention.

“Shut the fuck up, you little shit,” Lucas said, his voice hitching so much he could barely get the words out. I kept my eyes on his face as I took him deeper into my throat, my clenched hand following my lips as I stroked him. “I swear to God I’ll put you on your fucking knees if you keep — fucking talking — shit — Goddamn it, Jess —”

He came deep down my throat, spurts of cum nearly making me choke. Jason took slow, deep breaths, pacing himself as the muscles in his abdomen tightened and flexed. I swallowed Lucas down, smiling as I pulled my mouth off him and switched to Jason. He groaned as my lips touched him, so close to giving me what I wanted.

Lucas stepped back, inhaling slowly as if to steady himself.

Then Jason said, “Tapping out already? Weak.”

The teasing, the taunting, the incessant games they played with me and with each other — it drove me wild. Lucas had a murderous look on his face.

“You want to ask me that again?” he said, his tone low with warning, and Jason’s cock throbbed on my tongue. “You’re suddenly really fucking brave with that bratty mouth, J.”

Jason shivered, biting his lip and dragging it through his teeth. He grasped his hand around the back of my head, holding me there as he fucked my throat. He didn’t say a thing, but he didn’t need words for his response.

He cursed softly as he came, looking at Lucas with a mixture of uncertainty and longing. Behind them, Manson was stroking his thumb along his jaw as he watched; the expression on his face one of intense concentration.

I swallowed Jason’s cum, every drop of it.

“Apparently today was the day to wake up bright and early,” Vincent said, having come to join Manson in the doorway while I was distracted.

“Apparently,” Manson echoed. “Looks like someone woke up feeling like a very good girl this morning.” He helped me up from the floor, cupping my face as he kissed me. “Mm, I love that taste, angel. Did you do all this?”

He motioned to the food, and I nodded. The pancakes, bacon, and eggs were all kept warm with the tinfoil I’d wrapped over their plates. I was hungrier than ever now.

“I felt like doing something nice for all of you,” I said. “You know, as a thank you. For the orgasms.”

“All the more reason to keep you feeling appreciative,” Vincent said, also greeting me with a good morning kiss. “This looks fantastic, baby. Thank you.”

“Well, come on then!” I said. “Let’s get this food on the table. Who wants coffee?”

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