I scream as Hunter forces his way inside me. Sure, it hurts a little, he’s so fucking big and the fact he just pulled out my coil has left me all kinds of sensitive, but it’s more the overwhelming emotions that have nowhere to go.

The twins hold me down as I rage, the hard fucking Hunter is giving me only adding to everything I’m feeling right now. I’m married to Hunt, I have the leader of the Russian Bratva after me, and Hunt just pulled out my contraceptive and is promising to fill me with his cum until I’m pregnant.

Fuck. That last one shouldn’t be as hot as it is. It shouldn’t turn me on at all, but when I saw the device in his slick fingers, a part of me fucking preened at the idea of him wanting a baby with me. Not to mention Evangeline purred and demanded he impregnate us right the fuck now.

I’m beyond messed up.

“I’m gonna fill you so full of me, Peaches, you’ll have no choice but to accept my seed and grow our baby in that delicious body,” Hunt groans as he lowers his body over mine, encasing me in his embrace as he keeps fucking me hard and fast. The fabric of his clothes rubs against my skin, chafing me in the best way, adding to all the sensations he’s making me feel.

“It’s not the right time for a baby, Hunt,” I whisper, my heart twinging with pain. Deep down, all I’ve ever wanted was a large family, children who I’d love with all my heart and never leave like my mum left me. But with everything going on, the idea of bringing a baby into our lives fills me with terror, even if my heart longs for it.

He slows his movements, his hands coming up to cup my cheeks tenderly, tears racing to my eyes at the sweet gesture. “I will keep you safe, and any children we have,” he murmurs, lowering his lips to mine and catching my sob. “I want to watch them grow inside you, to watch you nurse our babies from these beautiful tits.” One hand leaves my face to palm my breast as the twins groan either side of me, their hands still holding my wrists down, trapping me in this glorious nightmare. “I know you’ll make a wonderful mother, loving our children with your whole soul.”

Tears trace hot paths down my cheeks at his words, his body undulating in a way that has a devastating climax building. Gone is the beast who just wanted to rut into me, and here is my Daddy, taking care of me and giving me exactly what I need, even if I can’t admit it to myself.

“And they’ll have three daddies to look after them, and you,” Roman says softly, and I turn my head to face him, watching as he shifts on the bed until he’s lying next to us. “They’ll be the most loved children on the planet.”

His brown eyes are full of a softness that steals my breath, a longing that I’ve only ever seen in the mirror. I recall what I know about their childhood, how much they were missing when it came to love and affection.

“And we will kill anyone who tries to hurt you or them. They will never know fear,” Rowan says from my other side, and I turn my face to him as he too lies next to us, his hand still gripping my wrist. There is a fierceness in his amber orbs, making them snap and sparkle, but underneath is a pain that hurts my soul. Rowan is talking from experience and I hate it. His thumb soothes over my pulse point as Hunt continues to move into my body, his lips lowering to pepper kisses across my collarbone, sending tingles racing across my entire body.

“You will make incredible fathers,” I tell them, watching as Rowan gives me that devastating half smile of his, the one I only seem to get. My mind screams at me that this is too soon, that I barely know these guys, but my soul and body argues, insisting that we’ve known them for a lifetime, that we belong to them as the sun does to the sky.

Hunt growls, his moves picking up until he’s fucking me deep, sending waves of pleasure rolling over me, stealing my ability to think and leaving me only the choice to feel. His pubic piercing hits my clit on every down stroke, and he grinds it into me until I’m seeing stars and begging him to help me over the finish line.

“Fuck, Peaches,” Hunt groans, a hand coming between us, playing with my clit and making me clench around him. As he’s still gripping my face and breast, I assume it’s one of the twins, but I’m unable to look and see, Hunt’s body in the way. “I’m so fucking close, baby. Come for me.”

The hand between us pinches my clit hard just as a sharp pain flashes across the breast Hunt isn’t holding, and I explode, my soul vacating my body as my orgasm slams into me with such force I go blind and deaf for a second.

My back arches, my mouth open in a silent scream as electricity consumes me. It’s like my body releases everything, all the worry and uncertainty disappearing, and I just exist in a place that’s filled with unbelievable pleasure. Hunter stiffens above me, and I come to just as his face contorts with ecstasy, his dick buried deep inside me, pulsing as he fills me with his cum.

My body tingles as he slumps down, covering me with his body, his chest heaving as his dick gives little twitches like he’s still filling me up.

“Shit, baby girl. You’re so incredible,” he murmurs huskily, nuzzling into my neck and placing light kisses against my skin. “You’re fucking perfect, wife.”

At the mention of what I am to him now, a stuttered sob falls from my lips and I burst into tears. Both his hands cup my cheeks once more as he holds me, his body pressed against mine, encasing me in all things Hunter.

“That’s it, baby. Let it all out, darling,” he soothes, wiping the tears from my cheeks with his calloused thumbs. The twins scooch closer, their bodies pressed alongside mine, their grips on my wrists leaving as they both hold my hands instead.

“We’ve got you, Princess,” Roman coos, kissing the side of my head.

“We’ve always got you, Little Lamb,” Rowan adds, pressing his lips to my temple as I cry, my sobs quietening as they hold me.

No one moves for several long moments, they just let me get it all out, and by the time the tears have stemmed, I feel lighter, like it’s not all overwhelming and unmanageable.

“Better, love?” Roman asks, and I twist to look into his soft brown eyes. His calm acceptance and gentle smile have words spilling from my lips before I’ve even registered my lips parting.

“I love you, Roman,” I whisper, my voice husky from all the tears. His smile grows into a full beam, his beautiful face making my heart soar.

“I love you, Iris. Even if you are Hunt’s wife,” he replies, leaning closer and pressing his lips against mine. He kisses me softly, his lips and tongue telling me everything will be okay now that we have each other.

Then we slowly part, and my face is turned until I’m drowning in amber eyes.

“I love you, Rowan,” I confess, uncaring that it’s so soon. Our relationship has been forged in fire, in desperate times and circumstances, and life is just too short and uncertain not to grab it with both hands when you can.

“I love you, Little Lamb,” he answers, his lips landing on mine with a softness that I don’t usually get from him. He decimates me with his gentle kiss, accepting me with each swipe of his tongue, his hand clutching mine like a lifeline.

Slowing the kiss, he presses our foreheads together, and we spend a moment just breathing each other in. Then my face is turned once more until I’m lost in the swirling gaze of Hunter Anderson, my husband.

“I love you, Hunt, so much that it scares me,” I confess, and his lips pull up into a beautiful smile that has my chest heating.

“I know, Peaches, but from what I’ve found in this life, the best things are often the ones that leave you trembling,” he tells me, moving his hips slightly so the double meaning is clear, and I huff a pained laugh. “I love that you trust me to know what’s best for you, that you let me take care of you in the way I know how. I love your light, like a bolt of sunshine in a fucking dark and gloomy world. I love your goodness, the way you care for us and those around you, even when you’re unsure and hurting. I love you, Iris Anderson, and I always will.”

Fresh tears spill down my cheeks at his words, and he kisses them away before his lips alight on mine. My breath sighs out of me at his consuming kiss, and I give myself to him completely, not caring that the world says it’s too soon. That our situation is beyond fucked up. Right now, as Hunter kisses me like I’m the air he needs to breathe, with the twins either side of me, life is pretty perfect.

Slowly, reluctantly, he pulls back, his dick still semi-hard inside me, like he’s plugging his seed inside me in order for it to take root.

“The twins can fill you with their cum in the morning, Peaches,” he tells me, matching growls sounding either side of me. “It’s two in the morning and my wife needs some rest, so we’re going to clean you up, and then it’s bedtime.” His tone brokers no argument, although the twins grumble until a jaw-cracking yawn almost splits my mouth in two.

“Fine, but expect to wake up with us inside that sweet pussy,” Roman relents, pressing another soft kiss on my temple before getting off the bed and standing up, his hard cock pressed against his jeans. With a sigh, Rowan does the same, both sauntering into the bathroom, the sound of the shower filling the space.

Hunt pulls out of me, his eyes focused on my face, taking in my slight wince and gasp.

“Sore?” he asks, not looking at all sorry about it, even though I can see some blood on his dick, must have been from where he took my coil out. I slowly sit up, my face scrunching as a throb deep inside me tells me that yep, I’m sore as fuck.

“A little,” I tell him, watching as he strips his shirt off, then pushes his jeans down his hips, bending over to take his socks off too. Bastard didn’t even pause to get naked before he fucked me.

I look over my shoulder at the bed and the remains of my pretty dress. There’s also a watery red stain that has me wincing again.

“You’ll be fine, darling,” he tells me, and I face him once more, my brows raised, but I’m too tired to argue, too fucked out to protest. I enjoyed what happened, even if it took me way out of my comfort zone. “Come on, let’s get you sorted and into bed.”

He holds his hand out to me, and I take it, letting him help me off the bed because my legs are wobbly as fuck. Chuckling, he swoops down and lifts me into his muscular arms, and again, I would protest, but tiredness has my lids closing as I nestle into his sweat-slicked body.

I’m vaguely aware of the warm water hitting my body, of hands washing me in Hunt’s rosemary and mint soap, but my eyes refuse to open, so I just let my Shadows take over as they love to do, as I love them to do. Soon, I’m back in Hunt’s bed, the scent of freshly washed sheets surrounding me as I’m placed on top of Hunt and the twins lying either side of us.

“We need a bigger bed,” I mumble, three masculine chuckles wrapping themselves around me as I snuggle into Hunt’s arms, the heat from his body allowing each of my muscles to relax.

“I’ll order one in the morning, Peaches. Now sleep,” Hunt’s deep voice rumbles, and before I can even protest that he’s a bossy fucker, sleep drags me under and I drift away to the rhythmic pounding of his heartbeat.

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