Switching my phone so it’s on speaker, I drop onto the couch in my office and set it on the armrest.

I’ve been sitting in my desk chair for too fucking long and my back is starting to kill me.

While I listen to Nero and Abdul, our realtor, talk through a list of properties, I put my hands behind my head and stretch my spine.

We’ve been tracking the patterns of these trafficking deals and buying up strategic buildings that we can use for interception.

It sounds altruistic, and a part of it is. We don’t stand for that shit. But it’s not just the fact that selling people is fucking disgusting, it’s the fact that someone thinks they can do it on our turf and get away with it.

“King,” Nero snags my attention back to the phone. “I haven’t gone through that email you sent yesterday yet. What were your predictions for the next few quarters?”

I roll my eyes. “Want us to just wait while you read it?”

“No, that email was fucking long. I’d rather you just tell me.”

“You’re such a child,” I sigh. “Alright…”

I’ve only just started going through the list of exchanges I’m planning when my office door silently pushes open.

The door wasn’t shut all the way, since there’s no reason, but I wasn’t expecting a visitor.

Savannah steps into my office, and presses her lips together as she quietly shuts the door behind her.

I’m still talking, reciting facts I could share in my sleep, but my attention is all for my pretty little wife.

She’s back in those little jean shorts, one of those skimpy tank tops she wears while she’s painting, and… I narrow my eyes. Is that one of my button ups? It’s not buttoned, just tied at the waist, the deep V drawing my eyes down.

She pauses, looking like she’s second-guessing herself, but then she squares her shoulders and walks toward me.

I haven’t seen much of Savannah over the last few days.

The night of the show, we came home, and she curled up into my side before dropping straight into sleep. And since then, she’s been busying herself in her studio morning to night.

Even when I try to go to bed at the same time, she’s fast asleep by the time I get so much as my shirt off.

So when she stops right in front of me, I feel the blood heat in my veins

And when she bends down, places her hands on my thighs, and lowers to her knees between my spread legs, my pulse doubles.

“Did you buy the Helmerson Corporation? I saw the owner of their office building changed to you?” Abdul asks.

Savannah’s fingers tug at my belt buckle.

“Yes.” The word comes out more husky than I intended. But Savannah is working my zipper down and I’m having a hard time focusing.

“Helmerson?” Nero sounds confused. “Isn’t the company that makes chairs and shit?”

“Yeah.” I sink lower into the couch, sliding my hips closer to the edge, and my straining cock closer to Savannah.

My feisty little wife strokes her hand up my length, over my boxers.


Savannah’s fingers spread and she squeezes my dick.

When I draw my eyes away from her hand and up to her face, she nods to the phone.

“Why what?” I ask, forgetting what the fuck we were talking about.

“Helmerson.” When Nero starts, Savannah pulls the band of my boxers down. “Why the fuck would you buy a chair company?”

I watch Savannah as she wraps her little hand around the base of my dick, pointing it straight in the air.

“It was a good investment,” I grunt.

She licks her lips, and my hips buck up.

“How? I just pulled up their public profits. They barely broke even last year.”

I don’t know why Nero gives a shit about this. And I don’t have a single good reason. Helmerson is the company Savannah’s last boyfriend worked at. He was working there while they dated, so I know she’s heard the name before and I have one second to wonder if she’ll recognize it.

But then Savannah’s lips part, and she sticks her tongue out, like a fucking lit up runway.

My own mouth goes dry as she presses her warm tongue to the underside, licking up.

“Personal reasons,” I try to say.

Savannah leans forward a little more, sliding my tip into her mouth and closing her lips around me.

“You bought a chair-making company for personal reasons?” Nero repeats, and I’ve never hated the sound of his voice more.

“That’s right,” I say to both of them.

My biceps flex by my ears, as I fight the urge to drop my hands and push her deeper onto my dick.

But I don’t have to, because Savannah goes deeper all on her own.

It feels so good.

She feels so good.

“They a front?” Abdul chimes in, still talking about the goddamn chairs. “I hadn’t taken Helmerson for one.”

And right then, when the company name gets said for like the fourth fucking time by these idiots, I see her connect the dots.

She starts to pull off, probably to ask questions, but she can’t. Because I drop my hands, palming the back of her head, keeping her where she is.

Instead of her eyes widening in alarm or anger, they roll back. And she sinks lower.

She fucking likes it.

“Not a front.” I drop my head back. If I watch her do this, I’ll blow in three seconds. “Like I said, personal reasons. Now fuck off about it.”

I don’t press down on Savannah’s head. I don’t have to. I just keep my hands buried in her hair, feeling her head rise and fall over my lap. Feeling the wet heat of her throat work around my dick.

Abdul clears his throat. “I also saw you bought KSGD.”

Savannah makes a quiet squeak at the same time Nero asks, “What the hell is that?”

I lift my head and narrow my eyes down at Savannah. The ex that worked at that company started there after they broke up. She shouldn’t recognize that name.

“I think it’s a latex company?” Abdul sounds unsure.

“Latex?” Nero repeats, like he’s never heard the word before.

I apply the smallest amount of pressure on the back of my wife’s head, and she starts to bob again. Stroking her hand up and down my length, mirroring the movement with her lips. While her other hand is on my thigh for balance, her fingertips digging into my muscle.

“Like they make condoms?” Nero asks.

“Yeah, maybe,” I answer.

“Maybe?” Nero snaps.

“Yeah, maybe. I don’t fucking care, man!” Savannah keeps her eyes on me as she sucks, her cheeks hallowing around my cock.

I can already feel my balls tightening. This is too fucking good.

Then Savannah reaches up, puts her hand over mine on the back of her head, and she pushes.

She. Fucking. Pushes.

My eyes are locked on hers when I start to press down, with the question in my gaze.

Is this what you want?

And she answers with a tiny nod.

Pushing harder, I shove myself into her throat, and I feel her muscles convulse around me.

“You…don’t care what the company you bought does?” Nero is still talking.

Why is Nero still talking?

Gripping her hair, I pull Savannah off my dick, so she can quietly catch her breath.

She still has a hand on my cock and she doesn’t sit idle, running her grip up and down.

“You ready?” I ask her.

Savannah nods, opening her mouth and I force her back onto my cock.

“Ready for what?” Nero, god of the underworld, still won’t shut up, because he hasn’t figured out that I’m getting my dick sucked.

“There are seven companies.” I tell the phone, and my wife. She blinks up at me, tears on the edges of her smiling eyes. “I bought six of them for personal reasons. And I fired one person from each company.” Savannah eyes flutter, and I force her a little deeper.

“And the seventh?” Abdul asks.

“In Alaska.” I’m gritting the words out now. My brain power fizzling as every ounce of blood travels to my dick.

“Alaska,” Nero repeats, I can hear him put it together. “Rehoming your lost personnel?”

“That’s right,” I agree and praise my wife at the same time.

I pull Savannah’s head back so just the tip of my dick is in her mouth.

“Couldn’t just kill them?” Nero sounds truly confused. And if his girl had any exes, I’m sure he’d have murdered each and every one.

Savannah swirls her tongue around the head of my cock.

“She wouldn’t have liked that.” I smile down at the pretty woman with her face buried in my lap.

My wife hums around my cock and I can’t take it anymore.

I reach over to my phone and end the call.

“Fuck, Baby. You’re such a dirty girl, aren’t you?” My abs bunch. “Just strolling in here and putting my dick down your throat.”

Now that the phone is off, Savannah starts to make noise. Lots of noise, moaning around my length. Slurping my fucking cock.

Gripping her head, I pump her up and down, pushing myself into her throat.

“You like this, Wife? You like when I control you like this? You want me to fuck your throat like this?”

She moans louder and her hand lets go of my dick as I shove myself deeper.

Savannah’s hands grip at my thighs.

“Are you gonna swallow me down? Are you gonna make me feel good and take it all, Baby?”

She blinks at me, trying to nod her head.

She’s perfect. Absolutely perfect.

Sitting there with my dick in her mouth while she listens to what I’ve done.

Every time I think she can’t possibly get any sexier…

“Breathe through your nose, Honey. Relax for me.”

Savannah’s eyes slide half-closed and she does as I say. Relaxing her throat, letting me slide even deeper.

And that’s all I can handle.

Her throat constricts around me, her moan vibrating down my length. And my cock erupts, pouring my release into her belly.

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