My heart is beating so fast I can hardly catch my breath.

I can’t believe I just did that.

King pounds a fist on the other side of the door. “You little witch, you better let me in.”

Instead of answering, I reach up and pinch at one nipple.

I moan.

I’ve been primed all day, but seeing him sprawled in our bed, erection obvious under his big palm, was the perfect eye candy for what I’m about to do.

I squeeze my breast, imagining it’s his hand and moan again.

“Fuck.” King’s word is low through the door. There’s a thud and I picture him dropping his forehead to the wood. “Turn it on, Baby. Turn that little toy on and rub it up and down your slit.”

I back away from the door, moving to the plush mat in front of the giant tub before I lower myself to my knees.

Sitting back on my heels, my fingers keep working my nipple, as I hold down the hidden button on my vibrator and turn it on. It’s an older one, that’s kind of loud, and I know King can hear the sound through the door because he lets out a loud groan.

When we cleared out my house, King assumed he found my whole stash of sex toys, but I had a few more tucked into my nightstand. Because a girl can never have too many friends.

“Are you already wet?”

I slide the vibrator down between my pussy lips, the slickness that’s pooling there easing the way.

“Answer me, Wife,” King raises his voice.

I fortify myself with a gasping breath as the vibrator hits my clit. “So wet.”

“Put it inside you.” Another thud hits the door. “Shove it inside that greedy little hole.”

I rub it over my clit once more, then do as he says and push it up into my pussy.

The sensation, after two weeks of having nothing in me, makes me whimper.

“Jesus. Talk to me, Baby. Tell me what you’re doing.” King sounds so desperate, it just makes me even wetter.

“I-I’m sliding it in and out,” I tell him. “And, oh god,” I roll my fingers together, pinching my nipple harder. “I’m…I’m playing with my tits.”

There’s a rattling sound, then the door swings open and King comes bursting through, cock already in hand, boxers gone.

He tosses something to the counter. “You think I didn’t have a key?”

My eyes can’t tear away from him, his magnificent form on full display.

So, I stare at him, one hand squeezing my chest, the other gripping the end of my vibrator while the rest is buried inside me.

His own gaze flies over every inch of me. “You think you can tease me, tempt me like this and not suffer the consequences?”

He keeps walking towards me, stopping just a foot away, his cock right at eye level from my kneeling position.

“You said you wouldn’t fuck me until I asked you to.”

He reaches down with the hand not stroking his length and grips my hair. “I said I wouldn’t fuck you. I never said I wouldn’t feed you my dick.”

My mouth is already watering when he shoves his hips forward and pushes the fat head of his cock between my lips.

We both moan, and I use my tongue to trace the underside, tasting him for the first time.

“Savannah. Fuck,” he groans. “You’re fucking perfect.” I open my mouth wider and take more of him. Wanting more of him. “That’s it.” He pushes in deeper. “That’s it. Take it, Honey.” He slides out, nearly popping free, and I lap at the length of him.

“You look so good with my cock in your mouth.”

His praise is too much. I need to come.

I pull the vibrator out and drag it up my slit until it’s pressing against my clit.

My chest constricts just as King pushes his cock back into my mouth.

I’m so close. Seconds away.

King yanks his cock free from my mouth and in a blur of movement, he has slapped the vibrator out of my hand.

I try to stop him, but then he’s hauling me up and over his shoulder.


He slaps my ass, hard, and I yelp. “You were about to come.”

“No shit!” I snap at him, then slap his ass since it’s right in my face.

I almost laugh at the way his body jolts, clearly not expecting the retaliation, but then I’m being flung down onto the mattress.

“You’ll come on my cock.” King is crawling over me, pushing my thighs apart. “Or you won’t come at all.” He lines up his tip at my entrance, one hand next to my head, holding his weight off me. “Now ask me.”

His eyes are blazing into mine and there’s nothing I want more in this world than to be connected with him.

Grabbing at his sides, I stare into his intense eyes. “Will you please fuck me, Husband? I want to come on my King’s cock.”

King drops his hips and his weight, impaling me in one motion.

I cry out, a combination of pleasure and pain from the intrusion.

But then he’s kissing me, and all I can feel is him.

All I can sense is King.

Our mouths. Our bodies.

The way we catch eachother’s exhales.

King ruts into me. Grunting and groaning as I moan into his mouth. As my nails scrape at his back. Trying to hold him closer. Trying to pull him tighter.

“Tell me you won’t ice me out again.” He slides a hand between us. “Promise me I can have this sweet pussy anytime I want it.” His fingers brush against my clit. “Any time I need it.”

“Yes,” I pant.

“Tell me you’re mine, and I’ll make you come all over this cock.”

“I’m yours, King.” My hips lift to meet his thrusts. “You can have me any way you want.”

It must be the right thing to say because his mouth slams into mine as his fingers pinch my clit.

And I’m done. My body shatters into a million tiny pieces as King fucks my mouth with his tongue and my pussy with his big cock.

Every inch of my body is on fire, and I can’t tell where I end and he starts.

Just as my clit starts to protest, King pulls his hands away to grip my ass and his mouth drops to my shoulder.

His body tenses against mine and he pulls my hips up, so he’s as deep as he can go, when he starts pulsing inside me.

Filling me completely.

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