“Nine hundred dollars?” I demanded. “For one night?”

The smiling lady behind the counter of the bed and breakfast that Liam had recommended to me nodded. “This is a very nice establishment.”

It was also the only place with any vacancy in this godforsaken town. It was just great that it cost an arm and a leg to sleep here.

“Are the sheets threaded with gold or something?” I asked.

The woman’s kind expression turned harsh in a matter of seconds.

“No,” she snapped back. “But each room has two king-size beds, views of the ocean, a personal jacuzzi, access to the beach, and a complimentary breakfast every morning.”

“Is there any sort of exception that can be made? Can I make a tab and pay you back when I have the money?”

I hated the idea of owing anyone, but I had no other choice. “Please, I have nowhere else to stay.”

“Afraid not, dear,” the woman responded, her tone feigning sympathy. I watched her study my appearance with distaste, stopping at my bruised cheek and then at my stained clothes.

Her nose even scrunched up. “There’s a motel about an hour’s drive from here that’s a bit cheaper if you’d like to try your luck there.”

That would be great if I had any way of getting there. When I told her as much, she just shrugged and turned away, obviously done with the conversation. I sighed.

“Would it make any difference if I said Liam Blackwood sent me?”

That got the woman’s attention. She turned back to me, surprise painted on her face. “Liam Blackwood? He told you to come here?”

I nodded.

“One second, Let me make a phone call.”

The woman disappeared behind a door that must have led to an office. She returned a minute or two later, her lips pursed.

“I’m sorry, the owner does not think it would be a good idea for you to stay here despite your

connection to his son.”

It suddenly made sense. Blackwood’s Bed and Breakfast. Blackwood-as in Liam Blackwood, Liam’s family owned the place.

“Now, I’m going to have to ask you to leave,” the woman continued.

I bit my lip, feeling my chest tighten and my unwanted tears. I gave the woman one more pleading look, which was only met with a scowl that told me, under no circumstances, was she going to budge.

Having no other choice, I turned on my heel and trudged out of the bed and breakfast.

Once outside, a fresh and unexpected wave of pain hit me like a ton of bricks. I immediately dropped my suitcase and backpack, doubling over and gritting my teeth to hold back a scream.

This was the worst it had ever gotten.

The pain lasted about a minute. I could feel Grayson’s presence in my head, pushing at my consciousness, trying to break into my mind so that he could no doubt torment me some more.

I cried out when he pushed again, almost breaking down my walls. Why was he doing this? Why did he push to stay connected to me?

Was he really that cruel? So cruel that he would deliberately cause me more pain after rejecting me and putting me through hell?

If he thought I was going to let him take any part of my life after all he had done, he had another thing coming.

I just wanted him to leave me alone. Why wouldn’t he do that?

Eventually, I was able to grab my things and stumble over to the side of the bed and breakfast. I leaned against the building, slowly slipping down the wall until my butt met the


Emergency cane

I sucked in decp, calming breaths, shutting my eyes tightly and willing myself not to cry. It didn’t work. I couldn’t stop the tears from flowing.

And just when I thought things couldn’t get any worse, it started to rain. I looked up, greining loudly. Of course… Just my luck.

Not knowing what else to do, I brought my legs up to my chest and stuffed my face into my bony knee, letting my crying overtake my body.

“Hey, new girl!” a familiar voice abruptly yelled. I jumped, my head flying up. “What are you doing

out in the rain?”

Liam. Liam, the boy from earlier, was approaching me, his hand raised over his eyes to protect them from the rain.

I wanted to scream at him to leave me alone. I didn’t want him to see me like this, and I definitely didn’t want the help I knew he would try to offer.

But I just couldn’t seem to make my mouth work. I couldn’t form the words.

Liam paused when he got closer, clearly seeing my pained expression and tears. His face softened.

“Hey,” he said gently. “Are you okay?”

I nodded, fixing my wet hair. “I’m fine,” I whispered. I hated how broken my voice sounded.

Liam didn’t say anything for a few seconds. I could practically feel the pity rolling off of him.

The pain in my head was finally starting to lessen. I sighed deeply.

“I’m really fine,” I repeated. “You can go. Get out of the rain.”

Liam stuffed his hands in his pockets, never taking his eyes off me. “Can I give you a ride somewhere? I’d rather not leave you out here by yourself.”

I shook my head. “I’m waiting for someone to pick me up,” I lied. “She’ll be here any minute now.

“Oh, okay. Do you mind if I ask who she is?”

I shut my eyes, not wanting to do this right now. “A childhood friend,” I replied without thinking.


“Oh, Sarah.” Liam said, nodding. “Sarah who? Sarah Martin? Sarah Paige? Sarah Lewis?”

Chapter 9 of 59: Chanter 9


Emergency calls only

I had to hold back a groan. Stu pid small towns where everybody knows each other.

“Sarah Lewis,” I replied curtly.

Liam’s brows rose in amusement, “Your childhood best friend is a 95-year-old woman with Alzheimer’s?”

Sh it.

“Oh. 1, uh…”

Without saying another word, Liam crouched down in front of me. There was a moment of silence. “So the bed and breakfast didn’t work out, huh?”

I was suddenly very glad that it was dark out. If not, I’m sure Liam would be witnessing my face turn as red as a tomato. I shook my head silently.

“Did you try telling them I sent you?”

I nodded once.

“Sh it,” Liam said, running a hand through his wet, curly hair in frustration. His eyelashes and skin were sprinkled with drops of rain. He was becoming completely drenched.

“So…you got nowhere to stay tonight, then? And before you respond, I want you to know that there’s no judgment from me.

“I don’t know your situation-I can just make assumptions based on the information you’ve presented me with.

“You’re sitting outside the only place you could stay for the night, your suitcase next to you, crying in the rain by yourself…”

He shrugged. “I’m genuinely not trying to offend you. I just want to make sure that somewhere warm to sleep tonight.”



“I have somewhere to stay,” I said firmly.

I knew deep down that Liam meant well. He was trying to help me, but I truly didn’t want it. I didn’ trust him or his charming smile.

I wanted this conversation to be over so that I could go back to being miserable alone.

Liam licked his lips “Do you mind if Lask where? I could give you a ride.”

Chapter 9 of 59: Chapter 9


Emergency calls onlyưv

“That’s okay,” I replied quickly. “I’ll be fine.”

Liam nodded, seemingly accepting my answer. I thought that he would leave me alone. But then Liam sat his butt down on the wet grass right in front of me. He looked at me expectantly.

“What are you doing?” I asked after an awkward moment of silence passed.

Liam shrugged. “Waiting.”


“I’m waiting until I know you have somewhere safe to sleep tonight,” he replied nonchalantly.

“It sounds like you’re not comfortable sharing that information with me just yet. Usually, I would respect your wishes and leave you be.

“However, I sort of feel as though it is my moral obligation to make sure you don’t end sitting out in the freezing rain all night, in a strange town where you know no one.

“So I’m gonna sit here until you tell me where you plan on sleeping tonight.”

I crossed my arms over my chest. “And if I refuse to tell you?”

up alone,

Liam leaned back on the palms of his hands and stuck his legs out in front of him, crossing them at the ankles. “Then I guess we’ll both be out here all night.”

I didn’t know how to answer. My stubborn side was coming out, reminding me of the promise I had made to myself before I came here. I was done putting my well-being in the hands of others.

So instead of answering, I ignored him and set my forehead back down on my knees. I would just wait him out. It wasn’t like I had anywhere else to be.

A few minutes passed, and I found my mind wandering, thinking about my other options. I could get back on a bus and try to get some sleep while it took me somewhere else.

At least I would be in the rain then. Or I could just start walking and hope I found a bridge or


“You know…,” Liam said, pulling me out of my thoughts. “I have an extra bed back at my apartment. You could stay there for the night. It would be no problem.”

“No, thank you,” I replied, not even looking up at him. “I don’t stay over at strangers’ houses.”

Liam scoffed. “You afraid I’m going to murder you or something? Do I look like a serial killer to Chapter 9 of 59: Chapter 9


Emergency calls only

I didn’t know how to answer. My stubborn side was coming out, reminding me of the promise I had made to myself before I came here. I was done putting my well-being in the hands of others.

So instead of answering, I ignored him and set my forehead back down on my knees. I would just wait him out. It wasn’t like I had anywhere else to be.

A few minutes passed, and I found my mind wandering, thinking about my other options. I could get back on a bus and try to get some sleep while it took me somewhere else.

At least I would be in the rain then. Or I could just start walking and hope I found a bridge or something.

“You know…,” Liam said, pulling me out of my thoughts. “I have an extra bed back at my apartment. You could stay there for the night. It would be no problem.”

“No, thank you,” I replied, not even looking up at him. “I don’t stay over at strangers’ houses.”

Liam scoffed. “You afraid I’m going to murder you or something? Do I look like a serial killer to you?”

I glanced up at him. He didn’t look like a serial killer. But then again, neither did Ted Bundy until he killed upward of twenty girls.

“I’m not staying at your place. I barely know you. I’m not dumb.”

“I never said you were dumb.” Liam frowned. “Look, it would be much better than sleeping out here.”

I didn’t reply.

“I’ll ask my sister to sleep over if that would make you feel better. Then you won’t be alone with me. She passed out in my car on the way back to her place. I was going to drop her off at her apartment, but-”

“I appreciate your offer,” I said, cutting him off, “but I promise you I’m fine. I’m a big girl. I can take care of myself.”

Liam studied me for a long while. My jaw clenched. “What now?” I snapped.

“It’s just that… You’ve been through some s hit,” he responded. It wasn’t a question. His kind, non-judgmental tone made me wish I could sink into the brick wall behind me.

“It’s pretty obvious. You’re closed off because someone hurt vou. And you’re stubborn as hell. I can Chapter 9 of 59: Chapter 9


take care of myself.”

Liam studied me for a long while. My jaw clenched. “What now?” I snapped.

“It’s just that… You’ve been through some sh it,” he responded. It wasn’t a question. His kind, non-judgmental tone made me wish I could sink into the brick wall behind me.

“It’s pretty obvious. You’re closed off because someone hurt you. And you’re stubborn as hell. I can see how those two things would create a major issue with trusting people.

“You want to do things on your own, prove you can take care of yourself without anyone’s help. I get that. I’ve been there too.

“But you should know that part of taking care of yourself is accepting help when you need it.”

I tried to ignore the sense in his words. It was an extremely difficult thing to do.

I kept my gaze on my hands while I swallowed down some tears.

“I promised myself I would be more independent when I got away,” I finally whispered.

Liam stood, offering his hand to me. “C’mon. You can be independent from my place.”

When I continued to hesitate, Liam rolled his eyes and forcefully grabbed my arm. Before I knew what was happening, I was being tugged to my feet, stumbling forward.

“There’s no shame in accepting help,” Liam reminded me as I regained my balance and glared up at him. My world spun briefly, reminding me that I still hadn’t eaten yet today.

Before I could protest, he grabbed my suitcase in one hand and slung my backpack over his shoulder. “Especially when that someone has good intentions and is extremely good-looking.”

He winked before walking away with my things.

I raced after him, quickly swiping my suitcase from his hands and pulling my backpack away from


“Don’t touch my things,” I told him with a scowl. “And don’t get any ideas. Just because I’m staying at your house for the night doesn’t mean anything is happening between us. Keep it in your pants, buddy.”

Liam laughed and raised his hands in surrender as I continued to follow him to where I assumed his

car was located.

Chapter 9 of 59: Chapter 9




Liam laughed and raised his hands in surrender as I continued to follow him to where I assumed his car was located.

“I’m glad to hear that you’ve finally accepted my invitation,” he said with a charming smile I’m sure would normally make girls swoon.

“And I have no expectations for tonight.” He leaned down, so his mouth was near my ear, his breath fanning my hair. “Do you?”

My stomach churned. An image of Grayson’s face flashed through my mind, and the pain in my

skin. neck worsened, burning as though someone had just put a scalding hot iron to my

I gasped and grabbed Grayson’s mark. I stumbled away from Liam, hoping space between us would lessen the terrible pain.

Was this how it would be every time a boy hit on me? I would think of Grayson and be consumed with pain?

Liam’s steps faltered. “Hey, are you okay?” All the humor was gone from his tone. “What’s that on your neck?”

Forcing myself to regain composure, I slowly straightened and adjusted the collar of my shirt so that Grayson’s mark was no longer visible. I swallowed. “It’s nothing. Don’t worry about it.”

My words came out harsher than I had meant, but I couldn’t bring myself to feel guilty. It was none of his business.

Thankfully, Liam didn’t ask any more questions. We approached his car-which was parked just down the street-in awkward silence.

After putting my stuff in his trunk, Liam opened the door for me, motioning for me to get in. I looked inside, hesitating. His sister, Laila, was fast asleep in the passenger seat.

I glanced back at Liam.

He smiled. “She’s a deep sleeper. Don’t worry.” He motioned for me to get in once more before walking around the front of the truck to the driver’s side and sliding in.

When I still didn’t move, he turned and raised a brow at me.

Trying not to think about it too hard, I got in and shut the door.

Chapter 9 of 59: Chapter 9


Emergency calls only

101087% 15:44 Liam’s steps faltered. “Hey, are you okay?” All the humor was gone from his tone. “What’s that on your neck?”

Forcing myself to regain composure, I slowly straightened and adjusted the collar of my shirt so that Grayson’s mark was no longer visible. I swallowed. “It’s nothing. Don’t worry about it ”

My words came out harsher than I had meant, but I couldn’t bring myself to feel guilty. It was none

of his business.

Thankfully, Liam didn’t ask any more questions. We approached his car-which was parked just down the street-in awkward silence.

After putting my stuff in his trunk, Liam opened the door for me, motioning for me to get in. I looked inside, hesitating. His sister, Laila, was fast asleep in the passenger seat.

I glanced back at Liam.

He smiled. “She’s a deep sleeper. Don’t worry.” He motioned for me to get in once more before walking around the front of the truck to the driver’s side and sliding in.

When I still didn’t move, he turned and raised a brow at me.

Trying not to think about it too hard, I got in and shut the door.

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