Chapter 7 Let Me Try It

The Knight residence was an antique building, with delicate decorations. The garden space was vibrant with exotic plants and flowers. The security guarded the whole way from the gate to the building.

Alexander drove in his car into the courtyard. As soon as he arrived at the door, he heard a young woman laughing. He frowned slightly and strode into the house. As expected, Alexander saw Sherry chatting happily with his mother Laura.

“Alex?” Laura used to be a successful businesswoman. People could feel a faint sense of oppression from her. Seeing Laura, Alexander heard her say, “James misses you so much. Just now he said that he would send David to pick you up.”

James, Alexander’s grandfather, was older than seventy years old, but he was very hale and hearty. A few days ago, he even took part in a mini marathon.

David Miller was a security guard who had been protecting and taking care of James and saw Alexander grow up.

Alexander sat next to James and glanced up at Sherry, asking, “Why is she here?”

“I called her over,” Laura said. “Sherry’s parents are not at home these days. So she came to our house for dinner. After all, we are close, and you are about the same age. You can make friends with each other.”

Alexander sneered and said, “Her parents are not at home, so what? She’s a grown-up, not a kid.”

Hearing this, Sherry lowered her head. Laura patted the table and said, “How could you say so?”

James knocked on the table and said, “Well, I haven’t seen Alex for a long time. Don’t nag him. Alex, be nice to Sherry.”

Alexander tutted and said, “Grandpa, do you think I’m a nice person?”

James was silent.

James knew that Alexander was often mistaken for a ruffian because of his arrogant manner and bad temper.

Halfway through the dinner, Laura pretended to ask casually, “I heard you have a mistress?”

Alexander looked at Sherry fiercely. Seeing this, Laura snorted and said, “Sherry didn’t tell me that. How could I not know what my son is doing out there?”

“Have you had a mistress?” James glared at Alexander and said, “How could you do such a thing!”

But Laura continued calmly, “You are still young. It’s normal for you to be tempted by beautiful and sweet women, but you should be discerning. If they approach you for other interior intentions, you will be in trouble.”

Suddenly, Isabella’s face came to Alexander’s mind.

She was stunningly beautiful.

Was she sweet?

Alexander would be happy to buy her a yacht if she just smiled at him one day.

Alexander rubbed the glass in his hand and said, “I’ve checked her background long ago. She was born in a small county. Her parents died and she grew up in an orphanage. She’s a good girl.”

Laura said sarcastically, “Does she want money? I’ve seen a lot of girls who want to take shortcuts.”

“No, she is not of that kind. I gave her a villa and a luxury car. She didn’t want them,” Alexander said.

Laura asked in disbelief, “Then what does she want?”

“Me.” Alexander narrowed his eyes and continued in a pleasant voice, “She loves me.”

Everyone else at the table was silent for a few seconds.

Laura rubbed her glabella and said, “Don’t take her seriously. It’ll be ridiculous to bring your lover home to upset the whole family! I won’t allow that to happen.”

Alexander looked up at Laura and replied lazily, “I know.”

After dinner, Alexander accompanied James for a walk and played chess. It was quickly in the evening.

Alexander took out his phone and checked it casually. He didn’t expect Isabella to send him a message.

Isabella: [Will you be back for dinner tonight?]

Alexander thought, ‘She’s so clingy.’

Alexander: [Yeah.]

Then Alexander got up and said, “Grandpa, I’m leaving. I will come back to visit you next time. Goodbye.”

Hearing this, Laura looked up and asked, “Are you leaving so soon? A few days ago, someone sent us caviar. I have asked the cook to make it for you.”

Alexander turned around and asked, “Caviar?”

Isabella and her assistant Doris Turner had just finalized the design of the perfume bottle.

Doris had just graduated from college. She was interning in Doris’ company. Doris was talkative and outgoing. After the work was done, Doris couldn’t help but say, “Ms. Fletcher, I heard that Zayn’s father is going to be promoted from the branch to our headquarters as the director of our department. He’s been preening himself these days.”

Isabella said calmly, “Uh-huh.”

Doris continued to gossip, “I heard that the senior management is going to hire a celebrity to endorse our new perfume. I don’t know who it will be. I think many people want Sherry to be the spokesperson. You know, the actress who just returned home.”

Isabella said in a cold tone, “It won’t be her.”

“Why?” Doris was curious, “Do you already know the result?”

Isabella raised her eyebrow slightly and said, “I don’t know, but I won’t agree her to be the spokesperson.”

“Oh! I see. You don’t like her, do you? I don’t like her, either. I always think she is so affected. You are a perfumer of the new fragrance. The company will definitely not choose someone you don’t like to endorse…” Doris said.

After hanging up the phone, Isabella looked through the glass window at the foggy sky and recalled the painful past.

Howard, looking innocent though, had a malicious expression on his face at that time. At the same time, Jane looked excited, while Sherry showed a sinister smile which was contradictory to her beautiful appearance and young age. “You really have some backbone, but I wonder if it will break when you fall from the sixth floor,” said Sherry.

There was a buzz in Isabella’s ears. She closed her eyes and slowly exhaled.

Didn’t Isabella like Sherry?

To be more exact, she hated Sherry.

Suddenly, the door was opened.

Alexander strode over and touched the temperature on Isabella’s forehead. “Why do you look so pale?” he asked.

Isabella said in a flat tone, “Maybe it’s hypoglycemia.”

“I’m not at home for half a day. Why don’t you take good care of yourself?” Only then did Alexander remember to put down the lunchbox in his hand. “I brought you caviar.”

Isabella opened the lunchbox and tried it. “It tastes good,” she said.

“Of course. The ancestor of the cook at home served the King.” Alexander looked down at Isabella. She looked unapproachable, but she ate slowly and looked a little dull.

She was kind of cute.

When Isabella almost finished it, Alexander said slowly, “Why didn’t you ask me if I wanted to have it?”

Isabella raised her eyes and said, “Don’t you hate those things?”

Alexander sat on the table and asked arrogantly, “What if I suddenly like it?”

Isabella glanced at the almost empty bowl and said, “Well… Would you like some?”

“Okay, I’ll try it.” Alexander suddenly leaned over and lowered his head. He held Isabella’s side face and k*ssed her hard with possessiveness.

The empty bowl was accidentally knocked to the ground, but neither of them had time to care about it at this moment.


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