Chapter 5 You’re So Vulnerable

The luxury estate, which covered more than 43 thousand square feet, was called Crown Manor and was one of Alexander’s properties. The main building had eight floors and was equipped with elevators and a landing pad on the roof.

There were few stars in the sky. The faint moonlight shone through the closed windows of the manor, and a pair of beautiful hands propped up against them.

Isabella gritted her teeth and her eyes turned red, highlighting the red mole at the corner of her eyes.

Much later, Alexander carried the exhausted Isabella to the bathroom. And after washing her b*dy, he carried her into the bedroom.

Isabella was not as cold as usual at the moment. There was still lust in her eyes, which kept haunting Alexander.

Alexander k*ssed the corner of her l*ps and said, “You only listen to me in bed.”

Then he got up and went to the bathroom, leaving his computer on the bedside cupboard.

Isabella took his computer skillfully, turned it on, and typed in the password. She quickly tapped the keyboard with her pretty fingers and sent something to her virtual email. Once that was done, she erased access to all files and programs.

When Alexander came out, he found that Isabella had fallen asleep. She curled up her slender b*dy, which made her look a little vulnerable in the light.

Alexander went to bed, took her in his arms, and fell asleep.

The next morning, they were woken up by a rapid ringing of his phone.

Alexander felt furious. He picked up the phone with one hand and rubbed Isabella’s hair with the other.

“You’d better have something urgent to say to me.”

There was a strong anger in his hoarse voice.

“Did you just wake up, Alexander?” Eugene went straight to the point. “I’m sure you’ll be interested in this. The Lewis Group is in trouble.”

Alexander raised his eyebrows and asked, “Howard? What happened to his family?”

“Early this morning, The Lewis Group was exposed that senior staff were involved in a scandal and that they had been accused of smuggling. They are said to use air routes to smuggle contraband. Now their share price has plummeted by 30%, which means they have lost 2 billion dollars.” Eugene said with a sigh, “Everything was fine when he watched the car racing with us last night. It’s so dramatic.”

Alexander’s hand stroking Isabella’s head stopped suddenly and his face darkened a lot.

“Was it you?” Eugene asked tentatively, “You have evidence of what his family did, don’t you?”

Alexander tutted and said, “I kept a copy of that just for business purposes. Why would I make it a big deal if I wanted to do something to him?”

“That makes sense.” Eugene nodded. “It’s easy for you to deal with him. Alas, he has always been too arrogant, and that gets him a lot of enemies. He’ll be done this time.”

“It’s none of my business.” Alexander was not interested in this, so he said indifferently, “Bye.”

After he hung up the phone, he saw Isabella’s thick and curly eyelashes twitch and the next second, she opened her eyes.

Alexander k*ssed the corner of her eye and said, “Good morning. I took you off work so you don’t have to go to the office today.”

Isabella sat up abruptly, frowning. “What? It’s my job and you’re no one to interfere with it.”

“Is your work more important than me?” Alexander ignored Isabella’s stern face and stroked her face. “Come to the auction with me later today. I’ll buy you jewelry.”

Isabella shook his hand off and said coldly, “No.”

Alexander chuckled and said, “Fine. Then how about the horse ranch?”

Isabella looked at Alexander with a blank face. He got up and took off his night robe, showing her his n*ked and muscular b*dy. He had strong muscles and several old scars that made him look even more fierce.

While he was wearing clothes, he suddenly thought of something and said, “Turn on my computer and send an email to someone for me.”

Isabella picked up the laptop on the bedside cupboard slowly, opened it, and asked, “What’s the password?”

Alexander looked sideways at her and told her the password.

When Alexander finished dressing, she entered the password to unlock the system. He took the computer from her and said, “Leave it to me. You can get washed.”

Isabella went to the bathroom obediently. While she was doing the washing, Alexander checked the access records of major programs and files on his computer.

Everything seemed right.

He turned off the computer and laughed at himself.

He thought, ‘Am I being too skeptical? Isabella doesn’t even know the password. Besides, she doesn’t know Howard very well. It couldn’t be her. I shouldn’t have suspected her.’

They went to a very large private horse ranch with green grass everywhere.

Alexander wore black military boots and rode a tall horse, leisurely holding the rein. He held out his hand to Isabella and said, “Come here. I’ll take you for a ride.”

Isabella didn’t move, not interested at all.

Alexander didn’t get mad at her. Instead, he jumped off the horse and helped her climb onto it. Then he got on, circled her in his arms from behind, and pinched the horse’s belly with his leg to make it run.

Eugene tutted and said, “Don’t you think Alexander acts like a courting animal? His riding today was much more stagy than usual.”

The others smiled and nodded, not daring to make fun of Alexander as Eugene did.

Jane tutted and said, “Mr. Knight treats his lover better than anyone else.”

“Exactly. If it had been someone else who had just ignored Mr. Knight, she might have been kicked out of Landblic by now. It seems that Mr. Knight doesn’t take her as his lover, but his princess!”

“But you know what,” Jane said with a playful smile, “Sherry Anderson came back.”

Hearing this, they looked at each other in shock, and Eugene also sat up straight.

Alexander had never been close to any woman in the past twenty years, but everyone including Eugene knew that if he had to marry someone, it would be Sherry.

Although the Anderson family was not as powerful as the Knight family, they had been friends for generations. It was said that Sherry’s grandpa had saved Alexander’s grandpa in a battle, so Sherry was often invited to the Knight residence.

Laura Knight, Alexander’s mother, liked Sherry very much and she suggested many times that she wanted Sherry to be her daughter-in-law.

Considering the opinions of his elders, Alexander had always been tolerant of Sherry.

Sherry was quite close to Jane, and she also worked in the entertainment industry. She worked abroad two years ago and won the best actress recently. Now she had come back.

Jane held up her chin and said, “I sent her the address. She’ll be here soon.”

Eugene said with a darkened face, “Are you crazy? Why did you call her since Isabella is here? Call her and tell her not to come.”

“Who are you talking about?” someone said in a beautiful voice, “I haven’t seen you in a while, Mr. Rogers.”

Sherry had radiant skin and an elegant temperament, and she had been praised as the ice queen with a stunning picture since her debut.

She smiled and asked, “Where is Mr. Knight?”

Eugene sank into the chair and pointed somewhere. “He’s riding a horse with his girl.”

Sherry paused and said, “I’ve heard about it. I was told that Mr. Knight has a lover who is very good at pleasing him.”

As she spoke, she saw them riding back.

When the cool Alexander jumped off the horse and was ready to help Isabella get off, she blinked and said, “My waist hurts.”

“You’re so vulnerable.”

As Alexander spoke, he carried Isabella off the horse gently. She snuggled into his arms and looked Sherry in the eye.

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