Chapter 2 Isabella Loves Me So Much

Six months ago, a group of tall men came out of a private room in Lust Club. They were all scions of powerful and rich families in Landblic. However, all of them treated Alexander with respect.

“You don’t seem to be in a good mood today, Mr. Knight.”

Eugene Rogers, who knew the reason, smiled and said, “It’s all because of that nemesis of Alexander, who claimed that he has always disliked women but suddenly got married recently. He deliberately showed off in front of Alexander and laughed at him for still being single.”

“That’s easy. It’s a piece of cake for Mr. Knight to find a lover.”

Eugene shook his head and said, “You know Alexander. He’s very picky. There are no women in the world to his liking.”

Alexander said impatiently, “Shut up.”

They walked towards the elevator, but just as they turned the corner, they saw a nasty man harassing a beautiful woman.

That pretty woman had a good figure but was wearing a lot. She didn’t look like a staff member of Lust Club. Instead, she looked like she had been tricked to come here.

Eugene frowned. Just as he was about to help the pretty woman, he was stopped by his friend. “You don’t know what’s going on. What if they know each other? Don’t be nosy.”

Alexander thought he was right. However, just as he was about to leave, the woman raised her head and stunned him with her beautiful and cold look. She looked like she had drunk a lot because her forehead and the tip of her nose were covered in sweat. The mole at the corner of her eye looked even more tempting.

Hearing the gasps of the few men beside him, Alexander suddenly felt angry.

The beautiful woman looked at him with her tempting eyes and said nothing.

Alexander suddenly felt that he had to do something.

He strode over and said fiercely to the man who grabbed her wrist, “Get lost.”

The man seemed to recognize Alexander so he fled immediately.

He left Isabella, who hadn’t fully regained consciousness, to Alexander.

Just as Alexander walked towards her, she lost her balance and was about to fall to the ground. He quickly reacted and pulled her into his arms, which surprised the men behind him.

Alexander smelled the faint fragrance of Isabella’s soft b*dy, and when he looked down, he saw her wet eyelashes and l*ps.

She was too attractive.

Alexander swallowed, squeezed her chin, and asked, “What’s your name?”


Alexander took a closer look at her features, raised his eyebrows, and said, “Isabella who?”

Isabella sighed and said in a low voice, “Isabella Fletcher.”

Alexander murmured, “What a beautiful name.”

Seeing this, Eugene, who was not far away, cursed in a low voice, “What the hell? I can’t believe Alexander is complimenting a woman on her name.”

Another man laughed and said, “We just said that Mr. Knight doesn’t like any woman, but it turns out he’s falling for a woman right now.”

“We should leave. Mr. Knight will get mad if we disturb them.”

Isabella took a closer look at Alexander, narrowed her eyes, and said, “Thank you for your help.”

Alexander grabbed Isabella, who was trying to break free from his embrace, and laughed in a low voice, “There is a price for me helping you. You must repay me.”

Isabella nodded and took out a bank card from her purse. “Of course. This bank card has…”

Isabella was interrupted by Alexander before she could finish. He tapped the watch on his wrist that was worth hundreds of thousands of dollars and said, “Do you think I want money?”

Of course not.

Isabella seemed to be a little confused. She seemed to be thinking about how she should repay him.

Alexander was turned on by her pretty face. He lifted her hair with his well-defined hand and gently stroked it, saying, “I want you.”

Feeling shocked, Isabella took a big step back.

Alexander stepped forward and said, “Don’t be afraid. I will treat you well as long as you listen to me. I can give you villas, luxury cars, jewelry, and even stars in the sky as long as you want.”

Isabella’s eyelashes fluttered slightly. “What if I don’t listen to you?”

Alexander snorted coldly and pulled out a sharp knife to show it off. The edged knife reflected a blinding light under the chandelier.

He didn’t say anything, but she knew he was threatening her.

Isabella stopped talking and lowered her head.

Satisfied, Alexander took the slightly trembling Isabella into his arms and k*ssed her ear. “You are a smart girl.”

And now, Isabella, who was deceived and threatened by him half a year ago, was cooking breakfast for him.

After finishing the plating, Isabella brought the two pieces of breakfast to the table, and before she sat down, she was embraced by Alexander from behind. He pinched her n*eck and k*ssed her.

The perfume Alexander wore today was one that Isabella personally designed for him. The scent of wine and oranges was mixed with the smell of smoke and cinnamon, which suited his fierceness and aggressiveness.

Her breathing became heavier as she tried to push him away. “Stop. I have to go to work.”

Alexander let go of her and took a sip of coffee. “I told you to quit your job and be a housewife. I bought you a dozen cars but you never drove them. By the way, didn’t you like the five villas I bought you?”

All of Alexander’s friends said that Isabella was different from other women.

Other women were constantly asking for houses and cars and they wouldn’t stop until they got what they wanted.

Isabella was completely different from them. She didn’t care about the villas and luxury cars that Alexander bought her on his own initiative and she didn’t move into any of the villas. Even Alexander had to live with her in her small apartment of 1.6 thousand square feet.

When he finished, Isabella looked up at him with her cold eyes.

Alexander rubbed her face and said, “Upset again?”

Isabella didn’t say anything and looked away.

“It’s getting harder and harder to please you.” Alexander moved closer to her and k*ssed her l*ps. “Let’s talk about other stuff.”

After dinner, Isabella got into her car, and Alexander leaned over the rolled-down window and said, “Come with me to the party tonight. I’ll pick you up after work.”

She nodded, indicating that she got it.

Alexander didn’t move. Instead, he pointed to his forehead and said, “Give me a k*ss.”

He was not satisfied until Isabella lowered her head and k*ssed his forehead.

Watching Isabella drive away, he thought to himself, ‘They’re right. Isabella loves me so much.’

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