In the Lap of Luxury
Lap of Luxury Chapter 362

Chapter 362 The Day You Die 

Luke raised his wrist and checked the time. 

“Ms. Lewis, the ship is leaving in 15 minutes, but there are only three tickets left. The security guards might have to take the next ship.” 

“How long until the next ship?” 

‘An hour.” 

Grace took the tickets from Luke’s hand. “It’s okay. We can go ahead. It’s just an inspection. There shouldn’t be any problems.” 

“But Mr. Aaron said that the b*dyguards have to follow you wherever you go.” Luke was worried, especially since they were going to an island. What if something happened to Grace? 

While Luke was hesitating, Xander walked toward Grace from not far away. 

Grace quickly waved at him. “Xander, over here.” 

Seeing Xander, Luke was surprised but also impressed. It seemed that Xander and Grace had a really great relationship. 

Luke’s lingering worry vanished upon noticing Xander. With Xander around, Grace should be 


After that, the three of them boarded the ship. Grace rarely took boats, so she felt somewhat 


Fortunately, the journey was short. After a little over an hour, they arrived at Azure Bay Island. 

Strangely, there were many passengers on the ship, but only the three of them got off. 

The three of them walked along the gangway until they reached its end, and only then did they step onto the island. 

“Strange. Why is there no signal on my phone?” Luke waved his phone, realizing there was no signal at all. 

Grace and Xander exchanged a glance. The latter gave her a reassuring look, and the two of them stepped onto the island. 

The representatives from the other company were already waiting, holding a sign at the pier.” Ms. Lewis, over here.” 

Luke quickly approached the representatives, exchanging greetings and handing over business. cards. “We’re from Amirate Corporation. We’re here to inspect your factory.” 

+15 BONUS 

The representatives glanced at Luke, then looked at Grace, who wasn’t far away. Confirming everything, the two representatives exchanged glances and put on a big smile. 

“Welcome, welcome. Our boss has been waiting for you. Follow me.” 

Luke felt something was off, but he couldn’t pinpoint what it was. “Ms. Lewis, should we go?” 

Instead of replying, Grace looked at the two men. At first glance, they seemed vaguely familiar to her. Upon closer reflection, she realized they were Darien’s lackeys from the bar that day. 

She sneered mockingly. “Where’s Darien Perez?” 

The two men hadn’t expected Grace to guess their identities so quickly. They were stunned, and their faces instantly changed. 

“Ms. Lewis, how dare you come to our territory and call Darien by his full name? Do you know that today is the day you die?” 

As soon as these words were spoken, Luke realized something was wrong. “Ms. Lewis, are they the human traffickers?” 

Then, he took his phone out to make a call, only to notice there was still no signal here. “What should we do? Ms. Lewis, there are only three of us. If they capture us, we’ll be finished.” 

The other party heard this and burst into laughter. “As I said, today is the day you meet your end.” 

Suddenly, a group of people appeared from nowhere and surrounded them. Luke wanted to resist, but Grace pulled his arm. 

Luke didn’t understand until Grace gave him a reassuring look. 

“There’s no need for this nonsense. Take me to see Darien.” 

“Impressive, Ms. Lewis. You’re quite bold. Come with us.” As the man spoke, a few people walked over to Grace, intending to tie her up. 

However, before they could touch Grace, Xander narrowed his eyes and sprung into action. His movements were swift, fierce, and accurate. 

The lackeys didn’t even see how he made his move. They fell to the ground heavily, groaning in pain. 


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