In the Lap of Luxury
Lap of Luxury Chapter 355

Chapter 355 She Did Love You 

Benjamin sat in the car, staring at Grace through the car window, not daring to approach. 

After some time, Grace and Zander finished their dinner happily. Then, they paid the bill and 


Benjamin witnessed their whole interaction. Even when they had disappeared from his sight, he still hadn’t come back to his senses. 

Just then, his phone rang again. On the other end, Susan sounded somewhat angry. Benjamin, where are you? Ms. Carter waited for you for so long and didn’t see you. Do you know–” 

Benjamin hung up on her again and turned his phone off before throwing it out of the window. He then immediately started the car and drove away, 

In a private club, Frederick was enjoying himself. But the next moment, the door of the private room was suddenly pushed open. 

“Who the hell doesn’t know-“Before he could finish his sentence, he met Benjamin’s eyes, 

He quickly swallowed the words on the tip of his tongue and asked, “Bro, what brought you to me today?” 

Benjamin hadn’t been to the club for a long time. He had seemed like a completely different person since his divorce from Grace. 

Without a word, Benjamin sat on the couch, poured a glass of wine, and drank it in one gulp. 

Sensing his low mood, Frederick immediately asked others in the private room to leave. 

When everyone was gone, he jokingly said, “Bro, let me guess, is this dejected look of related to your ex-wife again?” 


Benjamin coldly replied, “Is it that obvious?” 

Frederick shook his head helplessly, “I think you’re infatuated. But she seems determined not to get back with you. Can you stop torturing yourself like this?” 

Frederick’s words made Benjamin recall the scene he had witnessed outside the restaurant. He had clearly seen how Grace had looked at Xander. It was so familiar yet so unfamiliar. 

“Do you think there’s still a chance between her and me?” 

Frederick bluntly said, “No.” 

After saving that, he realized that it might hurt Henjamin So he changed his tone. “But it doesn’t muen there’s no possibilny.” 

The remark sparked a glimmer of hope in Benjamin’s eyes. “Really? Tell me more” 

Frederick coughed lightly- fte had just casually mentioned it, but Benjamin had taken it seriously. Still, as a good buddy, he hoped Benjamin could find happiness. 

“Have you forgotten how Grace approached you and wanted to marry you back then?” 

Back then? 

Benjamin certainly hadn’t forgotten, but he had always believed that Grace had had ulterior motives for getting close to him. 

Throughout those three years of marriage, he had kept his distance from her, ignored her, neglected her, and never even touched her. 

“Bro, just a land reminder. I think Grace did love you. It’s just that you couldn’t see it clearly. That’s why you pushed her away.” 

Uncertain, Benjamin asked, “Are you serious?” 

Frederick nodded, “Of course, Why would a woman marry you for no reason? If not for love, then for what?” 

This statement left Benjamin bewildered. 

Grace loved him? 

It was a possibility that he had never considered before. 

“Women aren’t like men. They’re emotional creatures. Besides love, there’s nothing else that can hold a woman. So you still have a chance.” 

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