Chapter 368 

Cornelia lightly patted Briana’s head. “What’s on your mind, kiddo? What could possibly happen between your brother and me? The worst case scenario is that he fires me and withholds all my wages. Would that make me dislike you?” 

“Remember what I’m saying today. The relationship between us shouldn’t change because of my brother “Briana wasn’t worried about this She was worried that Cornelia wouldn’t accept Marcus if she knew the truth about their relationship, that she would divorce Marcus, and then even hate her, the sister who helped Marcus deceive Cornelia 

When someone emphasized something over and over again, it was usually because they felt insecure. Cornelia didn’t want to ask Briana, but she was afraid Briana would continue to overthink “Bru are you scared of your brother, or are you scared of the dark?” 

Briana paused slightly, then shook her head vigorously 

Cornelia was looking straight into Briana’s eyes when she asked, so the panic that flashed in Briana’s eyes didn’t escape her notice. 

She didn’t want to talk, and there must have been reasons. Cornelia gently massaged her head, “Go wash your face, change your clothes, well go downstairs to eat and watch a show” 

Brana nodded. “Okay” 

By the time Briana was ready and they were about to go downstairs, Ben was there, closing the curtains with the remote control. 

Cornelia immediately stopped him, The curtains in the Hartley house are very good at hlocking light. Once they’re drawn, the room becomes very dark and we need to turn on the lights, which wastes electricity. Don’t close them, and open the ones that are already closed.” 

Ben said. “President Hartley told me to close them He said that with the curtains drawn and the lights on, everyone can have dinner and watch a show together in the living room. It’s a better atmosphere” 

“Oh, I see Then continue, I’ll go check on the kitchen.” As she finished speaking, the doorbell rang. 

There was a large display next to the doorbell Because the display was large enough, Cornelia could see clearly from a distance 

The woman on the screen was wearing a red dress. Even just standing there casually, she couldn’t hide her aristocratic demeanor 

She said with a smile, “Marc, Bri, mom’s here. Open the door for mommy” 

That was Courtney Kamp–Hartley, Marcus and Briana’s biological mother. 

As Ben had been with Marcus for about ten years, he immediately recognized Courtney and even knew a little about the internal situation of the Hartley family. He knew that the relationship between Marcus and Courtney was very tense, so he didn’t dare to open the door. 

Cornelia also had no intention of opening the door. She still remembered clearly how Courtney had sent people to kidnap her and threaten her a few months ago. 

And she was someone who held grudges! 

Their eyes were both on Briana Briana’s face also turned very ugly. She gritted her teeth, walked over to the intercom and pressed the call button, “What are you doing here on New Year’s Day? Talk about a buzzki!!!” 

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