Chapter 342 

When he said that, Cornelia dam hold back anymore. President Hartley could you do me a solid and snap a pic for me

Marcus replied. Sure thing” 

Comelia quickly handed him her phone. She had a ton of requests for the photo, but didn’t dare vorce them. All she said was President Hartley please make sure to get the tower in the shot 

Marcus nodded Aright” 

Cornelia didn’t usually fancy having her picture laken, and this time her boss was the one behind the lens She stood awkwardly in front of the camera, and did not even dare to relax 

Marcus noticed her discomfort, and her expression made him chuckle Cornelia, if you keep making that face people will think your photographer is up to no good” 

Cornelia tried to squeeze out a smile but the thought of Marcus watching her through the phone screen made it impossible 

Just then a couple sauntered over and began making out right next to her totally oblivious to the people around them. Their passionate kiss was just like something out of a French film that Cornelia had once seen 

Thats when Cornelia malized that all the tourists around her were paired up Sorne were locked in embraces, some holding hands, and others were boys taking photos of gils They were whispering sweet nothings into each other’s 

ars afterward 

This scene only made Comelia more selfconscious She told herself that this place wasnt just for couples 

She tried to play it cool but couldnt Just as she was about to die of embarrassment, Marcus suddenly said Cornelia, look over there What do you see

Cornelia instinctively locked where he pointed, but saw nothing So she turned back to him, President Hartley what am I supposed to be looking at?” 

Marcus stepped closer to her and handed her the phone. Why don’t you see how the photo turned out if you’re not happy with it, we can take another one.” 

Cornelia to the phone and was met with a large photo of her turning around to look at Marcus 

The background of the photo was the brilliantly it tower Cornelia thought Marcus had captured her beautifully, even in her bulky down jacket, she looked lovely

In the photo, she looked like a beautiful sprite 

She simped left and saw the previous photo of her looking in the direction Marcus had pointed. The angle made her jawline look great and her neck seemed longer

The earlier photos, despite her awkward expressions, were all unique and really good. They didn’t even need any post processing 

Looking at the stunning photos, Camelia exclaimed with joy How can two guys have such different photography skills?” 

Who else has taken photos for you? if Cornelia paid a little more attention to Marcus, she would have definitely sensed the displeasure and strong jealousy in his tone

Well, obwousty Zack Once she started talking about taking photos, Cornelia had a lot to gripe about Zack. We used to hang out all the time, and he’d take photos of me and Abby He would somehow make us lock awful in every shot but always sand we looked great He was just being annoying” 

From now on, all your photos will be taken by meMarcus thought to himself, but maintained a poker face, Photography should be left to the professionals.” 

Chapter 343 

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