Chapter 333 

Comelia responded quickly Sure you can get a hug when we meet ” 

Marcus was stumped by her reply. There was no way Cornelia would let him hold her as Marcus As for when he could face her as Jeremy, he had no idea how long that would take. He didn’t know how long he’d have to wait for that bug maybe a month, a year, or even longer 

Yel, he didn’t want to wait another second He yearned to hold her close right this minute 

His fingers few across the keyboard typing Comelia I want to hug you now” 

Cornelia immediately replied with several hug emojis 

Marcus replied want a reat hug Not these” 

Cornelia retorted. We’re miles apart, how can you hug me

Marcus raid indeed, we cant now But remember, Cornelia, you owe me a hug Il demand double when we meet Marcus stood at the kitchen entrance, silently watching Cornelia’s retreating figure

He was just two steps away from holding the girl he longed for Yet, he couldn’t muster the courage to take those steps All he could do was watch her helplessly 

Comelia teated back. TI remember 

Before Marcus could reply Cornelia sent a long message, Jeremy I’m your wife, the one who will spend the rest of her life with you Let’s not dwell on the past I hope that whatever happens in the future (m the first one you think about Well face everything together” 

Marcus knew just by reading her words that Briana must have told her something Otherwise, Cornelia wouldn’t keep emphasizing their marital status tonight 

He asked, Did you hear something

Cornelia replied. Yes, I heard some stuff about you I know work i been tough So dont spend too much on me Save your money and when you have enough, take some time off to enjoy life 

Money was the least of Marcus concerns. He had no idea how important it was to Cornelia, but he was willing to heed her advice. Okay” 

Cornelia said. You should rest We’ll talk another day” 

OkayMarcus replied with a single word. His gaze was fixed on Cornelia’s silhouette. His lips moved silently whispering her name, “Cornelia” 

Comelia stared at her phone screen. Even though the chat had ended, she was still looking at Jeremy’s messages. Oddy, she could tell from the text that Jeremy seemed to be in a bad mood What was wrong with him

Was he facing some kind of trouble

She wished she could help but was powerless from miles away 

Seeing Cornelia glued to her phone, Briana approached her, “Cornelia who are you chatting with

Jeremy Jeremy had never discussed his family issues with Cornelia She guessed it wasn’t because he forgot, but because he didn’t want to Most people believed family troubles should be dealt with at home. Another possibility was that Jeremy didnt mention his parents not because he was embarrassed but because he didn’t want anyone to pity fum because of his family background 

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