Chapter 323 

Comelia. dodo you like me?Marcus, who usually commanded the room in any important occasion, was now stuttering like a lovestruck boy Can can you repeat what you just said?” 

President Hartley, of course, I like youCornelia’s response had Marcus grinning from ear to ear 

But before he could bask in the joy Comelia continued President Hartley Icant speak for the rest of the group, but to me and Ben, you’re one liell of a boss. You treat us well, pay us on time, and always have our backs. The never worked under anyone else since I graduated and started working at the Hartley Group, but tim pretty confident you’re one of the finest out there Why would I not like a boss like you? Even Ben always tells me he likes you a lot 

Marcus I dont want to continue being your boss only 

He was her lawful husband 

Thinking about this made Marcus even more upset, his hand hit the steering wheel hard, Cornelia” 

Startled by his sudden action, Cornelia asked. President Hartley, what’s wrong?” 

Do you still think I’m a good guy? Seeing the frightened look on Cornelia’s face, any anger Marcus had felt was instantly extinguished She was his wife and he couldn’t bear to be harsh with her 

Comelia nodded. Tve always thought you were a good person” 

Marcus chuckled accelerating the car a bit more 

Looking out the window Cornelia noticed flurries of snow beginning to fall, It’s snowing! it came out of nowhere! I heard Paris doesn’t get snow every year. Being here right when it’s snowing must be a sign of good luck 

Even though he had seen snowfall numerous times, he could see the excitement in Comelia’s eyes every time it snowed Her happiness was contagious, Why do you like snowfall so much?” 

Comelis explained. Where I come from, Rosenberg, it snows every year. I used to build snowmen with my grandma and friends. And my grandma told me that making wishes during snowfall could make them 

come true 

Marcus asked, Do you have any wishes?” 

Comelia said, I hope my grandma gets better, my job goes well, and that I have a peaceful and healthy life” 

Marcus Don’t you have any materialistic wishes?” 

Cornelia Yes, I do” 

Marcus, “What are they?” 

Comelia It’s a secret 

Marcus said, Just a moment ago you said you liked and trusted me as a boss, and now you’re keeping secrets from me Don’t you think I feel hurt? So, you can tell me

After hesitating for a while, Comelia said President Hartley, it’s not that I don’t want to tell you. I just feel like it might seem like I’m trying to hint something. fl work hard to achieve what I want I don’t want to rely on anyone else because I don’t believe in miracles” 

Marcus said, Im sorry! I didn’t consider your feelings” 

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