Chapter 320 

Marcus was aware that Cornelia was quite the penny pincher, so he said. Then hang with me for a little more Tve got a ton of stuff i still nei to boy” 

Alright then Cornelia always knew Marcus didn’t give a hoot about prices when shopping As long as the fancied something he wouldn’t care about the cost. But she never thought had also be like this even when grocery shopping 

He walked over to the shelves, grabbed one of each item and tossed if into his cant in no time, his cart was filled to the brim He then said, Cornelia, money in just a means to an end. We make money to spend it Don’t let it steal your joy” 

Comelia didn’t respond For Marcus having this amount of money want a big deal. But for Cornelia, it was her living expenses for several months. It meant a lot to hel 

After one cart was full, Marcus had the staff bring over twn more carts in a short while, all three carts were filled to the brim by Marcus 

The carts were loaded with fresh beef, lamb, chicken, and various pricey vegetables. They also had a variety of snacks Coincidentally, they were all things Cornelia wanted to buy but couldn’t bear to spend money 


Whether it was their striking looks or Marcus lavish shopping style, they certainly tumed heads Both the store staff and the other shoppers couldn’t help but give them a few extra glances 

A pregnant woman approached Comelia and asked Ma’am, can take a photo with you and your husband? There’s a legend that if a pregnant person takes a photo with someone good looking, the baby will be beautiful” 

Cornelia quickly explained. We’re not mamed” 

Marcus suddenly interjected in French, Im sorry, my wife isn’t too keen on taking photos with strangers But with your excellent taste, your baby is bound to be beautiful” 

Even though she didn’t get her photo, the pregnant women was happy to get a blessing from such a handsome man. She replied, Your wife in very beautiful and cute I wish you happiness” 

Marcus responded, Thank you! We’ll definitely be happy 

The pregnant woman gave Comelia a smile and left

Comelia was baffled Marcus who usually didn’t like to chat with strangers had just had a lively conversation with a strange woman. He even said thank youPresident Hartley, what were you two chatting about?she asked 

Marcus replied. She said you’re beautiful” 

Comelia stayed silent 

Marcus added. The stuff we picked out will be delivered home Lets go back” 

AlrightComelia felt like something was off. As they left the supermarket, they passed the spot where she had parted ways with Briana She remembered that Blana hadn’t come looking for her after taking a call She suddenly panicked, President Hartley, Bil’s gone We need to call the police 

Marcus said. She probably didn’t have the spare time to go grocery shopping I bet she’s already home.” 

Comelia was worried so she immediately dialed Briana’s number. It was only after hearing Briana say she was already home that she breathed a sigh of relief. However, she quickly frowned, Didn’t you promise to go shopping with me? Why did you ditch me?” 

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