Chapter 270 

Five hundred bucksAn hour of chatter for five hundred buck’s seemed outrageous to Comelia, but the had already been taking for a while and the coubet just bad out now If you think that’s too low, Mc Stewart, I can up its hit Justin wamt sure about Cornelia’s spending habits womed that his price might be too low and make her suspicious Too low smously?Cornelia wat afmid Justin would jack up the price on the spot so she quickly whipped out her phone r Tarrel Diquet PayPal you okay?– 

Justin checked his phone and the five hundred was in his secunt instantly Ms Stewart would you like to pin me to see President Hartley

“No you go ahead, fi purt chill here for a bit Comatis gave an apologetic emile, and when Justin left, her gaze fell on her phone on the table Tan days had passed and Jeramy

She wished Jeremy was by he side not Marcus Even though Jeremy couldn’t help her with anything, his presence alone would have been enough

But Jeremy hadn’t sent a single message I was like when they first got married, he suddenly appeared and then vanished from her life just as abruptly as if his existence before was just an illusion 

She gave a bitter smile Maybe they weren’t meant to be after al 

As Comelia was lost in her thoughts. Briana came running over with a few books, sat down next to her. Hey Comelia, I got some good reads here, wanna check them out

Comelis looked up and saw the rare edition book she had seen in Marcus’s study She wasnt in the mood for reading, but the book piqued her interest. Can Hook at this on 

Sure thing Brians passed the rare edition book to Comelia Wat her brother nome kind of psychic? How did he know Comelit would be interested in this book

Engrossed in he reading under the sun, Comelia didn’t even notice when Marcus came into the sunroom 

As she read, she jotted notes in her phone. There were some sentences she didn’t quite understand, so she searched them up online But this being a rare edition, she couldn’t find anything online. She just copied the sentences down, planning to look them up in the library some other day 


£ imassage popped up on Briana’s phone, who was engrossed in her comic book. It was from Marcus. He was sitting right here, why was he messaging her on WhatsApp” 

Looking closer, it was an annotation 

Then another message from Marcus (Forward this to Cornelia

Briana didn’t get his intention but she did as asked anyway 

After the message was sent Cornelia’s phone on the table buzzed twice. She picked it up immediately but when she saw the new message wasn’t from Jeremy a flicker of disappointment crossed her bright es 

Why did Jeremy always disappear without a trace whenever she was ready to settle down with him? He used to text her every day saying he wanted to five a good life with her Was living a good life so busy he (couldn’t even spare a moment to send her a WhatsApp message

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