Chapter 267 

Most folks with mental health issues typically didn’t admit they got a problem, mainly because lots of them didn’t even realize they had got one 

At this point, Marcus couldnt tell if last night’s therapy did any good for Comelia. He had to be harsh. Comelia, you gotta understand, people with mental health issues ain’t cut out for the job of being my personal 


*President Harties, have I messed up at work or something? Comelia gripping her hands tightly. If you want to fire me just say so No need to beat around the bush” 

As Cornelia’s face gradually turned pale at his words, Marcus thought she might have gotten her memory back. He gently patted her shoulder, his tone softening. “Cornelia, only by facing your past can you truly move on And only when you’ve moved on, can you start a new life Imckon that’s what your dad would’ve wanted” 

His voice was always deep and strong, like a shot of good medicine straight to Cornelia’s heart. Tears trickled down her face. Can I really let go? Would dad blame me?” 

It was the first time Marcus had seen her cry since he d known her Her tears fell onto the back of his hand searing his heart and leaving him at a loss, Cornelia, don’t cry 

But my dad, he was trying to protect me. His first instinct wasn’t to save himself, but me if it wasn’t for me he wouldn’t have died, it should’ve been me Before last night, Cornelia didn’t know shed forgotten some things. She remembered her dad dying in a car accident, but she had forgotten that she was in that car too

She had also forgotten that she watched her dad take his last breath 

What she remembered even less was that, before he died, her dad chielded her with his body and told her to forget the car accident and live a good life 

Even at his last moment, her dad cared about her the most

Cornelia wanted to follow her dads last wish and forget the past to live a good life but the bloody scene kept replaying in her mind. She didn’t know how to cope 

The fact that Cornelia was willing to talk about her past made Marcus realize the problem could be easily solved 

He gently raised his hand and softly wiped away the tears in her eyes. “Cornelia, your dad gave his life to protect you. He didn’t just want you to survive, he wanted you to live well. If you can’t let go of what happened, he’d be the one to blame you” 

Caught in her painful memories, Comelia didn’t notice his tender gesture. My mom left Rosenberg right after I was born and never showed up again I don’t even know what the looks like My dad worked as a tad driver after work every day so that I could have a better life. That day of the accident, my grandma was out, so my dad had to take me with him. I never thought that the accident would happen that night, when the car hit us, he held me tight in his arms, and I was unscathed if I hadn’t been in the car that day, would my dad have been okay?” 

Marcus knew all this, but hearing it from her again stirred his emotions 

Comelia’s voice was as gentle as ever, not much different from her usual tone. But Marcus knew that her true feelings weren’t as they appeared, she must be very upset right now At this moment, Marcus didn’t care if she knew his real identity, he just wanted to hold her in his arms and pass his strength to her, telling her not to be afraid with him around 

This time, Cornelia didn’t resist. She let him hold her for a few seconds before stepping back, President Hartley thank you

The title President Hartleysnapped Marcus back to reality. He opened his mouth, wanting to tell her that he was Jeremy, but he couldn’t bring himself to say it, “Should I ask Justin to come over and talk with you again?” 

SureCornelia decided to open up and accept therapy, “President Hartley, how much did this therapy cost? You can deduct it from my salary” 

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