Chapter 259 

Justin felt the harvet and said. Prendent Harfox you’re muže a character” 

Marcus gave him a frosty lock. You think I’m kidding around with you

Justin knew full well Marcus wasn’t joking. He had braced himeall for this tank when he trompted in. Procident segmay at 

Get to itMarcus walked to the first one and the his sister Briana etting on the couch grinning at her phoka frans how old are you

Bana glanced up then back of her phone. Then you dont even know how off I am? You really don’t cave about me for your of the turning twenty three 

Marcus said. You clearly know you’re already hunt, theme why are you still glued to your phonat 

Tm not a kid anymore, pru want to entmi even my phone time Beans pouted, Cornelis hack me up 

At an assistant Comelis didn’t want to get involved in theu albiling squabbla the just smiled and said nothing 

Mammut paid. Put down the phone 

Briana retorted

Marcus tumed to Comelia. Make calls right now Freeze all her bank cards” 

Briana was twenty three an adult. To have her bank cards frozen for using her phone seemed a bit excessive to Comals but she didn’t say anything and dutifully responded 

Brana knew he brother meant business Reluctantly the put down her phone Im sorry Piesse don’t freeze my cards, okay?” 

Comelia figured Prana’s aboingy would probably save her cards, but Marcus said. “You only get one chance and I gave that to you already” 

Knowing the wouldn’t get anywhere with Marcus Briana turned to the only other person present. “Comeliacan you speak us my candi do it

Comelia didn’t think he words would sway Marcus. That’s not my call, Briana You should try sweet talking President Hartley” 

just got came away reading a comic that’s all. That doent warrant 

Briana knew her brother too well No amount of sweet talk would change his mind, but maybe Comelia could help. Comela, do you mad comics?” 

Comelia nodded. I do” 

Briana immediately turned to Marcus Marcus, did you hear that? It’s not just me, Comelia likes comics too 

Marcus asked So what?” 

Annoyed by his response Briana stamped her foot Cornelia couldn’t stand it any longer and said. “How can you expect a grown man to understand the mind of young girls like us?” 

Marcus tooked a little taken aback Cornelia was already past her twenty fourth birthday, and he was only four years and a month older When did he become an old man

Briana felt a little comforted hearing that She was no longer angry. “Comelia, if you read comics, do you know the one with the character Ashley

Comelių nodded. I do How could she not? She was the one who drew it 

Brana felt like she’d found a kindred spirit. She immediately forgot about Marcus freezing her cards, I have to tell you. I’m a super fan of that comic I was hooked from the first issue (heard it’s being tumed into a liveaction series with the hot shot actress, Hannah, as the lead She’s a great choice. But the male lead, not so sure James is a decent actor but he’s just not good looking mough He’s nowhere near as handsome as the charader 

Cornelia completely agreed, Truth be told, I don’t think any male actor can match the character’s good looks. Let’s just hope James acting can make up for his lack of looks.” 

Bana was thrilled to hear Cornelia’s response. You think so too! When I heard they were making a series, I went through all the good looking male actors in my mind, but none of them fit the bill” 

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