Chapter 257 

His wife’s name was also Cornelia same as hers! All of Marcus’s inexplicable actions before now finally made sense 

The reason he’d said her name brought bad luck when he was drunk was because he’d had a fight with his wife, so he vented his anger on her 

And his current kindness to her was just because she shared a name with the his wife. She had just gotten some perks because of this. But she naively thought he was pursuing her 

Cornelia finally understood why every time he called her name his voice would become particularly pleasant 

Marcus continued. “My wife Comelia is very excellent. She’s the woman I want to cherish Tve decided to love only her in this like no other woman” 

Comelia said know” 

Marcus asked, Do you really know?” 

He wanted to tell her that he loved only her in this life. But she was clueless and always wanted to keep a distance from him. His legitimate wife was right by his side, but he had no right to embrace her How sad it 


Comelia said affirmatively. Don’t worry, President Hartley. I now know the truth I will never misunderstand you again” 

Marcus gave a light smile and then fell silent 

Cornel didnt dare to doze off anymore and sat straight up 

The two rode in silence until they reached Riverton Marcus then said. I want you to meet someone with me later” 

OkayComelia immediately glanced at the time on her wrist. She originally had an appointment with Trent to discuss renovations today but now she had to postpone, President Hartley, who are we meeting? Do I need to prepare in advance?” 

Marcus said. Justin Terrel. He is a world renowned expert in post traumatic stress disorder treatment” 

He was seeing an expert in post traumatic stress disorder treatment. Did Marcus have some psychological problems

If that was the case, he really considered her his most trusted colleague, taking her along to see the doctor. Rest assured, President Hartley, I won’t spill the beans” 

Marcus smiled if she wanted to think like that, then so be it, as long as she was happy

Half an hour later, when Cornelia arrived at Celestial Chateau with Marcus, Justin and his assistant were already waiting at the villa 

Justin was in his forties, wearing a pair of thick blackrimmed glasses. He wasn’t tall and locked frail From the outside, it was impossible to tell he was a world renowned expert in post traumatic stress disorder 


The first thing he said when they met was, President Hartley, you are the only client who has ever kept me waiting” 

Marcus said, “Don’t worry, you will charge as usual for the time you waited” 

As long as there was money, Justin laughed and said, Shall we chat first?” 

Come with me to the studyMarcus said to Cornelia. You wait here, don’t wander around” 

OkayComelia nodded, even if he didn’t say, she wouldn’t wander around 

Except for her and Patricia, there was no one else at home Cornelia sat bored for a while, then took out her phone to text Jeremy Jeremy I’m back in Riverton What are you doing now?

After typing these words, Comelia deleted them one by one 

No, the couldn’t send it Because she said yesterday that she wouldn’t text him first

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