Chapter 238 

Steven is even worse than Zavier No one could truly grasp the horror of Steven, only she, Hannah, knew it best 

Hannah, you’ve got to take care of yoursell, no matter what Cornelia hadn’t finished her sentence when she heard rustling noises and Steven’s sleepy voice on the line 

Darling, who are you calling in the middle of the night? Are you cheating on me with someone else, huh?” 

Comella didn’t want to pry into their private lives, so she hung up right away 

She was dead tired before, but after all the talking, she was wide awake 

She got up turned on her computer and wrote a long heartfelt letter of two thousand words. She then created a Twitter account to follow Hannah and sent her the letter via private message Cornelia wasn’t a fan of sharing her life on social media, so she’d never set up these accounts before 

If it wasn’t for Hannah, she wouldn’t have done it 

After sending the message, Cornelia logged out with no intention of using it again

After doing all this the sky was almost bright, and Cornelia finally hit the hay 

This time, she slept until past four in the afternoon and was still groggy when she woke up 

Comella rarely pulled an allnighter. Even when she did in her younger days, it took her several days to recover 

She had some ingredients in the fridge, so she whipped up something to eat

There was also half a chicken left in the fridge Cornelia decided to make chicken soup for everyone to waim up, as it had been raining in Riverton and it was damp and chilly With some pasta, itd be enough for

dinner for three 

It would be ready by the time Zack and the others got home from work 

After all that Cornelia grabbed some snacks and went back to her room to continue working on her comic at her desk 

Meanwhile, Marcus was at Southern Peak, walking in with a bunch of presents Granny Luisa was quite worried. “Did you upset Nelly again

Granny, I told you I’d be good to Nelly, and I meant it Marcus didn’t quite know how to keep a marriage going, sci he had to seek advice from those with experience 

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