Chapter 223 

Seeing that Cornelia didn’t want to have dinner with him bummed him out

In Marcus’s view, he hadn’t done anything to upset Cornelia

Why was she so against hanging out with him alone

Marcus thought he’d better get to the bottom of this; otherwise, she’d continue to avoid him like the plague

Before he could open his mouth, Comelia walked up and said, Abigail, President Hartley is swamped every day. He has no time to eat 

with us.” 

She didn’t want to have dinner with him, but she made it sound like such a big deal. Marcus, who originally planned to turn down Abigail’s invitation, immediately changed his mind: Actually, I’m not particularly busy today. If Cornelia doesn’t mind, let’s have dinner together.” 

How could she refuse him after he said that

Unless she didn’t want her job anymore, I’d be delighted. How could I mind having dinner with President Hartley?” 

Zack snorted, Cornelia isn’t willing to have dinner with you. She’s just forced by her job.” 

Cornelia gently pushed Zack, telling him to cut the bull. Zack reluctantly closed his mouth

Marcus was well aware of Zack’s hostility toward him. If it were someone else, he would have dealt with them differently, but since Zack was someone Cornelia cared about, he wouldn’t do anything to him

Despite Zack’s repeated offenses, Marcus pretended not to hear, Where do you guys want to go? I’ll pick up the tab.” 

Upon hearing this, Abigail got excited and said, Cornelia, since President Hartley is so generous, we should eat something fancy. How about Culinary Crest?” 

Marcus’s gaze never left Cornelia. When she heard Culinary Crest, her clear eyes lit up, proving she indeed wanted to go

He remembered that the last time he asked her to book a restaurant, she chose that one. In the end, he asked her to dine with him 

because his wife couldn’t make it, but she still declined

Just when Marcus thought she would accept the invitation, she refused again, saying, Let’s forget about it.” 

Zack was very much in agreement with Cornelia’s decision: Yes, let’s forget about it.” 

Abigail pulled Cornelia aside and said, You silly goose, what’s wrong with you? Your boss invites you to dinner, and you turn him down. Are you spoiled or what?” 

Hearing the word spoiled, Cornelia began to stutter, Spoiled? How could you think that? How can you say he spoils me?” 

Abigail rolled her eyes at her. Do you think Marcus agreed to treat us because I invited him?” 

Cornelia, Isn’t it?” 

Abigail poked her forehead and said, You dummy, he accepted my invitation entirely because of you. Think about it; I’m your friend. If I invite him to dinner and he flatout refuses, wouldn’t that be disrespectful to you?” 

Cornelia asked, If you understand, why do you bother him?” 

Abigail replied, Do you think I don’t know what I’m doing? I just want to get a few more glances at him; after all, he’s so handsome.” 

In Abigail’s eyes, Marcus was like an untouchable piece of art

She would always talk about wanting to do something with him, but it was all talk. She knew better than anyone the distance between. her and Marcus

If it weren’t for Cornelia, Marcus probably wouldn’t even want to exchange a word with her


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