Chapter 220 

Jeremy’s explanation was so thorough that Cornelia was over the moon, I get it now.” 

Jeremy replied, Comelia, thanks for your unwavering trust in me.” 

Comelia retorted, We’re husband and wife, if I can’t trust you, who else can I trust?” 

Hearing her words, Marcus was grinning from ear to ear, he was so delighted that he didn’t know what to do next

After Marcus confirmed his feelings, Cornelia felt a lot more stable, Mr. Trent Brown, saying things like that not only tarnishes Jeremy’s reputation, but how do you think your wife would feel if she heard about it?” 

Mentioning his wife, Trent quickly changed his tune, I was just joking around, don’t take it to heart. Let’s go, show me your house.” 

Abigail and Zack asked with a hint of suspicion, Nelly, you really believe he was just joking?” 

Comelia replied, Of course I believe him.

Seeing Cornelia’s unwavering trust in Jeremy, Abigail and Zack didn’t say anything more

The three of them took Trent to inspect the house, only to find someone already waiting, Ms. Stewart, I’m the inspector sent by President Hartley.” 

Cornelia said, Please, go ahead.” 

You’re welcome.The inspector took out a bunch of tools and left them on the balcony, then started inspecting each room

Trent, casual as he may be, was very professional when it came to work. He started measuring the dimensions of the house with the floor plan in hand

Soon, he had all the measurements, Ms. Stewart, tell me what style you like and what each room will be used for.” 

Cornelia was clueless about home decor. Of the four rooms, aside from the master bedroom and the granny suite, one room she decided to make into a dressing room, and another into a study

Cornelia liked minimalist and wooden styles, simple and cozy. But she knew achieving such an effect wouldn’t come cheap

Upon hearing this, Trent immediately had an idea, I’ll whip up a couple of design renders for you. You can make any requests you like, after all, you’re Jeremy’s wife, I should put more heart into it.” 

Okay.” Cornelia was a bit skeptical about Trent’s design skills, but she’d have to wait and see his proposal to know whether it was any good

I’ll head off now, I’ll get in touch when the plans are ready.After leaving Cornelia, Trent called Marcus, Jeremy, you know my design. fees are steep, designing for a place like this is a waste.” 

Marcus replied, don’t worry about the money.” 

Trent said, Alright, alright, you’re the boss. But your wife may look a bit dim, but she’s not easy to pull the wool over.” 

Marcus laughed, You’ll pay a price for your wilfulness today.” 

After that, he hung up

Trent sneered, Hmph, you need me, not the other way around. What price can you make me pay?” 

Not long after, his phone rang again, it was his wife. The moment he answered, he was met with loud sobbing, Trent Brown, you promised to love me forever, but look at what you’ve done!” 

He received numerous messages, all containing very explicit pictures

The man in the photos was him, but he didn’t recognize the woman

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