Chapter 213 

A single message cleared all Marcus’s worries and a strange Joy surged in his heart

Cornelia bought him a gift, indicating that his recent efforts were not in vain. She must have felt his determination to spend the rest of his life with her

He quickly typed a message. Where are you? I’ll come to pick it up right away” 

Just as he was about to send it, Marcus remembered that Jeremy was not in Riverton at the moment and couldn’t meet Cornelia for now 

He deleted the text and typed again, How about waiting till I get back to Riverton and you give it to me in person?” 

After a while, Cornelia replied, “Ah, okay then 

Her reply reeked of disappointment Marcus didn’t want her to be disappointed, so he said, If it’s not too much trouble, you can send it to my house. Il wear it as soon as I get back” 

He then sent an address, which was a house he bought under Jeremy’s name but never lived in himself

The house was moderately priced and Cornelia wouldn’t suspect his identity because of it 

Cornelia was surprised for a few seconds when she saw the address Marcus sent 

She wanted to buy a property in this development, but had to give up because she didn’t have enough money just after graduation

The environment was average, but there were good schools nearby, so the house prices were very high

The current resale price in this community is very high, far exceeding the value of the house itself

It seems Jeremy has a long term vision. This kind of house is convenient for kids to go to school if you live in it, and if you don’t live in it, you can make a lot of money by selling it

Cornelia called a courier and sent it directly from the mall 

After sending the courier, Cornelia messaged Jeremy. It’s a pair of shoes I don’t know if you’ll like them.” 

Jeremy replied. “As long as it’s from you, I’ll love it.” 

This sudden confession made Cornelia blush. You really know how to woo a girl! Do you do this with all girls?” 

Jeremy replied, “I only like the things you give me.” 

Marcus was telling the truth He had never made an effort to please any girl before and didn’t know how to talk to women to please them. He just wanted to be nice to ner instinctively. But Cornelia thought he was too good at talking with girls 

If a man is so good at making girls happy, he must have had a lot of girlfriends

Because of this thought, Cornelia suddenly felt a gloom, I’m going home first.” 

Okay Marcus didn’t notice the change in Cornelia’s mood and sent her a last message before rushing to get the shoes 

This was the first gift his wife had given him and no matter the value, he wanted to get it immediately

Just as the car arrived, Cornelia returned to the neighborhood and parked the car in the underground garage. Just as she parked the car, a familiar car drove past her. Cornelia immediately honked the car’s horn 

The driver, Zack, glanced sideways but didn’t respond

He didn’t respond, but the other party didn’t stop and kept honking 

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