Chapter 199 

Accuse Cornelia of stealing just because of some disagreement?Marcus’s icy voice came through the phone, Cameron, keep your Reese family in check. If she dares to lay a finger on Cornelia again, I won’t let her off the hook” 

After saying this, Marcus hung up the phone Cameron, listening to the dial tone, felt his face getting darker and darker, anger making him smash his phone 

He and Marcus were born in the same year, he was even a few months older than Marcus. They were both heirs of their families, but because the Hartley Group had been doing better and better under Marcus’s leadership, he had been at a disadvantage

He couldn’t stand it 

He wanted Marcus to kneel before him one day. So he tried many ways to change the status quo, but all to no avail. Instead, he pushed himself and the Reese Group towards a crisis 

Cameron’s frustration lessened considerably when he saw Natalia kneeling in the garden

Outside, he had to put up with Marcus’s mood, but in this house, he was the absolute ruler

If he said to Natalia to go left, Natalia wouldn’t dare to turn right

Whatever he said. Natalia would obediently do, never daring to disobey his orders 

Meanwhile, Cornelia and her friends Abigail and Zack, were discussing renovation matters at home

Although the house was fully furnished, they still needed to put in some effort for the wardrobe and the overall home decor style

Zack, feeling overwhelmed, suggested, How about we find a reliable interior designer and let them take full charge?” 

They were all busy with work and didn’t have much time to think about the renovation. Cornelia thought it was a good idea, Then let’s find a reputable independent designer in the next few days” 

Alright.Abigail agreed. Let’s stop the renovation talk for today. Let’s go change and go out for dinner” 

OkayCornelia headed back to her room. Her phone on the bedside table chimed with a new message

It was from Jeremy, Cornelia, have you had dinner yet?” 

Cornelia replied, I’m about to go out for dinner with friends. How about you?” 

Jeremy. Dress warmly when you go out, don’t catch a cold” 

Cornelia, Got it.” 

Jeremy. Did anything fun happen today? Share it with me?” 

Cornelia replied. Nothing fun happened, but something did happen. It’s a long story. If you have time to listen, I’ll tell you.” 

Jeremy, Tm all ears” 

Since Jeremy was willing to listen to these trivial matters, Cornelia was also willing to share, Today I went to FurniMart with my friends and ran into Natalia, who accused us of stealing her necklace. Luckily, I cleverly defused the situation. Unexpectedly, someone recorded our confrontation and posted it online, causing quite a stir The Reese Group’s stock even fell because of it 

Jeremy. Don’t worry about the Reese family. With Marcus there, they wouldn’t dare to do anything to you.” 

Cornelia. Why are you bringing up another man while we’re chatting? Even though Marcus is awesome, he’s just my boss. I can’t depend on him for everything.” 

After sending this message, Cornelia waited for a while, but she didn’t receive a reply from Jeremy 

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