Chapter 1716 

Hudson squinted his eyes slightly, sweeping his gaze over everyone present, and said, “I may be getting on in years, but I’m not stupid. I know exactly what each of you is up to.” 

At these words, some of the faces in the room turned sour. 

Skyler saw one of the guys speaking up.”We’re all just concerned about Rivera Inc.. That’s all.” 

Hudson retorted, “What’s wrong with Rivera Inc.? Has the stock plummeted? Is the company in such poor shape it’s about to go under? Or do you think this old man is too feeble to manage such a big enterprise?” 

The man opened his mouth as if to speak, thought better of it, and remained silent. 

Hudson turned his sharp gaze to his two sons, “Matthew, Owen, your brother has just been laid to rest, and already you’re itching to take over?” 

Owen quickly interjected, “Dad, what are you saying? After the funeral, the board members were just worried about you grieving too much. They wanted to check on you. As for Matthew and me taking over, I don’t know about his plans, but I certainly have no such intentions. My mind is fully focused on Rivera Inc.’s operations. In fact, I’ve been in talks with the Dixon Group from Harbor City about a partnership, and if all goes well, we should be sealing a strategic deal soon.”e2 

Owen’s words, though business-focused, were clearly a display of his bargaining chips. 

With the board members present, Matthew was not one to just watch Owen shine, “Dad, even though my wife and I have been by your side, tending to you and seldom involving ourselves in the company’s affairs, we haven’t been idle. We’re currently in contact with the Hartley Group from Riverton. If we can strike a deal with them, it would be a huge boon for Rivera Inc.” 

Skyler initially didn’t pay much attention when hearing about “the Dixon Group,” but at the mention of “the Hartley Group,” he glanced sideways at Zavier. The people Owen and Matthew were so eagerly courting were all friends of Zavier. Could it be that Zavier wasn’t the idle figure everyone perceived him to be? Was it possible he had been preparing to take over Rivera Inc. all along? 

As Skyler pondered this, sure enough, Hudson’s gaze shifted in their direction, “Zavier…” All eyes in the room followed suit. 

Zavier, on the other hand, was casual and at ease, “Granddad, I’m here.” 

Hudson went on, “Both your brother and father have passed away, and now it’s just you and your mother left in your branch of the family. I know it’s tough, but now is not the time for sorrow.” 

Zavier asked unhurriedly, “What would you like me to do, Grandpa?” 

Hudson replied, “I heard you and your friends developed a video game. Focus on that game of yours. If you need funds, let me know. I’ll have your aunt provide you with the capital.” 

Hudson was indirectly telling Zavier to concentrate on his own projects and to stop eyeing Rivera Inc. 

Skyler wasn’t sure if he was interpreting this message correctly, but the looks directed at Zavier were filled with inscrutable speculation. 

Under the scrutiny of the room, Zavier shrugged, with a carefree smile on his face, “Thanks, Grandpa. But no need, I’m fully capable of making enough money to support our little family.” 

Nora spoke up, “Dad, you should focus on your health first and foremost. The company’s in good hands with so many board members and executives to oversee it. I reckon those with ill intentions wouldn’t dare make a move under your watchful eye.”

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