Chapter 169 

Marcus didnt say anything more. He knew Cornelia looked great in skirts, so he thought of getting her a precious gift from Sathe 

After a moment of silence. Sallie asked, Do you really plan to spend the rest of your life with her

Marcus chuckled, She’s my wife, if I am not with her, who else can be with??” 

Sallie gave a bitter smile, 1 chased after you in college, but you said you didn’t want to date when you were young, and you didn’t have feelings for me I asked you what kind of girl you’d hke, and you said you probably wouldn’t find one in this lifetime. I actually believed you It wasn’t until I saw the news a few days ago that I found out you got married I wasn’t even mad yet, and you called me asking to buy the skirt I made with my master. I didn’t even agree, and you showed up with her. President Hartley, are you trying to piss me off on purpose

Marcus I didn’t be to you. As long as my grandma is happy, it doesn’t matter who I marry” 

This made Salle feel better, So you don’t really love her?” 

Marcus wasn’t sure if he loved her or not, but he knew he was happy when he found out Cornelia was his registered wife, I’m really glad Cornelia is my wife.” 

He didn’t say he liked her, but his expression and tone all showed how much he liked that girl

Salle didn’t know where she fell short compared to Cornelia, but she knew she had no chance now, I have no hope in this life, how about reserving you for me in the next life

Sorry! No! Marcus was a firm materialist and refused decisively 

If a person really had a next life, the only one who could reserve him would be his wife

Should I call you heartless or devoted? As Sallie was talking there was the sound of a door handle turning, and Cornelia must be coming out after changing

MarcSallie cooed his name and flung herself into his arms, pretending to kiss him

Luckily, Marcus reacted fast enough to push her away, What are you doing?” 

He looked very serious 

Sallie was scared, but she couldn’t hold back the resentment of liking him for so many years and getting nothing in return, Of course, to make Cornelia misunderstand 

Cornelia really misunderstood

Without knowing the whole story, Cornelia came out and saw the two of them hugging, seemingly unable to separate from their kiss

This wasn’t a scene she should be watching. Cornelia hurriedly closed the door, retreating back into the room

At first glance, she thought Sallie was Marcus’s wife. The two of them were putting on a show in front of her, making her lock like a clown

As Cornelia was fuming, Marcus’s voice came from outside the door, Why are you hiding? Come out!” 

Cornelia had to come out, seeing Marcus looking unhappy, she thought he was blaming her for interrupting his private matters, President Hartley, why don’t I leave first, and you guys can 


She saw such a misleading scene but wasn’t angry and even let them continue

Marcus’s face darkened even more, Continue what?” 

He was actually asking her to continue what

Was she supposed to say. You guys continue making out?” 

Cornelia awkwardly scratched her head, Well, I’ll just go first.” 

We should indeed go.Marcus grabbed her hand and walked out

When they came in, she was dragged in by Sallie, and now she was dragged out by him. Did both of them like pulling people around

Soon they arrived at the parking lot, and Marcus decisively let her sit in the passenger seat

Cornelia looked back, Sallie didnt chase after them, President Hartley, are you really just going to leave like this? Aren’t you going back to appease your wife?” 

Marcus was really pissed off by her, Who told you she was my wife?” 

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