Chapter 127 

Not long after Marcus left, Cornelia woke up 

She had a bunch of messed up dreams last night, dreaming about a lot of people, and weirdly enough, Marcus was in every one of them 

Corneta quickly got up and splashed her face with cold water in the bathroom to wake herself up 

She told herself that she could dream about anyone in the future, but the should never dream about Marcus again. 

After getting ready. Cornelia went downstairs, thinking she was the first one awake. To her surprise, Marcus was already having breakfast in the dining room on the first floor 

She immediately greeted him, “Good morning. President Hartley!” 

Hmm Marcus nodded and pointed to the untouched food on the table, That’s yours” 

Thanks, President Hartley Cornelia didn’t hold back and started eating as soon as she sat down. 

Marcus finished eating first, elegantly wiped his mouth, and noticed that she had resumed her professional attitude towards him, which made him feel a bit stifled, “Where were you last night?” 

Last night? Cornelia, who had a bit too much to drink, thought for a moment before recalling. “Alvina Lacy invited me to dinner, so I went out with her 

Whos Alvina Lacy?” 

“She’s Mr Lacy’s daughter Yesterday, they invited you to lunch, remember?” 

He actually forgot the name of the person he had just met yesterday 

Luckily, Alvina Lacy had already given up on pursuing him 

Marcus didn’t remember people’s names, but he didn’t forget what happened to Cornelia yesterday 

So, the woman who sneakily kissed Cornelia in front of him last night was Alvina Lacy. 

Did that woman want to steal his girl because she couldn’t have him? 

He looked at Cornelia worriedly. “Did she do anything to you?” 

Cornelia had no idea about the twists and turns in Marcus’s mind and kept praising Alvina Lacy, “Ms. Lacy is great, we got along really well, and like her a lot.” 

Marcus frowned. “You’ve only just met her, and you already like her?” 

“Whether it’s friendship or love, I think it’s about the feeling, not depends on how long you’ve known each other? 

“So she just wanted to be friends with you?” 

“She asked me if you were really married “Cornelia put down her fork, looked up at him, and said seriously, President Hartley, if you don’t have any other intentions, why not announce th you’re married?” 

“Why should I tell others about my private affairs?” Marcus always thought that getting married was his own business and didnt make it public. 

Cornelia murmured, “it’s not like you don’t know how many admirers you have.” 

“So what?” 

He actually said. “So what?” 

Cornelia was fuming 

She was glad he wasn’t her husband, otherwise, she would have been driven crazy by his rotten attitude 

Why are you not talking now?” 

“President Hartley, you said that we should not talk while eating “Cornelia didn’t know where she got the courage to talk back to him 

Fortunately, he didn’t ask any further. She quickly finished her breakfast, President Hartley, I’m done eating. I’ll go prepare the meeting materials now.” 

Marcus lit a cigarette, casually said. “Once you’re done, finish the conversation we were having just now.” 

Cornelia was speechless 

What else could she say? She wasnt his wife, so his messed–up love life was none of her business. 

“Hmm?” His question was full of pressure 

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