I'm A Quadrillionaire
Chapter 487

Chapter 487

"I understand. Officer, I want to ask what happened to the poisoned teachers and students? Are their lives in danger?" David asked.

What he was most worried about right now was these poisoned people.

"I'm not sure, but it seems they are in pretty serious condition. Many people were already in a coma when they were sent to the hospital. I don't know the specifics, so we have to wait for news from the hospital."

"Which hospital are they in?" David asked again.

"Since there are so many people, one hospital can't handle all of them so they are in Champion Hospital, Deux Hospital, and Tres Hospital."

"Thank you, Officer!"

"Kid, you haven't graduated yet, have you?"

"Yes, I'm going to be a senior soon."

"What are you going to do after graduation?"

"Uh... I haven't thought about it yet."

"If you want to work in my line of work after graduation, you can just come to me. You are very talented and I am very optimistic about you." The police officer patted David on the shoulder again. He was very optimistic about David.

David's performance just now was that of a talented person. If he could get David to join him and cultivate him, David might have a promising future.

"Thank you, Officer, I'll come to you if I need it."

"Team, dismissed!" The police officer shouted. Then, he left with his subordinates and Sawyer.

He was in a hurry to go back to interrogate Sawyer to see what kind of poison he used, where he got it from, and what was the motive for the poisoning. However, no matter what the result was, Sawyer's life was doomed.

As for whether he would get life imprisonment or the death penalty, it depended on whether any of these victims died.

It would be great if they were rescued, but the moment someone died from the poisoning, Sawyer not dying from the fall would be considered a delay to his inevitable death. As soon as the police left, the scene immediately became lively.

"Damn, hero, you are too amazing. How did you do that? Can you teach me?"

"Hero, please allow me to worship you! You will be my master from today."

"Hero, I want you to be my master too!"

"Hero, I want you to be my master too!"

Countless students from the Multimedia University gathered around David and asked for David to be their master.

David was too amazing just now.

He just caught two adults who jumped off the seventh floor with his bare hands.

Even so, nothing happened to him.


He was definitely a master!

Luckily, the reporters from various media channels were stopped outside the gates.

If that scene was captured by them and was broadcasted or uploaded to the Internet, it would be hard for David to avoid going viral.

When he saw a lot of students surrounding him, David had no choice. He could only use some of his strength to flee quickly.

If not, it would be hard for him to escape if he was trapped.

"Where is the hero? Why is he missing?" The first student to get to the spot where David was previously standing asked.

The students that were crowding around started looking as well.

'Where is he?

'Damn, he's missing!

'How is that possible?

'So many eyes were on him!'

"Did we really come across a master? He's even more amazing than the characters in a martial arts novel. He suddenly disappeared when so many people were watching him." "Go find where he is. I want him as my master. I want to be a master too. I want to be chivalrous!"

"I have to make him my master. I want to be a wandering hero!"

The scene was very chaotic and everyone was looking for David.

However, by now, David had already gotten into his car and was driving to Champion Hospital.

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