I'm A Quadrillionaire
Chapter 454

Chapter 454

After David and Celia returned to River City, they flew directly to Capital City.

Since Old Master Stefani asked him to arrive at Capital City within three days, there should be something very important going on. After arriving in Capital City and sending Celia home, David called Mason back and told him that he had arrived in Capital City.

With that, Mason sent someone over to pick David up.

They met in the same big courtyard from last time.

David pushed the door open and found Mason waiting for him on the chair in the courtyard with his eyes closed.

The difference was that this time Mason's great-granddaughter, Julia, was not there, and only

Mason was present.

"Old Master Stefani," David called out respectfully.

David admired this legendary old man's strength very much as well as his contributions to Somerland.

"You're here," Mason closed his eyes and replied.


"Go and get a stool in the house so you can sit out here."


After David finished speaking, he went into the house, carried a stool out, and sat next to Mason.

"David, now that you've reached this level, there are a few things you should know."

"Please tell me, Old Master Stefani."

"What do you think of the situation in Somerland today?" Mason asked.

David thought for a while and said, "Somerland is one of the two great empires, so the situation in the country is naturally pretty good."

"That's just on the surface, but in reality, there is underlying turmoil in Somerland, and the country is in a precarious state."

"How is that possible?" David asked in shock.

As one of the two great empires, Somerland was the only country that could stand against

Falconia alone. Was it possible that there would be underlying turmoil in Somerland? Was it possible that the country was in a precarious state?

If that was the case, would Falconia not have taken action earlier?

If a hegemonic empire like Falconia had the opportunity to overthrow Somerland, it would never waste it.

Falconia had long wanted to be the boss of this world, but Somerland had always restricted them.

"Although I want to tell you that though it sounds impossible, it's true. It's still peaceful now because I'm not dead yet. Once I'm dead, Falconia will try to grab the biggest slice of the Somerland cake. At the same time, other countries and forces will also want to take a bite," Mason said in a low voice.

"Old Master Stefani, are you..." David shuddered as he looked at Mason.

Then, he carefully used his mind power to sense the aura of the old man.

Mason did not stop him either and allowed David to continue.

Soon, David could feel that Mason's body was like a scorching sun. It was blazing and his aura was so strong that David, a master who had just surpassed the peak of the Dragon Rank, trembled. Even so, at the same time, David also felt that Mason's aura was gradually decaying over time in this body that was burning like a scorching sun.

Moreover, it was an irreversible decline.

Just like how everyone would go through birth, aging, sickness, and death.

David stared at Mason with wide eyes.

Was the legendary old man of Somerland almost at the end of his life?


David found it hard to accept.

The old man had dedicated his life to Somerland.

He guided Somerland from a bullied nation to the heights it was now. It had now become one of the two great empires in the world and had turned from prey to a predator.

It could be said that no one in the world had ever achieved such a feat.

He was like a stabilizing force for Somerland.

As long as he was there, no one, including Falconia, would dare to have any ill intentions toward Somerland.

This was the deterrent power of this old man.

Now, the legendary life of this old man was about to end.

David's eyes were a little red.

They had been learning about the old man's heroic deeds since childhood.

They learned about how he guided a small and weak country like Somerland to become a big and powerful country step by step.

During this period, he experienced many dangers, life and death crises, and suffered grievous injuries.

Old Master Stefani was the hero of all of Somerland.

However, what David saw right now was that even a hero would eventually cross his prime.

"David, you don't have to be sad. Everyone will experience this. I have lived 128 years, which is far beyond the lifespan of ordinary people. I am not afraid of death, but if I die, there will be no one in Somerland who can deter and intimidate all parties, and this will put Somerland into a passive position. I don't want this to happen, so that's why I have been struggling while at death's door."

"Old Master Stefani, can't Somerland protect itself after so many years of development?" David asked.

"If the magnetic field hadn't expanded so fast, naturally, it would have been possible. Now the magnetic field have almost surrounded the entire country. This is not only a form of protection so that others cannot threaten Somerland, but it is also a cage because somerland cannot threaten others. At this time, we need the deterrence of an individual with supreme combat power.

"There are three guardians in Somerland including myself, that is, the masters in the God Rank which are above Dragon Rank, and there are seven people who are halfway to the God Rank like yourself. We all form the highest organization of Somerland-the Somerland Parliament. In addition, Somerland has a secret organization composed of the peak Dragon Rankers, which is Team Dragon. These people represent the high-end combat power of Somerland.

"Meanwhile, Falconia has four guardians on the surface, but there is actually one more in the dark, so there are five guardians in total. The number of people they have that are halfway to the God Rank are more than twice that of Somerland. This is a matter of history and background since, at the end of the day, Somerland has only been on the rise over in the recent decades.

"They are only scared of taking action now because I'm still alive. Once I'm gone, Falconia will make a move and other forces will also want to take a bite when they smell the blood. By then, Somerland will be in extreme danger."

"So what do we do?" David asked.

He was somewhat lost for words.

This huge empire was actually being supported by an old man who was over a hundred years old.

Once the old man died, the foundation could crumble.

When the time came, the entire Somerland would be dismantled by many forces, with Falconia in the lead.

It might be possible that Somerland would become the next Chaos Land.

This was because the Chaos Land used to be an empire called the East River Empire.

It had become scattered and destroyed because of Falconia, becoming what is now known as Chaos Land.

Meanwhile, the royal family that was left from the East River Empire became the current biggest mercenary group in the world, Black Dragon Mercenaries.

Even though their bloodline could be saved, it was so excruciatingly painful for them to watch their homeland get invaded and the people of their country get tortured and killed.


This could not happen.

David's family, lover, and friends were all here.

He would not allow this to happen.

"Before I die, I need someone to replace me in Somerland and become the stabilizing force to deter all forces from touching Somerland. You are the one I have the highest hopes for, David."

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