The ground was covered with grass, sparkling because of the dew.

Different flowers blossomed on each side of the pebbled path. Majestic trees stood tall, the vines complemented its size. Birds flew freely in the air. Some sang from the trees. A fountain stood in the middle. Its waters slowly cascaded down to the bottom.

Everything was simply breath-taking.

“Well, what do you think?” Laura asked.

“This is… beautiful. It truly is,” I answered as I was still taken aback by the beauty before me. “There are no proper words to describe everything that I am seeing.”

“And that is just the beginning,” she said.

Before I could even turn to look at her, she grabbed my hand and we followed the path. We entered a maze and she just kept moving forward without any hesitation.


When we got to the end, we were greeted by a thick curtain of vines.

“Please, don’t tell me we’re going through there,” I remarked.

Laura turned around, confused. “Is there something wrong? Are you afraid of vines?” she asked, almost teasing me.

I scoffed, rolling my eyes. “Woman, why should I be afraid of mere vines?” I said, which made her giggle. I ranted, “I asked because something that can kill us may be on the other side. I didn’t bring my sword with me. I am not risking our lives, especially yours, for a little adventure.”

She sighed and stepped closer to me. “Robert, I will not bring you to a place that will endanger the both of us. I am not sadistic,” Laura replied as she looked into my eyes, my hands engulfed in hers.

Her assurance gave me a bit of security. Her words were a blanket of warmth, light and gentleness. It covered my body well. She could be seen as frail and small. But her words, her determination was what made her stronger that she knew.

Whenever she was with me, I somehow felt protected by her light.

“Do you trust me?” she asked with a smile.

I kissed her hands. “I always will.”

She let go of one of my hands and walked ahead of me. As she disappeared through the vines, I closed my eyes. And after a few steps, we stopped.

“You can open your eyes now,” whispered Laura.

Slowly, I opened my eyes… and paradise welcomed my sight.

We stood near a cliff and I saw everything. I was like a giant who was on his afternoon stroll. The sunset beyond us was mesmerising. Its rays perfectly reflected through the clouds that surrounded it. Birds, big and small, soared throughout the skies. Some sang their own melodies. The wind blew gently as it fueled them in their flight.

“Would you like to see something much more amazing?” she asked.

I nodded without a second thought.

She crouched down to the ground, resting her stomach on the grass. I followed her, uncertain of what was to happen. Little by little, we crawled towards the edge of the cliff but still within safety.

“A bit of warning, we mustn’t reach out our heads too much. We may fall and it’s a long way down,” Laura said before we proceed any further.

“Understood,” I smiled.

“Now, carefully, look beyond the edge,” she replied.

I slowly looked over and saw a mighty waterfall down below. It was surrounded by a vast forest. Its waters headed straight down to a possible river. Mist formed at the bottom of the waterfall. A faint rainbow hid behind the edge.

“What do you think?” she asked.

“It’s wonderful,” I moved back a bit. “Just spectacular.”

Laura moved closer to me. “Such beauty is hard to find, whether in my world or yours,” Laura remarked as she looked down to the waterfall.

I turned to her and stared at her. If the waterfall was beautiful, what should I call the woman beside me? “I quite agree. She is rare to find,” I uttered.

She turned to my direction and our eyes met. So close and yet, so far.

“And she’s the most beautiful creation in my eyes,” I continued as I slowly leaned into her. She stayed frozen but didn’t show any signs of resistance. Suddenly, something crackled from beneath us.

In a matter of seconds, “AAHH!”

I grabbed Laura’s hand whilst I latched onto the boulder beside me. Her side of the cliff fell! Perhaps, we were too close to the edge and the ground couldn’t take our weight.

“Laura, are you all right?” I asked as I tightened my grip on her hand.

“I have no wounds so I guess you can call it that,” she chuckled nervously as she attempted to lighten the situation. “However,” she grunted, “Dangling on the cliff isn’t something I envisioned to happen today.”

As I tried to think of a solution, her hand began to slip.

In a panic, Laura grabbed hold onto one of the rocks within her reach.

I tried to use my powers to summon the wind but I couldn’t focus. My mind scrambled between saving Laura and the fear that James might sense it. There was only one thing I could do right now and that was to think of another way and quickly.

“Laura?” I called out, “I want you to listen to me.”

She looked up to me, her eyes finally showed fear.

“I need you to push yourself up to me using that rock. Do you understand?” I instructed.

Laura looked down to the rock and then back to me. “I don’t think I can do it, Robert. I’m scared,” she finally broke down in tears.

I then said, “Yes, Laura, you can. You will not fall. I will catch you.”

She looked down once again. “And if I fall?” Laura asked as she looked back at me.

“You will not fall, I promise you. I will not let go of your hand. And if you fall, we fall together. I’m not going to leave you,” I replied.

“Robert…” she cried as her grip on my hand tightened.

“Laura, we don’t have much time. Just do what I said and you will be back with me,” I said.

She looked at me for a brief moment before preparing herself. Fear was still evident in her face but there was determination to survive. She has a strong personality.

She could do this.

“On the count of three, use all of your strength to lift yourself. And no matter what happens, keep your eyes on me,” I continued.

She nodded as she grasped harder on my hands.

I counted, “One. Two. THREE.”

As she lifted herself, I used every strength in my body and pulled her up to me. As soon as I caught her, we fell back to where it was safer. The rest of the cliff crumbled and fell into the abyss below. But Laura was safe in my arms.

That was the only thing that mattered to me.

“You are safe,” I whispered as I kissed her hair.

She clung onto me. Her embrace was so tight, it felt as if she didn’t want to let go. She continued to tremble out of fear.

That was a close one for the two of us, especially for her. I couldn’t imagine what could’ve happened if she was alone.

“Take me home, Robert,” Laura whispered as she sobbed faintly on my chest. “Please.”

“As you wish,” I nodded. Carefully, I moved her from me and took a good look at her. “Will you be able to walk?” I asked.

She nodded as she wiped her tears.

I stood first and gently helped her up. However, she immediately fell back into my arms. “Are you all right?” I asked, worried.

“My… my legs…” she stuttered. “They… they…”

I checked her legs in an instant. Although there were no injuries, they shook tremendously because of the shock. In this state, Laura wouldn’t have enough strength to return to the bakery. I stepped before her and offered my back. “Come, I will carry you back to the castle.”

She put my arms on my shoulders before I hoisted her up. As I carried her on my back, I felt responsible for her. How she held onto me as she dangled off the cliff, when she landed in my arms, and now, as she rested on my back, I was someone Laura depended on.

Not to be melodramatic, but I couldn’t help but feel that I was born for her.

I was born to protect her, to look after her. I was brought into the world to ensure the safety of this special woman.

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