If You Dare: A Hockey Bully Romance
If You Dare: Chapter 41


“So you’re officially dating Wes now?” Aneesa sits with me on Wes’s couch, Netflix on the TV in front of us and a bowl of popcorn between us. He’s supposedly at the library to give us a girls’ night, but I have a feeling he’s waiting right outside the door in case I need anything.

Beside us sits a tower of library books. Edith has been bringing me a stack every week to keep me busy. Wes told me that she and Aneesa showed up at the rink to scold him for breaking my heart, and when I thanked her for talking sense into him, she told me she’s happy to yell at him anytime.

A grin spreads so wide across my face, it hurts. “He started calling me his girlfriend in the hospital.”

Though I felt like his girl long before that. Maybe since the moment his eyes landed on me.

Aneesa crunches on a handful of popcorn. “I guess he’s demonstrated his worth in the past few weeks by how well he’s been taking care of you. I miss sharing the dorm with you, though.”

“I miss it too. I’m sure I’ll be back next semester. Wes is worried they’re going to stick him with another roommate.”

“He’s Wes Novak. I’m sure if he tells the administration he doesn’t want a roommate for his final semester, they’ll agree to it. Especially given everything you two have been through.”

As much as I love living with Aneesa, I hope she’s right. Staying here with Wes has been heaven, even through recovery. The bad pain days, the nightmares that have me screaming awake in the middle of the night, he’s always right there to wrap his arms around me, pull me against him, and remind me that no one is ever going to lay a finger on me with him around.

“Listen.” Aneesa clasps her hands together on her lap. “I’m sorry I pushed you so much to stay away from Wes. I thought I was protecting you, but that wasn’t my decision to make. I should’ve—”

I hold up my hand to stop her. “If I’ve learned anything, it’s that there’s no point dwelling on what-ifs. You’re an amazing friend, Aneesa. I couldn’t ask for a better one.”

The best friend I’ve had since Chloe. I have a feeling that if they’d ever gotten a chance to meet, the three of us would be inseparable.

Aneesa wraps me in a sudden hug, nearly knocking over the bowl of popcorn.

If there’s anything I’ve learned this semester, it’s that you can’t undo what’s already been done. You just have to learn from it and do better from now on.

I’ll always regret pushing Chloe in that pool. But I also know there’s a chance she would’ve jumped in all on her own. There’s a good chance she would’ve survived if Trey hadn’t drugged her.

I know Chloe forgave me long ago for what I did that night, and I’m finally forgiving myself.

“So now that you’ve nursed me back to health, I can finally tell you what I went to the locker room to say to you that day.”

Wes pauses his delicious massage of my foot and I nearly groan in protest. “What’s that?”

“I was going to offer to leave campus if that would make you happy.”

Wes tips his head back and laughs. “Good one, baby. You’re not going fucking anywhere.”

I beam at him. “Then I’m pretty sure I’ve recovered enough for a proper reunion.”

“Yeah?” He grins and scoops me onto his lap like an eager puppy, making me giggle.

Despite his impatience, his kiss is tender and slow. His lips parting mine gently, the perfect fit.

When his tongue sweeps into my mouth, I moan. I grind against his cock, already hard for me, and now I’m the impatient one.

But Wes continues taking his time with me. His hands stay soft on my neck until they sweep into my hair and massage my scalp. I groan. “I could get used to this.”

A smirk plays across his lips, still pressed against my own. “Good. Because this is the rest of your life, little flower.”

I lift a teasing brow, even as my heart stutters. “The rest of my life, huh? Isn’t it a little soon to be talking about marriage?”

His playful smirk turns serious. “I told you, Violet. You’re mine. You’re not getting rid of me now.”

I crash my lips against his and thread my fingers through his hair. Exactly the words I wanted to hear. Needed to hear.

Wes lays me on the couch with heartbreaking tenderness. “Is this okay?” Concern in those startling blue eyes.

Maybe when I’m further in my recovery—physically and mentally—he’ll be able to wrap his belt around my throat again. Or his hand. Make me crawl to him. Beg. Maybe even chase me through the woods again. Someday, I’ll admit to him I liked it a lot more than I let on.

But for now, this is exactly what I want.

“Perfect,” I whisper.

His mouth is on mine again until he kisses from my chin up my jaw and down my neck. Every kiss, every brush of his hands against my skin, sends shivers down my spine.

I’ve had him so many times before, but this time is different. Because I know I have every part of Wes now. Not just his tongue and fingers and cock, but his heart too.

The warmth from his mouth on my neck vanishes when he peers down at me. “You’re everything to me, Violet. No one else will touch you, and no one will even think about hurting you with me around.” He grabs my hand and sets it against his chest, over his heart. “You have me. All of me. As long as you want me, I’m yours. I’d burn down every inch of this world if you asked me to.”

I grin at him. “That’s a very kind offer, but I’d like to continue living in this world with you for a long, long time if that’s all right with you.”

“Couldn’t ask for anything better,” he murmurs.

I pull him down to me in another kiss. We stay like that for a while until his hand starts inching up my shirt.

He slips it tenderly over my head and unclasps my bra, taking it off slowly.

When my torso is bare before him, he admires me for a few moments. Not touching yet, just staring. “I am so fucking lucky,” he breathes, enunciating every word.

I’m about to tell him I’m the lucky one when he steals my breath, sucking my nipple into his mouth. He’s gentle at first, still uncertain about what will hurt me, until I grind my pussy against his leg and tug his hair. His hands come around my back, pulling my body closer to him as he sucks on me harder.

I’m already drenched, so ready for him. Every part.

When he releases me, he lets out a groan that makes my toes tingle before sucking on my other nipple. I arch into him.

“Wes,” I gasp. “I can’t wait any longer.”

He chuckles and slides his way down my body. “I’ve missed hearing you beg, baby.”

He slides my shorts down, taking my panties with them. I am fully bare below him now, and he takes in every inch of me. “You are so fucking gorgeous.”

He settles himself down between my thighs, hot breath hitting the wetness between my legs. I hiss just as his lips press a tender kiss to my clit.

The contact makes me jolt. “Oh my god!”

“Just you wait, baby.” His tongue glides up my slit, and I writhe beneath him. “Good girl,” he murmurs. “Come on my tongue.”

His tongue works me in big, sweeping strokes, taking his time building up that pleasure between my legs. When my clit starts throbbing, he pulls it between his lips, sucking me hard.

I cry out, arching off the couch. “Wes,” I breathe. “I’m going to come.”

“I know, baby. I want your clit throbbing in my mouth.” With that, he sinks a finger inside me.

The stretch makes tears of pleasure spring to my eyes. He thrusts his finger inside me, sucking on my clit as hard as he can, and pleasure mounts so high, it sets me on fire.

When my pussy starts to clench around his finger, he pumps inside me. “Yes, baby. Come for me.”

I do. Crying out his name first before I scream, orgasm ripping through me like I’ve never felt before. My mind shrapnel.

His jeans are unzipped in a second and he slides his cock inside me while my pussy is still throbbing. He takes his time, rocking into me slowly. Like I’m made of glass.

Until I pull him closer and tell him, “I want you to fuck me so hard, my nails leave scars on your back.”

That’s all he needs to hear.

He slams in to the hilt, making me scream in ecstasy. He rubs at my clit with his thumb, continuing to drive overwhelming pleasure through me. It’s been so long since we’ve come together, my clit already aching for another release.

I don’t think I’ll ever be able to go that long without Wes Novak inside me again.

“You’re so fucking tight around my cock.” His thumb swirls around my clit, pulling a moan from the depths of my chest. “This is mine.” His hand travels to my ass and squeezes. “This is mine.” To my breast. “This is mine.” Then to my chest, my heart pounding rhythmically beneath his palm. “And most importantly, this is mine. All of you, every inch. I’ll remind you every day. I’ll never let you forget.”

My nails dig into his back, scraping down. “Remind me harder.”

He rams into me, my tits bouncing wildly as he drives pleasure through me, the orgasm rising until it finally crests.

I throw my legs around his hips to bury him as deep inside me as he can get as every wave of my orgasm crashes.

“I love you so fucking much, Violet.” With a loud, long groan, he thrusts hard once, twice, three times before he collapses on top of me. His cock pulsates as he shoots his cum deep inside me, my pussy clenching with every throb.

We lay there together, catching our breaths, Wes crushing me into the couch until he brushes a kiss against my lips. “I don’t know if I’ve said this yet . . . I know you don’t need my forgiveness, but you have it. And I hope you can forgive me too.”

This time when his words make me cry, they’re happy tears. “You don’t need mine either, but I do.” I stroke my fingers down his cheek, soft and hard at the same time. Just like the rest of him. “Thank you.”

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