The fire inside me has ignited, and only her cunt can put it out.

I missed her.

I’ve missed this.

“This was the longest mission of my life,” I whisper into her ear.

Screw this. I will fuck her like it’s my last day on this earth. I don’t care if we’re in a hospital room; I’m taking full fucking advantage of having one small window to see her again. I’ve been deprived of her taste, and I’m a starved man, determined to empty my lust inside her.

We returned to base at the Admiral’s request before we’re back out doing God knows what.

“Fuck, baby, I’ve missed you.” I grip her jaw, forcing my tongue down her throat and groan in satisfaction when she reciprocates with equal fervor, dancing with mine. My insanity will boil over if I don’t get her naked and feel her soft skin against mine in the next few seconds.

“I missed you t—” She tries to grab my face, but instead, holds onto my shoulder when I lift her off the ground, securing her legs around me right before I slam her firmly against the hospital room wall.

If this is what it’s like to be sick with her love, I never want to be cured.

Taking care of her will be the end of me.

I’ve been on edge, unable to relax since I left for the mission. That’s when I realize that I have to tell her that I’m leaving again after I’m done showing her the level of insanity she puts me through… what her soul continues to do to me.

A foreign anchor of guilt weighs me down. I’ve never felt this before, but for the first time in my career as a SEAL, I dread knowing I must leave my little angel behind again.

She doesn’t know what’s been happening behind the scenes…she doesn’t know the mission that killed her brother continues to haunt us persistently.

But I promise myself it will all be taken care of so we can finally move on without having to look over our shoulders ever again.

She doesn’t need to know. My girl has been through enough. I don’t want her to be afraid. Her night terrors are slowly letting up, barely.

I’ve been watching over Ari. Her healing journey has just hit a stable point, and I don’t want to taint it with the evil lurking in our shadows.

I can’t tell her, but I don’t want to lie to her either. I’ll do whatever it takes to protect her from any more pain…even if that means not disclosing the current situation.

I want to tell her. God, I want to tell her everything.

But if I can keep her focused solely on healing from the attack, from the loss of our baby, shielded from the chaos that I will hold on my shoulders for the both of us.

I need her to be whole again.

I’ll always be the asshole in her story with open arms to protect her. I’ll be the villain if that means she stays shielded from evil.

I want her to wake up every morning unafraid, and if she knows the truth, I don’t know how she’ll react.

I snap out of my thoughts when she smiles at me, and every time she does that, I swear my world stops.

She’s the only light in my life, and I intend on making sure she always shines bright for the rest of our lives.

I scoff with a smirk before I plant another kiss on her full lips.

I need to feel her voluminous tits underneath my hands, and I need them now.

I snake my hands underneath her scrub top. Her skin erupts in goosebumps and then I find her hardened nipples, and my cock jerks when I thumb her nipples. I can feel my uniform grow tighter. I palm her breast hard and it fills my hand like they were fucking made for me and only me to suck on…to fuck.

“Danny,” she moans against my lips, but it drives me even more crazy, my stomach clenching with desire and greed.

I grind my pulsing cock against her throbbing cunt. Even through her scrubs, I know she’s longing for me.

I’ll be the only man she’ll ever moan for, and that’s a fucking promise.

“Does our situation feel familiar, baby?” I squeeze her breasts again, and she gasps.

The way she tried to tease me in Iraq only got her choked against the wall, her fragile throat beneath my hands as we kissed. One of my favorite memories of my little angel comes back to me, sending me into euphoria.

“Doesn’t ring a bell,” she whispers, panting hard, her vision pinned to my lips.

“Did you just sass me, Ari?” I taunt, my tone threatening. Another boundary to fracture and I will.

I will be her firsts and lasts and that’s an unbreakable vow of mine.

Ari goes rigid like she did something bad, because she did. She’s flicked on the wild switch, the fucked-up parts of me dangerously waiting for me to inflict pain on her.

She swallows, unable to answer.

“Let me remind you what happens when you disobey my commandments, little angel.” I grin wickedly, ready to play the games I always win. “Your tits are exquisite. But they would look even more heavenly with my dick in between them.”

“Now, get on your knees and let me fuck those tits.”

I drop her to her feet, gently. Ari’s cheeks blush bright pink as she registers what I’m about to do to her. She bites her bottom lip, her front teeth digging into them.

I can’t wait to make her bleed again.

I tower over, my palm on the wall, waiting as she adjusts her on her knees.

She looks so fucking cute in her scrubs…but she looks even more sexy without them on.

“I just want to finish what you started in Iraq,” she confesses, her eyes dilating as she throws her scrub top over her head, flinging it behind me on the hospital bed.

“Careful what you wish for.” I pull on her ponytail, causing her beautiful dark black hair to dislodge from the hair tie. I will make a mess of her, the way I’ve been waiting to, longing to since I left her on her birthday.

She clenches her thighs together, probably to satisfy the need to feel me. And I will satisfy her like I always do…after I’m done punishing her.

This whole hospital will know just who she fucking belongs to after I’m done with her.

No one would dare fire her, knowing she’s mine. But mostly because of how hard she’s worked to earn her position here. I wouldn’t allow it—over my dead body.

The sounds of hospital chatter, phones ringing, and monitors beeping should be enough to swallow the sounds I’m about to force out of her mouth.

My hand grips the back of her head, pulling from the roots of her hair, and a harsh breath escapes her mouth when I force her eyes on me.

She smiles, glaring daggers at me. Her brown eyes sparkle like they always do. I’ll never take for granted the way they come alive when she sees me.

She reaches for her back, her fingers quickly unhooking her light pink bra and her tits bounce when they’re free. The way they move up and down…

Fuck, I need to taste them. They’re luscious tear drops waiting to be sucked on, and I will take them into my mouth after I fuck them. Her light nude brown shade nipples are perfectly pointed.

Fuck, I’m in trouble.

I lick my lips, letting her hair go to rip off my belt. I can’t undress—it’s a damn hassle to put my gear back on—but I don’t need it all off to make her scream.

I loosen the bolts on my belt, ultimately loosening the waistband.

“I’m going to claim those, too, finally.” I jerk my forehead, insinuating for her to grab her perfect tits together. I pull down my pants just enough for my cock to appear. I fist myself, stroking it as Ari grabs her tits, pushing them together, creating the perfect entrance.

Then she reaches for my cock, licking the precum with a flick of her tongue, and every single blood vessel inside my body explodes with anticipation.

She cleans up the dripping liquid from the head of my dick, and I groan. She knows how to push every one of my buttons to have me on my knees.

“Just a taste,” she purrs, giving my tip a teasing suck, hollowing her cheeks, and I have to hold on to her hair again to stop myself from fucking her throat.

Seeing how much I’ve corrupted her, breaking the shell her darkest fantasies were hiding behind, makes me happy to see her give in unashamed.

“You’ve missed this? Choking on me, didn’t you?”

“Yes,” she rasps.

I don’t waste any more time. These moments are so precious. I don’t know when I’ll see her again after this, and I don’t want to keep her too long from her patients, but I will claim her, fuck what’s mine before I have to leave.

She’s always been so obedient, so submissive, so good.

“I can’t believe I’m doing this.” She shakes her head, fighting back a smile. “You’re the devil.”

I grip her jaw tight, rubbing my thumb across her lips. I hum, enchanted.

“I’ll try not to drag you to hell, baby. Now, take your punishment and spit on my dick.” She gawks at me, shocked by my demands, but does she stop? She keeps looking at the curtains that shield our situation even though the door is closed with no glass windows.

Rooker’s doing me a favor and most likely guarding the door. A favor that I will soon have to pay up with a pack of beers.

She spits on my length.


“That’s my good girl.”

I thrust my hips between her tits.

I’m relentless, passionate, fucking them with urgency. Her eyes look forever tethered to my size, watching me like it’s her first time again.

Technically, it’s another first for her. I’ll fuck every part of her body if she lets me.

The peak is already close.

This is what she does. It’s been too long without feeling her. I always think about her when I have those small windows to myself on the job.

I want to come all over her tits, and I want to watch her watch me, spread myself on her, and mark her, but I have other plans for how I want to finish.

She rubs her tits up and down, groping my dick to match my movements.

I need to be inside of her. I need to feel how her pussy clenches down on me when I break her.

“I need to feel your sweet cunt around my dick when you come.” I pull out of her chest, pulsing for her. I yank her up by both of her hands, and she stands, gasping with excitement.

“You don’t need these, don’t ever wear panties again. Your beautiful cunt should never be hidden from me.” I grip the thin material of her underwear, tearing it off of her quickly.

She flushes when she sees them drop in two pieces, torn seamlessly.

I pick her up, carrying her like a feather.

I love that she’s so short.

I push her up against the wall again, breathing heavily, and my chest constricts when I watch her so flustered with arousal. She’s dripping down her thighs already.

“Someone might walk in here! They’ll hear us!” She pants into my ear, frantic.

I smirk, leaning closer to her cheeks. I tuck a part of her hair behind her ear.



“You worry about the wrong things, Ari. Just worry about trying not to scream when I fuck your brains out against this wall.”

I take one of her tits into my mouth, sucking it, caressing it in my hand. I fling my tongue around just before I bite on it, and she reaches underneath my shirt, scratching my back in response.

I growl from pleasure. The pain she inflicts on me is ruthless with how she makes me feel…

She’s probably broken through my skin, and I don’t mind bleeding for her. I’ll bleed for her any day.

“I need…”

“Tell me what you need.” I position myself at her entrance, lifting her higher against the wall.

“I need you inside me…now,” she breathes, shaking, her fingers digging deeper into my skin.

I push into her and she moans into my shoulder, holding onto me, her arms hooking themselves on my back tighter.

“Mmm…” she whimpers as I push more of myself into her tight cunt. She won’t ever get used to my size, just like I won’t ever get used to how her insides feel.

Her eyes roll back, and she throws her head back, resting it on the wall. I savor every second she looks like this when I’m deep inside her. I want to go deeper. I need to.

I don’t care if I can’t. I’ll make it possible. My good girl can take it.

“No one has made me feel so out of control, like you. What you do to me is brutal,” I growl while burying my face into her neck, biting into her skin. Her scent is heavenly, so sweet and airy, and I know it’s not just her perfume…it’s her.

She’s so seductive, without even trying.

I grab onto her waist, pulling her more onto me so I can drive my cock inside deeper.

Ari watches my cock slip in and out of her. She bites her lip, her back hitting the wall each time I thrust harder. “That’s right, baby, watch me fuck you because this is the only cock that will ever be inside you for as long as you live.”

She’s right. I have been dehydrated. I need to be refueled by her cunt. By her love.

This was the moment I realized that I’d never be the same operator…or man again.

I need Ari in more ways than she thinks.

I need her to survive.


“My filthy girl, you are mine forever. There is no one else but me. Do you understand?’

I pound her harder and harder and fuck I’m about to climax. I watch her wince with each aggressive greedy pull when I grip her waist closer to me making sure she takes every single inch of my dick.

She looks stunned when I change the pace to a more painful need to finish. She grabs a hold of my dog tags for balance, hooking one of her hands around the metal, closing her eyes tight.

“Good, hold on to something because I don’t plan on letting up…at all.’

I grab her jaw, tightening my fingers and forcing her to look at me.

Her mouth gapes open, and she pants hard, her entire body jolting up and down.

I don’t ever want to stop railing her.

“Say it.”

“There will never ever be anyone else but you, Danny.” She moans, her breasts writhing as I fuck her and I can feel her hardened nipples graze my chest when I lean in to kiss her, biting her lip, stretching it with my teeth, pulling it back, like I always do.

And then I hit a certain spot inside of her, letting her bottom lip go, when I force myself deeper than I thought possible, only leaving my balls outside of her cunt.

She stifles her moans against my neck, forcing herself to keep quiet. She clenches down on me, and I fucking lose it. I lose all control and I’m filling her up, resting my forehead against hers, clenching my jaw so hard I can hear myself grinding my teeth with pure heavenly satisfaction.

We both come together in our deep ocean of endearment.

I make sure I empty every single drop of myself inside her, my thrusting slows down, keeping my promise of her leaving this room, full of my markings, full of my come.

She’s exhausted, her arm muscles trembling, twitching around my dog tags. I continue to fill her up, and then I finally pull out when it’s the last thing I want to do, but I have to get back to work.

Finally, she lets my dog tags go. Her hand trails down my uniform top before she rests her face on my chest as I continue to hold her up against the wall.

I let her catch her breath, not daring to set her down just yet. Savoring a few more seconds having her on my chest.

Then I bite her lip, ripping it with my teeth just enough for her to wear red. She sucks in a breath from the pain. Salacity overwhelms me, and I’m hard again. I suck on her lip. She looks at me when I’m done and she looks almost dazed from the explosive sex.

“You bleed so fucking sweet.”

“You’re insane,” she rasps.

“For you,” I mumble as I brush my hand through her hair.

“I don’t want you to leave. Is that selfish of me?” she asks through fast breathing.

“It isn’t.”

I’m not tired one bit. I could fuck her for hours if I got the chance, and I will as soon as work slows down and I get to be home again for more than a few fucking hours.

I set her down, and she retrieves her clothes as I fix my own.

She’s a fucking goddess. An angel walking this earth and I’ll never get enough of her. I continue to watch her like a diamond that glistens just by existing.

I’m never letting her go.

“I swear if I get fired…” she says, pulling her scrub top over.

“You won’t.” I tuck in my dog tags back inside my shirt.

Every patient needs a nurse like her. Every doctor, every hospital needs a nurse like her. A kind soul like my Ari.

We clean ourselves up, and she frantically tries to un-wrinkle her clothes.

She’s so cute. Adorable, even. She worries too much.

She reaches for her underwear, but I snatch it from her hands and put it into my pocket.

“They’re torn, anyway.”

She blushes red while fixing her hair again in a tight ponytail while I buckle my belt on. And then I experience a pure warm, genuine destruction of a feeling entering my chest and it causes a reaction out of me.

I smile the biggest I ever have in my life and I have to look away from her when I realize what’s happening to me. I look away, ungluing my eyes from her beautiful black hair, when she tucks the last pieces of hair into her hair tie. I pull away because I’m tempted.

I’m tempted to say things…say words I’ve never said before to anybody.

My phone buzzes in my pocket, throwing me out of my element. I pull out my cellphone as Ari continues to recollect herself behind me. I’m still facing the wall, looking at my phone in annoyance—back to fucking reality.

Rooker: Another mission, Grim. We gotta go.

I read the text, Rooker holding me accountable for my team, reminding me a job still needs to get done.

I throw it back into my pocket and exhale.

Time to go.

“Did something happen again when you were away?” Ari asks me from behind, and I stiffen. I can’t tell her anything, at least no details. She wants me to open up to her, and I don’t blame her. If I was in her position and she kept leaving me all the time, I’d want to know everything.

So I decide to open up just a smidge of what I’ve been dealing with, keeping shit still classified.

“Yeah…it’s not anything good…to say the least.”

“It never is good…” She holds me from behind, giving me a hug. “Open up to me, please.”

Fuck, how am I ever supposed to say no to her?

I don’t think I’ll ever be able to tell my girl no ever again.

“It involves children. That’s all I can say.” I grab her hands, pulling them off of me, slowly.

I start to disassociate myself from her. I have to. The stress of the next mission tugs at my concentration. I’m already entering a state of mind where I don’t feel anything, a state of mind where I’m focused on solely keeping people alive.

“I don’t want us to keep any secrets between us.”

I freeze.

Because even though I’m not lying to her, I feel like I am when I refrain from giving her all the details. But it’s not only because I want to protect her…it’s because I can’t.

“There’s something I think I should tell you. Maybe I’m overreacting and…maybe I’m even going a little crazy, but I don’t want to keep things from you. I did that with Shane, but I won’t do it again.”

“What is it?” I ask.

She thinks I don’t know that Kane visited her when I was called in to work, but I do, and I’m still waiting for her to tell me about it. I want to kill him for going behind my back and visiting her in the middle of the night.

He was one of Paul’s best friends, too, and he’d made a promise.

We all did.

But I will engrave it into his head that the promise made to Paul is my responsibility now, no one else’s.

And I will.

She looks up from the floor, finally mustering up the courage to let me in.

She should never keep secrets from me again…she should’ve told me about what Shane was doing to her right away. She should have told me that she was pregnant sooner.

I push these thoughts out of my head.

“The other night, my window was open. I don’t remember opening it, and I doubt you left it that way. And then another day…my room felt out of place, like someone was there, as if someone went through my things.”

I inhale, tension building in my shoulders.

“I check the cameras, you know that, right? I check them all the time. Zeke checks them, the security company checks them. They’re being monitored twenty-four-seven. No one has been at the house, and if someone has, I’d know about it. The security company knows about it and watches for intrusions when I can’t.”

She looks up at me like she’s waiting for me to say more.

“Come here.” I pull her in, tucking her under my arm.

I lean down as she tiptoes to reach my lips.

I kiss her hard and fast; it’s short, but it’s long enough to feel myself getting hard again.

She’s my obsession and my newest addiction, but this time, I don’t want to be saved from it.

I kiss her one last time. Savoring this final moment I have with her before I leave because the reaper is calling my name, reminding me of the man I have to be in just a few moments.

“You take my breath away.”

I smirk in response, smiling against her lips.

“By the way, you’re my date to the upcoming military ball.”

“What? When?”

“It’s next week. I already bought you a dress. It’s in your closet, hiding in a box. I placed it in there before I left.”

“Okay then.”

“I’ll see you soon, little angel.’

“See you soon.”

I turn around, throwing the curtains to the side. I make sure she’s fully clothed before I open the door, my whole body way more relaxed than when I walked in.

She’s looking herself over in the mirror when I take my last glance at her, fixing her hair.

So fucking beautiful. She’s making it hard to leave.

Then I walk out of the door, ready to get back to fucking work.

I crack my neck side to side as I walk down the hall. I spot the entire team at the end of the hallway, lost in conversation. Rooker stands closer to the room I walked out of, guarding it.

Kane and Hannibal stand there awkwardly. Kane tries to say something to Daegan, but he gives a haunting glare back at Kane. Kane gets the message and shifts off the wall with his boot, walking away from him. Then I spot Lopez. He’s talking to a nurse, and it looks like he’s trying to woo her with his charm as he palms the wall, leaning on it, hovering over her, grinning. He plays with her hair as she blushes, her dimples deepening on her cheeks. I’m not surprised he holds this reputation.

I roll my eyes, but I can’t get upset… I’d be a hypocrite.

I just fucked my girlfriend in a hospital room against a wall a few minutes ago.

Rooker straightens his posture from leaning against the wall. He was on his phone, typing away, probably checking on Noel and his daughters. But when he spots me getting close, he tucks his phone away.

“Dehydrated, huh?” His voice is laced with playful accusation.

I walk past him, not bothering to stop, ready to leave the hospital, and he follows my steps, matching my speed.

“Severely parched… I almost had to be admitted.” I smirk, shrugging my shoulders, loosening the knots in my back with my sways.

“Right, and I’m having the shits. Do I have to get admitted, too?” He sighs, shaking his head.

He knows I’m spitting bullshit, but he doesn’t pry further. Rooker is the one I’m closest to, constantly calling me and the team out on their shit.

“I don’t know, man. I hear having the shits can lead to dehydration. Do you want to stop by Noel’s so she can…rehydrate you?” I raise a brow, pushing his buttons. “You guys live on base, right? We can stop by for five minutes.”

He rolls his eyes. “I don’t know about five minutes,” he mumbles under his breath.

“You’re right. What was I thinking? Three minutes is your limit.” I roar with laughter before he pushes my shoulder, pissed off.


We finally catch up with the team and I watch Hannibal play with a 6.5mm Creedmoor bullet in his hands, twirling it between each finger as I get closer.

“Let’s go, boys,” I order them as I turn further down the hallway, and everyone follows. I can hear Lopez from behind me, bidding his farewells to his new flavor of the week.

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