Bonnie saw him standing in a stupor and grinning. She yelled for him, "Professor Reece! Are you coming?"

Her voice snapped him out of his thoughts. He jogged over and apologized, "I'm sorry, Ms. Bonnie. I was a little distracted. Thanks for waiting."

"No problem," Bonnie replied casually and continued descending the stairs. "Let's head to the auditorium. We're running late."

"Right!" Reece nodded and hastened to keep up with her.

Meanwhile, Avril chatted with her classmates about the new university president. The students were curious, craning their necks to look at the backstage entrance.

"Why isn't the president here yet? I can't wait to see what she looks like. Is she as young as the rumors say?"

Avril thought of Bonnie and blurted out, "She's young and competent."

Before her classmates could ask her anything, Frankie mocked, "You sound like you know the new president. Tsk, tsk, tsk. Hanging around with someone like Bonnie has turned you into a poser like her."

Avril crossed her arms and chuckled. "If anyone here's a poser, it's you. Don't act like you know everything when you know nothing. What happens when you do? Bonnie crushes you. What else are you good for besides spewing nonsense?"

"Why, you " Frankie was furious but unable to retort. His heart pounded as he glared at Avril.

"What, cat got your tongue, Frankie? Shut up if you have nothing worthwhile to say," Avril snapped and sat down, deciding to ignore Frankie.

'His smugness won't last long. His attitude will change once Bonnie makes her speech as the new university president.'

Frankie was seething but was powerless against Avril. He could only fume in his seat and wonder when he could have the upper hand against her and Bonnie. The two girls constantly outdoing him had severely damaged his pride.

Meanwhile, Trina sat in the corner and eagerly awaited the president's appearance. She hoped to make a good impression and establish a connection with her, which might lead to a recommendation to join Bonita Research Institute.

If Trina could do that, she could bring pride to her family and secure her status at the university and within her family. She was determined to seize such an opportunity.

As she mulled over these ideas, the new president finally appeared and grabbed everyone's attention. It seemed a group of professors had surrounded her.

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