Instead of showing himself, Flynn remained hidden in a corner and continued to eavesdrop on his parents. Meanwhile, Sydney did not know her son was nearby. She was too busy thinking of a way to teach Bonnie a lesson.

Then, she thought of something and squinted, grimly saying, "Let's contact Eloise. We'll team up with her and deal with Bonnie together."

Gunnar recalled the young lady posting an apology on the internet a while ago. He could not resist frowning. "Although she didn't do much, the incident was exaggerated. It barely rippled out in the end." "Don't be so sure of yourself." A grim light flashed in Sydney's eyes as she sneered. "I've known Eloise since she was a little girl. She won't give up that easily, especially after Bonnie publicly humiliated her. "Eloise won't let Bonnie off the hook. If I'm right, Eloise is probably plotting to run Bonnie as we speak."

Gunnar's eyes sparkled when he heard that. He replied, "That would be perfect. If that's the case, we might not even have to contact Eloise. We'll just wait until she puts her plans in motion. Then, we'll support her from the shadows.

"With our help, Eloise will corner Bonnie. Bonnie won't have a chance to reclaim herself this time."

"You're right. We don't have to contact Eloise. We can always help her from behind the scenes." Sydney smirked menacingly. "I can't wait to see Bonnie's miserable look when we kick her out of the family." The older couple saw Flynn emerging from his hiding spot a moment later. He strode toward his parents and grabbed their shoulders to pull them out of the villa. When the trio reached a gazebo, Sydney freed herself from her son's grasp and frowned.

"What are you doing, Flynn?! Why'd you drag us out here?"

Gunnar knew why his son did that but feigned ignorance and said, "Tell us why you brought us out here, Flynn."

"Are you seriously asking me that?" Flynn's eyes were rageful when he recalled listening to his parents' plot against Bonnie. "I knew you schemed to drive a wedge between Bonnie and Ivor last time. "I've been waiting to talk to you two since then. Fortunately, their love is so strong that it withstood your little schemes. I thought I'd let it slide, but you're still so hung up on it. You two want nothing but the worst for her.

"You're doing the wrong thing. Listen to me and stop obsessing over Bonnie, or you'll regret your actions sooner or later." Sydney never expected her son to speak to her and her husband that way. She was so shocked that she could not respond. 'Flynn has always been cocky. He was worse out there, too. No one could control him.'

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