"Miss... you... how could you..."

Chester looked at Eloise, then at Kerry.

"Mr. Kerry, stop beating around the bush. Just say what you need to."

Kerry took a deep breath, knowing that Eloise wouldn't protect him, so he recounted the entire process of Eloise coming to him.

"Ms. Eloise came to me and asked me to transfer 50 grand to an account..."

The more Eloise listened, the more sweat trickled down her back. By the end, her clothes were soaked with cold sweat, and even her palms were sweaty.

She was getting increasingly frightened, and she yelled at Kerry. "Don't you dare shift the blame onto me! This is clearly your negligence. So much money went missing, and not only do you refuse to admit your fault, but you also try to blame me!"

"Miss, you're being heartless! You were the one who instructed me to do this. How can you try to pin it on me now? Yes, you're the pampered heiress with an exit strategy for everything you do.

"But I'm different. I'm a man, the pillar of my family. I have elders and children to support. If I lose this job, my whole family will be in trouble!

"And I got to this manager position by working hard. How can you dismiss all my efforts and hard work with a casual remark?"

Eloise naturally couldn't admit to this matter. She glared fiercely at Kerry, her eyes filled with a strong warning.

"Don't give me these excuses. You're just trying to frame me. This is your negligence. It has nothing to do with me. You just wait to be fired!" Kerry didn't want to make things look so ugly, but Eloise had pushed him to his limit. Taking a deep breath, he took out his phone from his pocket. "Miss, I knew you wouldn't admit it if something went wrong. Luckily, I made a recording in advance. Let's listen to it together."

"A recording?!" Eloise's heart trembled, and waves of panic surged in her chest.

'This scoundrel Kerry dared to record me secretly? Could he be bluffing? No, I have to remain calm until the very end.'

"Just because you say so, doesn't mean you can threaten me. Why should I admit to something I didn't do?"

Kerry shook his head in resignation, scrolled to the recording, and turned up the volume.

In the recording, their conversation quickly played out.

Eloise: "Transfer 50 grand to the account I designated. I'll compensate you for the vacancies."

At this point, Kerry's voice was hesitant. "Miss, that's 50 grand. Have you obtained Mr. Chester's consent? What if it's traced back to us later? I can't bear that responsibility." Eloise's tone was domineering. "I'm the heiress of the Gallagher family. Everything in the Gallagher family belongs to me. Do I need his consent for a mere 50 grand?

"Do as I say, or I'll kick you out of the company and make sure you can never make it in this city again."

Kerry could only reluctantly agree. "Okay, Miss, but I have to make it clear. If this matter is exposed, you have to speak for me in front of Mr. Chester. This job is very important to me, and I can't afford to lose it."

Eloise: "Got it. Why are you so long-winded? Just do as I say."

After listening to the recording, the living room fell silent.

Chester never expected that his daughter would do such a despicable thing. His face alternated between pale and flushed.

"Eloise, have you forgotten all the principles we taught you since childhood? I never imagined that your heart would become so dark that you could stoop to such vile acts!"

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