To the three Shepards' surprise, Bonnie walked past them without a glance in their direction. It angered Yolanda so much that she reddened with fury.

"That bitch had grown more disrespectful. I can't believe she ignored us. Where are her manners?" She was about to chase Bonnie and give the latter a piece of her mind to vent her frustrations.

However, Harold pulled his wife back after she took just a couple of steps. "That's enough. We know who Bonnie is. There's no point getting into another fight with her. Remember why we're here and sit down quietly. Don't get into any trouble."

The Shepards were there to discuss collaboration with Colonial Cuppa's owner. It would bring a considerable profit to the family if they could secure it. Naturally, the partnership was much more important than confronting Bonnie.

Yolanda suppressed her anger when she heard her husband's words. She sat down heavily and took a moment to regain her composure before glancing across the place. She asked, "Where's the owner's son? We've been sitting here forever, yet we haven't seen him."

Harold checked his watch, saying, "You're right. He's taking too long. I'll ask one of the staff members."

"I'm coming with you." Yolanda approached the reception with her husband.

Harold asked the receptionist, "Hello there. May I ask where the owner's son is?"

The receptionist looked at them and responded, "The owner's son? He went out."

Harold added, "Do you know when he'll get back?"

"Not a clue, sir. Is there a reason you're looking for him?"

"We're here to discuss a collaboration with him."

The receptionist nodded in understanding. "Maybe you guys can leave first. I'll let you guys know once he returns."

He waved. "That won't be necessary. We'll just wait for him here. That's how we can show him we're serious."

"Oh, suit yourselves then." Then, the receptionist lowered his head and checked the bills, ignoring the older couple. "Thanks," Harold responded courteously before taking his wife back to their seats.

Yolanda took her seat and glared at the receptionist, displeased. "What's with his attitude? We're the Shepards, for crying out loud. He's nothing but a receptionist at a measly tea shop. How dare she treat us that way? I can't believe he looked down on us!"

"Hush. Don't let anyone hear you." Harold glanced at the receptionist. After confirming the latter did not hear them, he whispered, "We can't afford to take this tea shop lightly. Some big shot owns Colonial Cuppa, so you must watch your words. Don't offend anyone unnecessarily."

Yolanda pursed her lips. "I thought this was just a tea shop. How much of a big shot can the owner be?"

"I'm sure you don't know about this, but a rumor about this place has been circulating among the high society circle."

"What kind of rumor?"

"From what I've heard, a hugely important person supports this tea shop."

"Stop stalling and tell me already. Who are you talking about?"

Instead of responding to her immediately, he checked his surroundings first. Once he was sure no one was around, he waved at Yolanda.

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