"Mr. Auguste, you've taken the phrase 'shameless' to the extreme!"

Auguste shrugged indifferently.

"Say what you want. When the upgraded version of the latest nanomaterial is out, the world will only know it as my research achievement. They will only remember me, Auguste. You will remain completely unrelated to this achievement."

Bonnie glanced at Auguste and asked calmly, "If I give you the research materials, what will happen to me and Ivor?"

"Of course, I'll let you both leave safely."

Bonnie raised her eyebrows even higher. "Are you really so kind-hearted?"

Auguste confidently patted his chest. "Is my reputation as a leading researcher not enough?"

With a tinge of sarcasm, the corner of Bonnie's mouth curled upward. "Reputation as a leading researcher? What value does your reputation hold if you're capable of such despicable acts?"

Auguste couldn't hold back Bonnie's continuous mockery, and his tone grew heavier. "Ms. Bonita! Don't forget, you're at my mercy now. Would you perhaps think about your own circumstances before speaking to me in this manner?"

Bonnie was unaffected by his words and remained calm, "Is that so? Are you sure you're not the one seeking my help? Asking me for the research materials for the upgraded nanomaterial?"

Auguste's eyes looked intense. "So what if I am? Now, your fate and that of Mr. Ivor are in my hands. I can do whatever I want."


Hearing her cold laughter, Auguste's face stiffened even more. "What are you laughing at?"

Bonnie spoke slowly and calmly, "If you wanted us dead, you would've done it already. Why waste time talking to me? Aren't you also seeking my help?"

August felt Bonnie looked down on him as if he were an ant to her. His face was practically purple.

Ignoring Auguste's reaction, Bonnie stood up from the sofa and said, "I don't have time to waste with you. Let me see him immediately, or I won't say another word." Afraid that he wouldn't be able to get any information out of her, Auguste had no choice but to call over Tyree.

"Tyree, take her to see Mr. Ivor."

"Okay." Tyree appeared and gestured politely to Bonnie. "Ms. Bonita, this way, please."

"Okay." Bonnie followed Tyree to the third floor of the villa.

When they reached the corner room on the left, Tyree stopped.

"Mr. Ivor is right here."

With a shaking hold on the door handle, Bonnie walked up carefully. Then she took a deep breath and pushed the door open with force.

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