Chapter 485

"My friend got blocked as soon as he posted it on the campus website, and then the dean called him in. They said it was a despicable act to accuse Bonnie of seducing Toby without evidence. They made him write a ten-thousand-word essay reflecting on his actions."

"What? A ten-thousand-word essay? T-This is too crazy! Did he write it?"

"If he hadn't, he would've been expelled."

"Is it that serious? From what you're saying, the school is protecting Bonnie."

"That's unlikely. Even if Bonnie had good grades and was a top student, the school wouldn't shield such a petty individual. It's probably because Bonnie attends our school, and they will only punish her if there's enough evidence. After all, it's a matter of the school's reputation."

"That makes sense. So even if we collectively petition the school's higher-ups, it won't be effective unless we have solid evidence that Bonnie seduced or threatened Orpheus, right?"

"That's probably the case, but you don't need to worry. The wheels of justice grind slowly but surely. Bonnie's mischief will catch up with her sooner or later. Let's wait and see."


Hearing that, Avril suddenly stood up.

Bonnie reached out and pulled Avril down. "They're right. The wheels of justice grind slowly but surely. Those who cause trouble may be arrogant for a while, but they'll eventually get their comeuppance."

"Ahh!" Avril grabbed her hair in frustration. "Let's go. I'll treat you to something to eat. We'll feast outside and forget about all these unpleasant things."

"Sure," Bonnie smiled.

They dined until 9 p.m. Both of them had some drinks, and their faces were slightly flushed.

"Avril, do you want me to escort you home?"

"No, I’m fine. I can see the way. By the way, why isn’t Jim nearby?" Avril looked around curiously.

"He went back to his hometown," Bonnie replied.

"What about your husband?"

Bonnie glanced at her speechlessly. "He isn’t my husband yet."

"Oh, very soon, then." Avril joked, "Seriously though, why didn’t he come today?"

"He’s on a business trip to the neighboring city. He probably won’t be back until tomorrow afternoon."

"I see. I wondered why it was so quiet when we had dinner today. Normally, your phone buzzes nonstop whenever you have dinner with someone, whether a man or a woman."

"Alright, stop teasing me. Go home quickly." After waving her hand toward the road and hailing a cab for Avril, Bonnie jogged back instead of catching one herself."

She received a call from Jim while jogging.

"I've arrived home."

"That's good. How's Mr. Ray?"

"Just as I said before, nothing serious. I’ll be back in a few days."

Jim’s voice became serious as he said, "I just got word from William that the person who previously posted tasks in the SR League has now gone to other leagues to post tasks."

"The SR League can’t act, but the other leagues don't know your identity. Even if they do, they may be blinded by money."

Bonnie frowned slightly. "Why didn’t William mention this earlier?"

"Perhaps he was afraid of worrying you."

"Okay," Bonnie nodded. Just then, she suddenly turned her head and shouted.

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