The female student looked at Bonnie impatiently. "Can't you see I'm talking to Toby? For crying out loud, I'm asking him about Ms. Bonita. Don't you want to hear what he has to say?" Another student chimed in. "Forget about it. Bonnie has zero talent. Why would she be interested in this? She might not even know who Ms. Bonita is."

"Really? Ms. Bonita is a world-renowned researcher. Bonnie is one of the students at Pyralis University. She has to know!"

"What's so surprising about that? You're forgetting something, guys. She's from the countryside. Who knows what backwater village she came from? It makes sense that she's never heard of Ms. Bonita." Bonnie was getting sick and tired of it. "You were in my way, and I politely asked you to let me through. Do you have to turn everyone on me? Are we enemies? Or, is it because you're an unreasonable brat?" "You're the unreasonable one! Even your parents are ashamed of you!" The female student waved her fists as if she were about to fight Bonnie.

Then she heard Toby's voice from behind her. "Excuse me."

The female student could ignore Bonnie any time of the day, but she was not going to rebel against Toby. So, she stepped aside obediently.

He walked over to Bonnie and said respectfully, "It's about time for lunch. I'd like to grab a bite with you. Do you have the time?" Everyone was rooted to the spot.

The elusive, handsome guy asked Bonnie out. Moreover, he spoke so warmly toward her. What on earth was happening here?

Bonnie nodded and responded, "Sure. Let's have lunch together."

Then, they walked side by side and headed to the cafeteria.

Everyone started muttering again when they watched the duo walk further away.

"Do you think they're a couple?"

"That's not possible! Toby is one of the most handsome guys on our campus. Moreover, he's cold and distant. As far as I know, he focused all his attention on his studies. He had never given a thought to the girls who flirted with him.

"Rumor has it that he's not interested in girls. Why would someone like him fall in love with Bonnie?"

"What's so strange about it? You're forgetting something, guys. Bonnie has dethroned Selina and is proudly wearing the title of the most beautiful lady on campus.

"You might not like how arrogant she is and resent her background, but the fact is that she's going to be massively successful if she enters the entertainment industry. She's just that gorgeous." That was a sound argument!

"So, are you telling me that they're an item now? Oh, my! This is a big scoop! I have to report this on the campus newspaper."

Just as she pulled out her phone, another handsome guy showed up next to Bonnie.

It was the other attractive guy at Pyralis University, Coleman.

His eyes were filled with affection when he looked at her. "Where are you headed to, Bonnie?"

"Toby said he's buying me lunch," she responded truthfully.

Coleman knew Toby had won the Scientific Research Competition. Naturally, that meant Toby had seen Ms. Bonita.

"Mind if I join?"

She shrugged. "I'm not the one who's paying. Ask him."

Toby responded casually, "Suit yourself."

The three of them walked toward the cafeteria.

Someone gulped out loud. "Oh, my heavens. What did I just see? The most beautiful girl is walking between the two most handsome guys on campus."

"I don't think that's the biggest takeaway here. Didn't you hear their conversation? Coleman wanted to join them for lunch, but Bonnie said to ask Toby. It was up to Toby if Coleman could join in, and he said yes.

"Is Bonnie going to have both of them for herself?"

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