I Love You, Miss Genius ( Bonnie Shepard )
I Love You Miss Genius ( Bonnie Shepard ) CHAPTER 161

Chapter 161 

Ged had his big reaction last night after learning that Bonnie was Windbreaker. However, he could not help but feel a lingering shock. 

Bonnie palmed her forehead and said, “I’m all better now, you know.” 

Ivor tensed. “Is that why you can’t wait to tear yourself a new one?” 

Bonnie’s lips twitched. “I was careless last time and got hurt. I didn’t expect the Sheffyns to be so cunning and shameless. Still, I won’t fall for the same trick twice.” 

“Well, I’m sorry, but I won’t let you go.” Ivor continued to stand in her way. 

Bonnie checked the time and realized the race was about to start. She could not afford to waste more time with Ivor, saying, “You might not know me well, but no one can change my mind once I’ve decided something. That’s just my nature.” 

Ivor was helpless. “Why do you think I don’t know you well?” 

If you did, you wouldn’t have stood in my way.” Bonnie insinuated that his actions were proof that he indeed did not know her well. 

While Ivor did not know how to respond, Ged shook his head and thought, ‘Bonnie might be the only person in the world who can make Ivor yield. She’s got him wrapped around her finger.‘ 

“Do you have to go?” Ivor looked at Bonnie intensely. 

“How else will I get my revenge on them?” Bonnie had never held her grudge for more than a day. This time, she had waited for a whole week. Understandably, she could not wait to wipe the floor with Xavier and Vulture

“I can avenge you. 

“Thanks, but no thanks. I prefer to avenge myself. It feels best that way. Wouldn’t you agree?” 

Ivor had to give it to her. He wholeheartedly agreed with that sentiment..“All right. You can go, but I have a condition.” 

“What is it?” She asked, confused. Then, it hit her. “Are you going to ask me to marry you?” 

His eyes glinted at that. “There’s an idea.” 

She gave him a dirty look and responded. “What exactly is the condition? Quickly, time’s running short, and I need to be there as soon as possible. I promised Hamish I’d do it. He also paid me to do 

this. It’d ruin my reputation if I’m late. He’ll get worried if he waits for too long.” 

“Go ahead, then. As for the condition… I’ll tell you about it when this blows over.” 

“Fine, but I’m not going to agree to it if you want me to marry you.” 

“Don’t worry. It’ll be something you’ll agree with.” 

Chapter 16 

The couple talked while going to their cars. Ged realized they were leaving and caught up to them. You guys are the worst! You can’t just leave me behind! Walt up!” 


About forty minutes later, Bonnie arrived at the racing venue. The moment Hamish saw her car, dashed right over. “Geez, Bonnie! Didn’t I tell you not to come? It’s just a race for the development rights to Lenfield Resort. 

“Your life is worth way more than this. What am I supposed to do if something bad happens to you? What am I supposed to do with Tang 

“Ahem!” Bonnie cleared her throat and cut him off. 

Hamish overlooked Ivor until Bonnie hinted at him. After looking over, Hamish saw Ivor sitting in the passenger seat with Ged in the backseat. 

Ivor looked at Bonnie and Hamish, saying, “I didn’t know you guys were this close. You two certainly seem a lot closer than just having a business relationship.” 

“Yeah. We’re friends, after all. We go way back.” She said this to set up a precedent so Ivor would not ask too many questions later. 

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