I got married without you (James and Amelia)
Chapter 1 He Was Si ck of Her

The day I found out I was dying, James broke up with me.

I have been James Evan's "contract lover" for five years, until his true love came back.

He canceled our contract and told me to get lost. I thought that

after five years, his frozen heart would thaw for me. How wrong I


So I packed my things and left.

Without telling him... I only had three months left to live.

James Evans's private jet landed at LAX international airport

at 7:00 PM. By 7:30 PM, Amelia Garcia was taken to the Silver Tower Penthouse as requested.

Per their contract, she had to be thoroughly cleaned "inside

and out" without any traces of perfume or makeup. She strictly followed his preferences, thoroughly cleaned herself, changed into a silk pajama, and then went to the bedroom on the second floor.

James was already working on his computer. When Amelia entered the room, he gave her a casual glance.

"Come here," he demanded.

His voice was cold and emotionless, weighing heavily on Amelia's heart. James was enigmatic, Ameilia didn't dare to hesitate for

a moment, worried that he might get angry with her, and quickly walked over to him.

Before she could steady herself, he pulled her into his arms and lifted her chin with his long fingers.

He lowered his head and kissed her ruby lips, the kiss was aggressive, without any traces of warmth.

James might seem noble and restrained, but he showed no such thing when it came to sx. He was never tender with her. No sweet talk, no soft kisses. Just sx.

He had been abroad on a business trip for three months, he probably wouldn't let Amelia go easily tonight.

As she had expected, he was rougher than usual.

James didn't stop his thrusts until she was too exhausted.

When Amelia woke up, she found herself alone in bed, but the

sound of running water came from the bathroom.

She looked in the direction of the water sound and saw a slender figure reflected on the frosted glass.

Amelia was surprised because James usually left without waiting for her to wake up after their encounters. But this time, he didn't leave.

She struggled to sit up from the bed and quietly waited for the

man to come out.

A few minutes later, the sound of running water stopped abruptly, and James came out wrapped in a bath towel.

Water droplets from the tips of his hair fell onto his bronze skin, slowly sliding down his abs, the firm and strong lines carrying a deadly temptation. His face was finely chiseled, exquisitely handsome, with sharp, distinct features. His eyes, almond-shaped in hazel in color, were aloof and distant, deep and unreadable.

James' charm armed him from head to toe, and so did his cold aura. In one glance, you can tell this man was not easy to get along with.

Seeing that Amelia was awake, he gave her a cold look and said,

"You don't need to come anymore."

Amelia was stunned. What did he mean by "No need to come anymore?"

James withdrew his gaze from her, turned around, and handed her a document. "I'm canceling our contract, you're fired."

He said fired. Not break up. Because that's their relationship, the employer and the employee. Nonetheless, his words stung.

As soon as Amelia saw the document laid out before her, she

understood. He didn't leave early today because he didn't want her to be his secret lover anymore.

After being with him for five years, Amelia always knew this day

would come, but she didn't expect it would end so abruptly-No reason or explanation.

Suppressing the sharp pain in her heart, Amelia slowly raised her

head and gazed at James, who was now fully dressed.

"The contract will expire in six months. Can't we wait for a little

longer?" she asked, somewhat pleading.

The doctor said she only had three months left and she wanted to

stay with him until the end of her life.

James didn't respond, just looking at her with a cold gaze, showing no regret at all, as if he was kicking away a toy he had grown tired of playing with.

His silence was all she needed, it meant, his decision was final.

After five long years of trying, Amelia had failed to thaw Jame's frozen heart. She knew it was time for her to wake up from her illusion. Amelia took the contract and put on a fake smile, attempting to feign indifference. "Don't be so serious, I was just joking." she teased. "I'm glad this is over, I get six months off, how perfect!" Amelia added as if to convince herself.

James paused as he adjusted his shirt sleeves, then lifted his cool gaze to size up Amelia.

On her face, there was no sadness, only a hint of excitedness... or relief?

James frowned and asked, "You're glad it's over?"

Amelia nodded like she didn't care.

"Yes, I'm not young anymore. It's time for me to get married and

have children. I can't always be with your contract lover, can I?”

What a perfect lie. She laughed at herself in her mind, it was impossible for her to get married or have children, but in front of James, she had to leave with dignity and grace.

She forced a smile and asked James, "Does that mean I can

finally have a normal boyfriend once I leave here?"

James' eyes were filled with deep and unidentifiable emotions. After staring at her for a while, he put up his watch and turned to . leave.

"Do whatever you want."

Those were the last words he said before he left.

Looking at his back, Amelia's smile faded.

James hated it when other people touched his things, including his woman, but he didn't react when he heard she wanted to have a boyfriend. Seems like...

He really is sick of her.

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