The Innocence of Youth

Peering around the corner I watch the vendor as he gets distracted by a customer, his back to the alleyway I’m hiding in. Baskets of fresh fruit and vegetables sit under the shade of his tent, the smell of citrus and dirt sifting through the air.

I chew at my lip, muscles tense as I prepare myself to run. My mouth waters in anticipation, stomach growling in agony for a taste.

The vendor walks a little further away, his view of his basket of oranges slightly out of view. Taking my chance, I leap away from the wall, pushing off of the brick as I scramble over, snatching one of the ripe fruit.

“Hey!” the man screams, pushing his paying customer out of the way as he begins to give chase.

My heart lurches in my chest, adrenalin rushing as I bolt back down the alley. He continues to yell, stomping around as he struggles to chase me with a large belly getting in the way. A grin stretches across my face as I continue to sprint, winding through the labyrinth that makes up downtown.


While busy changing a wriggly baby into a clean bodysuit, his little feet kicking at me in glee, Aliston decides to walk in. He waits for me to finish buttoning the front before he begins to speak.

“I know you have not been working here for very long,” he says in his strange way of speaking, “but I wanted to ask if you would be happy to take over some of Caster’s responsibilities.”

Picking Lavere up, the little baby gurgles at me, kicking the air once again.

“Sure. Is there anything specific you want me to do?”

He shakes his head, “It would be better if he were to explain your new duties. I have already informed him you will be taking over some of his chores.”

I wonder why he suddenly wants me to take over. He doesn’t even know if I’m a capable employee yet.

“Okay. I think we’re going to go food shopping today; I’ll ask him about it then.”

I go to walk out of the door, but stop when I realise there’s something I should probably ask him.

“Oh, right. Is it okay to leave Lavere here with you and, uh, Avørek? While Caster and I go out?”

Aliston’s lips twitch in what I think is a smile, but it passes too quickly for me to tell. He’s always so serious looking, gliding through the house with a stoic expression and spying eyes.

“That will be fine. Avørek can look after him until you return.”

I smile as thanks, bouncing Lavere in my arms as we skip down the stairs. He squeals in happiness, his little cheeks stretching in a gummy smile as he enjoys the ‘journey’ down to the main floor.

Babies are always so easy to entertain. Sure, they get fussy and cry a lot, but they smile and laugh just as much. Blow them a kiss or bounce them in your arms and they’ve completely forgotten why they were grumpy in the first place. Why can’t adults be the same? Instead of holding grudges we could bounce around and forget the past.

“Caster?” I call through the house.

He pops up from around the corner that lead to the back yard, a small ceramic plant pot in his hands. “Hi!”

I smile, shifting Lavere to my other hip. “When are we gonna go shopping? Aliston said it’s all good to leave Lavere with Avørek.”

“Did he now?” I jump as Avørek comes up behind me, a sly grin painted on his face.

Shifting away from the alien, I stand a little straighter, watching him as he runs a finger along the stair’s banister, as if checking for dust. He’s wearing more jewellery today, necklaces glittering against his collarbones and long spindly earrings hanging from his ears.

I let out a huff, pulling Lavere’s hands away from my hair as he tugs a little too harshly. Caster disappears around a corner, the smile on his face dropping as soon as he spots Avørek. I don’t blame little blue eyed alien from leaving, if anything I wish I could escape with him.

“Well, yeah. He said Caster needs help with the groceries. What, do you have something better to do?” I grit through clenched teeth.

He rolls his eyes at me, gliding a little closer, stepping into my personal space.

“Was that a little bit of resentment I hear?” he grins, sharp fangs on display as his face gets a little too close for comfort.

“It’s just that- you don’t really seem to do anything around here, other than stand around and look pretty. Don’t you have a job or something?”

He takes a step back, raising a brow. “You think I’m pretty?”

“What? No! That wasn’t a compliment- you know what? Never mind.” I hiss, turning away from the insufferable alien to head into the kitchen.

He follows me, leaning against the kitchen island, watching as I grab a snack for Lavere.

“Staring is rude,” I snap at him, grabbing a spoon from one of the drawers.

He sighs, standing to lean his hip against the bench instead. “You humans are so sensitive. Every little thing bothers you.”

At least us humans don’t treat each other like servants. Slavery was abolished many, many years ago, yet as soon as these outsiders started colonising Earth for themselves, slavery became the norm. I mean, look at Caster, is he really here on his own free will? Is he really happy living as the maid, doing all the chores and cleaning this mansion of a house?

Besides, I’m not being sensitive, I’m being defensive. Avørek is dangerous and cruel. It’s obvious he already has a dislike for me, and he doesn’t seem to get along very well with Caster.

As I’m about to snap something back, Caster skips into the kitchen, chirping something to Lavere before turning his attention back to me.

“Caster ready to go now. Have list, and basket.” He holds up a very worn looking wicker basket.

I force a smile on my lips, putting Lavere’s snack on the table before very hesitantly moving to hand him over to Avørek. In all honesty, I don’t trust the alien very much. He gives off a certain kind of aura, one that doesn’t feel very safe.

Lavere seems happy enough to be carried by his older brother, completely ignoring me as I hesitate to let him go.

“Take care of Lavere,” I mumble.

He smiles, happily placing the baby in his lap in a smug sort of way and kissing the top of his little head while not breaking eye contact with me.

Groaning, I follow a peppy Caster out of the house, muscles still a little tight from the brief conversation with the younger Mirker.

“How can you stand living here?” The words burst from my mouth without thought.

“Here?” Caster repeats, a bright smile on his face.

It seems as soon as Avørek is out of view he reverts back to his happy-go-lucky self.

“With them. How can you live with them? Aliston and Avørek. They’re not very nice people.”

He hums in thought. “No, Avørek just angry, and Aliston sad. They have tough times to live in.”

That does make me feel a little shameful for disliking the aliens since I don’t know them very well, but I mean, if you live in a castle, what kind of ‘tough times’ do you experience?

“Well,” I chew my lip, “Avørek doesn’t have to be such a prick.”


Shit. “Oh, uh, a very, um, mean person. He doesn’t have to be such a mean person, yeah.” I cringe at my answer.

Caster shrugs his shoulders, seeming to still not quite understand what I’m trying to say.

“Avørek is angry at everything. Don’t worry, Caster not mind,” he says this like it’s perfectly normal for Avørek to throw insults and harass others.

It’s a little concerning that Caster’s so used to being treated like that. I chance a glance at him, noticing how his freckles really do look like glitter in the sunlight.

“What about Aliston? You said he’s sad. What does he have to be sad about?”

Caster’s smile turns soft. “Aliston is good. He don’t-won’t, uh, want help.” He butches his words with a frown.

“Is that why he disappears? It seems like he’s never home.”

Not that I can really say much, I’ve only been working here for a few days. Aliston never seems to be around, however. He randomly pops up for a brief moment, before disappearing again for the rest of the day.

“Aliston always home.” Caster looks up at me with a confused expression.

I blink, stumped. If he’s home, then why is his office door open and empty? Where else would the alien be?

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