After we were both dressed-and I made sure that she wasn’t wearing any of the f**king lingerie Minnie got her I led Belle through the halls of the castle.

It was a bit of a long walk, but I never let go of Belle’s hand for a single moment. She smelled incredible, like sweet s*x and mating pheromones

I nearly swore when I thought back to the way she had begged me to take her back in our room, thrusting her wet pus sy up against me, licking and k*ssing my marking spot, and whining in my ear.

F**k, she had almost killed me. It was a miracle I made it out of there alive.

She had a right to know exactly what she was asking from me. And it was about time I told her.

“Where are we going?” she asked.

She had never been to this part of the castle. It was blocked off for a reason.

“The archives,” I responded.


“Because there’s something I need to show you.”

Belle’s small hand gripped mine with so much strength that, when I looked down at it, I saw it was white. I was scaring my poor little mate.

I gently pulled her to me and lifted her into my arms, cradling her to my chest. I purred for her as I continued to walk and only relaxed when I felt her nuzzle into my neck with a sigh.

We traveled down several flights of stairs until we could go no further, arriving at the absolute bottom level of the palace, deep underground.

It was one giant maze down there with twists and turns that could trap you in a never-ending loop if you weren’t careful.

I maneuvered it easily, though, having come down there hundreds of times when I was still searching for Belle.

I finally came to a stop at the end of a long corridor, which finished with an archway. I stopped in a small brick room. It was dark, and the air was thick with condensation.

18 of 50. Chapter

I set Belle down on the ground. She turned around, assessing the room.

“Is this when you tell me this was all just some big joke and murder me?” She laughed nervously.

I walked to the wall on the other side of her and removed a loose brick from the layers of stone. Behind it was a small box of matches, which 1 grabbed.

“King Elijah Viotto came from a mighty line of vampires who had the power to manipulate and create fire.” I held up the matchbook for her to see. “Since I don’t have those powers…

I lit a match and then lifted it to one of the torches that lined the walls of the small room, lighting it with fire. Immediately, the fire spread, and all of the torches burst into flames.

Belle took several steps back. “I don’t think I’ll ever get used to magic,” she murmured uncasily.

I walked over to the opposite side of the room, where the bricks on the wall were arranged to form a

circle the size of a car tire.

My eyes turned red, and fangs sprouted from my gums as my vampire came forward in my mind. 1 hadn’t even needed to call for him. He knew where we were and what I needed.

Silently, I pressed one of my fangs to the pad of my right thumb until it broke through the surface of my skin. A bead of blood formed on my thumb.

I looked back at Belle, who was watching me with skeptical interest.

“It only works with the blood of a royal,” I explained.

“And since I’m the only living royal, at least until we complete the mating process”-my whole body tensed at the mention of mating-“I’m the only person in the world who can get into this


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I pressed my bl oody thumb into the center of the circle on the wall. The bricks began to turn in the direction of the circle, slowly at first and then faster.

Eventually, they were moving so fast that the average person’s gaze wouldn’t be able to keep track of the spinning. It became one huge blur of wind and brick.

“Yeah, okay,” Belle said as she stared at the spot where the wall used to be in awe. She walked to


“That was the coolest thing I’ve ever seen. You’re telling me this has been here the whole time and you’re only now showing it to me?” She smacked my chest. “You’ve been holding out on me.”

I led her forward a couple of steps with my hand on the small of her back. “Why don’t you go check out what’s inside and then try telling me that again?”

Behind the wall was another bigger room, lit by the same torches surrounding us.

The room was lined with table after table of incredible artifacts and relics, dating back centuries, having to do with the life of the supernatural royals.


The amount of history in this single room was absolutely astounding. And it would have gone undiscovered if it weren’t for Cas sian Mortar getting lost down here several years ago and happening

upon it.

Someday, I planned on truly exploring the archives-taking everything out and evaluating its significance. Maybe I would even make a museum out of it all.

But for now, its only job was to house and preserve the object that was the sole reason we were even here right now.

Belle hesitated, her eyes flying around the archives, probably confused as to why I brought her here.

I gently grabbed her hand, pulling her attention to me. “You have nothing to be afraid of. It is perfectly safe in there,” I told her.

She didn’t seem convinced. “I just…I have this feeling that whatever you’re about to show me is going to be a big deal.

“It’s going to explain why you’ve been acting so weird since we got back from Maine and why you haven’t taken the final step to officially mate me and make me yours.

“And that’s what I want. But, before any of that happens, I just have to know that when we walk back out of that room, you’re still going to be my mate. This isn’t going to end with me losing you, right?”

I cursed low. “The fact that you even have to ask that…” I ran a hand over my


“Get those f**king thoughts out of your head. You’re never going to be rid of me. You’d have an easier time finding a grain of salt in a sandbox.”

Before she could reply and probably present me with more evidence as to how I’ve been a horrible mate to her, I scooped her into my arms and threw her over my shoulder.

Emergency calls onlyM

Belle squeaked. “What are you-

“Enough of this,” I snapped. I marched to the podium. On top of it was a piece of parchment scribbled with ink and lit by the torches surrounding us.

“Read,” I grunted as I set her down in front of it.


eyes scanned the old, fragile document. “Is this…?” She looked up at me. “Is this the prophecy?”

I nodded. “Read,” I repeated.

She looked back down. My body simultaneously relaxed and filled with anxiety. I knew I should have told her about this prophecy long ago. It was her life that was in danger, after all.

I just had to do everything in my power to protect her.

I wrapped my arms around her from behind, pulling her to me so her back was completely pressed up against my front, with not an inch of space between us.

I studied her for a while, looking for any signs of fear or panic on her face. The prophecy was long, though, and she was taking her time absorbing all the information it offered her.

“Immortal king…,” she read out loud. “Immortal king?” Her gaze snapped up to mine. “Is it talking about you?”

My chest rose and fell uneasily as I nodded.

“But…that means you’ll live forever-without me.” Her sparkling blue eyes widened, her tongue slipping out to wet her bottom lip.

“Is this why you haven’t mated with me? You’re afraid that I’ll die, and you’ll have to go on without me?”

I held her closer, a low growl leaving my chest. “No. You die, I die. You got that? I refuse to live without you.” I squeezed her hips gently. “Keep reading.”

“But I-”

“Belle,” I coaxed. “We’ll talk after you’ve read the entire thing. Okay, baby? Don’t start panicking on me just yet.”

“Oh, so there’s more to panic about?” she said, her voice sounding stressed.

Emergency calls onlyMu

“Not anything that we won’t be able to handle together.”

After a moment’s hesitation, she turned and looked back down at the podium.

071% 11.53

I hated all of the stress I was causing her had been causing her. I could feel her worry rolling off of her in waves and my protective instincts took over.

I brushed her hair from over her shoulder, revealing her bare neck to me. My lips brushed over her mark as she continued to read, my chest vibrating with the deep purrs of my vampire.

She leaned back into me, her small fingers losing the tense grip they had on my arms, which were still wrapped around her.

My only goal had been to calm her but I definitely didn’t mind when the smell of her arousal and mating pheromones filled the air of the small room, mixing with the smell of the wet stone and humid air.

Her breathing picked up, and I held in a groan as my already hard di ck twitched in my pants. I knew Belle could feel it, the air around us so s**ually charged that it

s nearly suffocating. I knew

I couldn’t help myself as my l*ps k*ssed from her mark all the way up to her pulse. It beat frantically beneath my l*ps, speeding up even more as I sucked it into my mouth.

It was all I could do not to sink my fangs into her throat and swallow her sweet blood, knowing all that would accomplish would be to send both into a frenzy.


you want me to read this or not?” Belle demanded, unconsciously squirming her cute little as s back against my co ck.

I chuckled into her neck despite my feelings of desperation. “Sorry, baby. Just anxious.”

She didn’t respond, turning back to the prophecy.

“And she will become a member of the Fue. They will take the throne, the king and queen reincarnated,” she read aloud.

My l*ps lifted from her skin, but my purrs only got louder as she continued to tense up with every

word she read.

“What does this mean?” she asked me, pointing at the part that explains her transition after mating.

“It means that you will shift after we mate,” I explained softly. “You will become a fairy just like Evangeline Viotto was.”


“You’re kidding, right?” Belle asked..

“Not kidding, love. I wish I were. Everything in that prophecy is true.”

Belle turned, and I knew she would’ve tried to move away from me in a panic if I didn’t quickly cage her against the podium by pressing my body to the front of hers.

She stared at my chest, her gaze unfocused, her thoughts racing a million miles an hour. “A fairy. A fairy. Okay. I, um…” She let out a big breath. “Sorry, I’m just trying to process all of this.”

“That’s okay,” I said, trying to soothe her. “Take your time.”

“A fairy,” she repeated once again. “But what does that mean?” Her voice rose an octave. “I have to become a fairy if we ever want to be together?

“I don’t even think I know what a fairy really is. What do they do? What kind of powers do they have? And is it going to hurt?

“You told me shifting into your wolf was really painful the first time. Will it be like that? Will it happen right away? Like right after we finish, I’ll just pass out, or will it take a few days and-“.

“Hey, hey, hey.” I gripped her face between my hands. “Take some deep breaths for me, okay? I need you calm so my wolf doesn’t flip his shit.”

I could already feel my inner beast getting ready to fight against consciousness.

He wanted to wrap her in his fur and force her to sleep, convinced that a good night’s sleep was what she needed whenever she was upset.

Belle didn’t listen to me at first. I could see her thoughts racing behind her eyes as she tried to process all of this.

“Come here, love,” I purred, pulling her to my vibrating chest.

She only fought me for a second before tucking her head against the vibrations and wrapping her arms around me. Her muscles started to relax almost instantly.

“There we go. That’s my girl. Just breathe.”

We stayed like that for a few seconds. Then she spoke into my shirt. “Is this why you haven’t…been

with me?“”

I stiffened. “Yes. I would have taken you that first night back in that hotel in Maine if I could have. It’s been killing me not being able to tie myself to you.

“Why didn’t you tell me?”

“I wanted to. You have no idea how much I wanted to tell you. But I had just found you again. I was throwing so much at you already with Azazel, and my vampire, and becoming queen.

“I couldn’t risk freaking you out when I had just started to earn your trust back.” I ran my through her hair. “I didn’t want to overwhelm you.“.


“So does that mean…we’ll never complete the mating ritual? Her hands curled into my shirt. “You’ll never be with me in that way because you’re scared of what would happen?”

“Absolutely f**king not. I’ll be having you and your sweet little pussy. And soon. Have no doubt about that.”

“But what about–7

“Nothing and no one will keep me from taking what’s mine, you hear me? We will both go insane if we don’t mate. The bond is already pushing us together.

“And then you go prancing around in f**king mouthwatering lingerie-

“Yeah, I’m not apologizing for that. It did its job; it got your attention, didn’t it? You’re finally being honest with me.”

“Oh, it did more than that. You have no idea how close I was to ravishing you on the spot.”

Standing on her tiptoes, she wound her arms around my neck. Then the little minx just barely brushed her l*ps over mine, whispering, “Once again…doing its job.”

Enjoying this story?

With a mind of their own, my hands slid down to cup her perfect little ass, abruptly drawing her forward so that she could feel just how much of an effect she was having on me.

“Don’t tempt me, Belle,” I groaned. “I’m already barely hanging on as it is. Have a little mercy, okay?”

Her pupils dilated so much at the feel of my rock–hard dick against her stomach that almost nothing of her diamond–blue irises was showing anymore.

I was very aware of the fact that we were drawn to each other.

So desperate for connection on a deeper level–which included me thrusting my rock–hard cock into her soaking wet pussy until she was screaming my name beneath me–that we could barely get through this serious conversation.

Belle was the first to pull herself out of the trance the mate bond had put us in, blinking the lust out of her eyes.

“So, uh, what are we going to do then?” Her breathing was becoming labored. “What exactly does it mean to become a fairy?”

My jaw clenched. “I honestly don’t know. I’ve read all of the information I could get my hands on about the Fac, but most was just myth or superstition. Evangeline Viotto was born a fairy.

“She never had to shift. So as far as I know, you’ll be the first–ever made fairy. I don’t know what to expect. I don’t know how to protect you.”

All of

All of a sudden, Belle moved back and hit me in my chest. Then she did it again and again until she was basically throwing a little fit against me. It didn’t hurt of course. In fact, it was more adorable. than anything.

Why. Don’tYouTell. Me. Things?” she shouted as she continued to smack me with the palm of her hands with weak little smacks.

“You big jerk! You asshole! You’ve been dealing with this all on your own without telling me what’s going on?”

Although I could feel her genuine anger through the bond, I couldn’t help grinning as I watched. my cute little mate take out her frustration from the last few weeks on my rock–hard chest with half–hearted strikes.

“All right, baby, all right. That’s enough. You’re going to hurt yourself,” I said, grabbing her wrists.

She continued to struggle, trying to pull her hands out of my grip, but I wasn’t budging. She was going to bruise her perfect palms at this point if she continued.

My vampire started to purr for her, hoping to help calm her, but it seemed to do the complete opposite as her angry gaze snapped up to me and she glared.

“No! Stop using your stupid purring to make me do whatever you want, you big, dumb, stupid, manipulative, vampire, werewolf, dude…thing! Ugh!”

My brows raised. I had imagined a lot of different reactions from my tiny mate when I told her about

She obviously needed to vent. I released her wrists, and stopped my purrs, allowing her to do whatever she needed to do to calm down.

“Ow!” she yelled when her hand connected particularly hard with my pectoral. She glared up at me

with a renewed vehemence.

“And why are you so muscly? You’re more like some giant rock than a real person!” She hit me again and again, but her strikes felt more like soft little taps than anything else. She was f**king adorable.

I didn’t respond. I just continued to stare down at her in amusement, allowing her to let it all out.

A minute or two later, her energy finally ran out, and she collapsed against my chest with a huff. She was still grumbling her displeasure when I started to run a hand up and down her back, trying to soothe her.

“Feeling better? I murmured against her hair.

“No,” she rumbled back. “You really bother me sometimes, you know that?”

“So you’ve mentioned.”

After a moment of silence, Belle asked, “Will I get wings? Oh my god, will I be able to fly? Fairies can fly, right?”

I shook my head. “I have no idea. I wish I could tell you more, but legend says fairies develop abilities based on need. It’s never the same. I don’t know what will happen to you.

“I could tell you what to expect if you were shifting into a wolf, but the Fae have been extinct for years. It’s why we have to approach the matter with caution. I will not risk you getting hurt.”

“So… okay, you’re afraid that having s*x with me might kill me. Is that right?”

I growled, hating that we were talking about her death so casually. “Yes.”

She nodded. “Okay, but hear me out, because I think I might have the perfect solution…” She paused. “What if we just had s*x anyway?”

“Absolutely not.”

Her head rolled back, a groan coming from her throat. “I think you might be overreacting a little bit. Look, the prophecy said I would become queen. I can’t exactly be queen if I’m dead.”

“Evangeline Viotto was a queen too, and look at how things turned out for her. I’m not going to risk Chapter 49 of 59: Chapter 49


grato lo

We don’t know what shifting into a fary is go to like how we d before. fven if you survived it, it could still bout you, can you pertumes Gangte you on listening to mer

ward t

There I was, talking about her probe demise, my schud vad gemswww daring into space, paying me no mind.

Her eyes snapped back to mine. “Sorry, 1, um W’s just I think I might have an idea I thank ! might know how to fix all of this,”

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