I hated that vampire. My wolf paced in my chest the entire time he was here, eager to take care of the infuriating vampire himself and pissed every time I forced him down, refusing to let him out. 

He thought he had some sort of claim on my woman just because he had taken care of her for a short time when I couldn’t. He was wrong. Very wrong. 

She was mine. And I was more than happy to prove that to him. 

After switching rooms due to the destruction caused to the last one–something I did not regret, especially after finding out Liam Blackwood’s father owned the place I sat Belle down on the couch in the new room. 

“Food,” I stated, leaving no room for discussion. “Then you’re spending the entire day resting and watching movies in my arms. And then you’re eating more food.” 

She frowned even as her happiness and overall relief surged through the mate bond, content to do as I said. “What is it with you and trying to get me to eat?” 

I tilted her head up, the palm of my hand cupping her cheek. “You’re beautiful, baby. No matter what. But you’ve lost too much weight since we’ve been apart. I need to get you back to a healthy weight.” 

She didn’t argue. I could tell she was secretly relieved. 

She was still exhausted from everything she had gone through, and while spending the last twenty–four hours together was helping, she was still moving slower than normal and clung to me whenever I was near. 

Which I was sure she wasn’t even aware she was doing. Not that I minded, of course. 

I gave her a lingering kiss on the forehead before grabbing the phone to order room service. I was looking forward to a calm rest of the day spent relaxing with my girl. 


After eating the most ginormous meal of my entire life, I was happy to curl up against Grayson on the couch. His massive arm wrapped around my shoulder as we watched a random rom–com on the 

  1. TV. 

Things almost feltnormal. Like we were a regular couple just enjoying each other’s company. Chapter 34 of 59: Chapter 34 


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021% 12:42 

Okay, well, that’s not totally true. The only thing that didn’t feel normal was the intense sexual energy charging between us. 

The man next to me had my stomach in knots and the walls of my pussy pulsing with need. 

I was aware of his every movement, every breath he took, and the way one of his hands was running. up and down my leg in a soothing manner as he watched the screen. 

The most embarrassing part was that I couldn’t stop glancing down at the outline of his hard cock through his jeans, replaying what it had felt like to have my lips wrapped around it this morning. 

I was practically salivating at the thought of doing it again, right here, right now. What would he say if I just got down on my knees right now and-? 

Belle! I screamed at myself in my head, cutting that thought off before it took on a mind of its own. Stop it! Get your mind out of the gutter! 

But that was nearly impossible especially when Grayson started to purr softly. It was barely even audible over the sound of the TV but still caused an embarrassing river of arousal to trickle from my 


I clenched my thighs together, my cheeks flooding with so much heat I was sure I looked like a 


I hoped beyond hope that Grayson couldn’t smell how inexplicably turned on I was, but I knew that was pointless. 

When I glanced up at his face, he had a barely–there, knowing smirk painting his lips, causing my stomach to do a flip. 

Fuck, what was wrong with me? I didn’t remember it being like this between us before, like it was impossible to keep my hands off of him. 

Every inch of me felt like it was on fire–and it wasn’t even like we were doing anything! 

We were literally just sitting on a couch together, watching TV–so why did it feel like I was going to combust if he didn’t touch me within the next five seconds? 

Almost as if he was reading my mind, Grayson’s hand moved a little further up my leg, just barely dipping under the edge of his boxers that I was wearing. 

I had chosen to throw off the sweatpants he had given me carlier when they kept falling off me, deciding I was better off without them. 

Chapter 34 of 59: Chapter 34 


Emergency calls only 


#021% 12:42 I had been running hot all day anyway and knew that anything was better than wearing my dirty 


I was able to get the boxers to stay on only by rolling the waist up several times and tying them with 

a hair tic. 

I would have to visit my apartment and get new clothes soon–even if Grayson got all huffy and growly every time I mentioned going back there. 

I squirmed against him as the throbbing between my legs was quickly becoming too intense to ignore. 

My legs opened a bit wider on their own accord, inviting him to where I needed him most and desperately hoping he would take the hint. 

I nearly moaned in relief when his massive hand pulled my leg over one of his, spreading me open even further for him. 

But I couldn’t hold back the embarrassing sound that escaped my lips when his hand crept up the inside of my thigh at an agonizing pace almost as if he wasn’t even aware of what he was doing to me or how badly I needed him

Until his fingers finally reached my needy slit with exact accuracy. He ran his hand over it, and my head fell back; the only thing separating us was the thin fabric of his boxers. 

He rubbed me for a second nearly driving me to madness when he deliberately avoided touching me where I actually needed him to. He was teasing me. 

His teeth nipped at the top of my ear, his hand still cupping me. “My poor girl is soaking. You’ve already seeped through my boxers and onto my T–shirt.” 

He chuckled. “Someone hasn’t been paying attention to the movie. You distracted, baby?” 

I didn’t have the chance to be embarrassed–especially since Grayson actually seemed to sound extremely pleased about my wetness–because two of his fingers suddenly found my clit. 

He rubbed it in soothing circles, instantly turning my brain off. 

“There we go,” Grayson murmured into my ear. His purring intensified. “That’s my girl.” 

He continued this for a few more seconds, making my body buzz and tingle. 

Then he suddenly shoved the loose fabric of the boxers out of the way and plunged a finger into my wet channel, nearly turning me inside out. His thumb continued to swipe at my clit. 

Chapter 34 of 59: Chapter 34 


Emergency calls only MO 

* 0 20


When I lifted my hips up, seeking more friction, Grayson growled and paused his movements- inadvertently causing more wetness to seep from me, coating his finger. 

“Hold still,” he commanded in a tone that made me shiver. 

I continued to writhe against him, unable to follow his instructions. My small jerky movements weren’t nearly as satisfying as what he had been doing before, though, only making me more desperate. 

“I–I can’t.” 

“You can and will. Or I stop.” 

My hips instantly settled back down on the couch. I couldn’t help the little mewls of desperation leaving my mouth. 

Everything was so intense, my entire body incredibly sensitive. Even just his breathing on my neck was causing goosebumps to appear on my flesh. 

To my 

immense relief, his finger started pumping in and out of me again once he was satisfied I wasn’t going to move anymore. 

“That’s better,” he whispered, picking up his pace. 

I whined and dug my fingernails into the palms of my hands in an effort to keep still when he added a second finger. 

Just like last night, his hand felt like magic against me, making me wonder how good it was going to feel when he finally thrust his cock into me

That thought nearly had me tumbling over the edge. Would he do it tonight? After we were finished here, maybe? 

I was shocked to realize exactly how much I wanted that–how much I craved it with every fiber of my being. 

“You thinking about mating, sweet girl?” Grayson growled. “The bond is flaring, and your tight, little pussy is squeezing the life out of my fingers.” 

I bit my lip as he quickened his pace. Just hearing him say the word mating” nearly made my eyes roll to the back of my head. 

“Fuck, you’re so beautiful writhing on my fingers, daydreaming about the first time I’m gonna drive my cock into that sweet little pussy of yours,” he groaned, licking up my neck and swirling his 

Emergency calls only Mu 

D20% 12:43 “Come for me, Belle. Let me feel you clench down on me over and over again. Come on, love.” 

And I did. Intense and overwhelming pleasure bloomed everywhere, shudders racking my entire body, from the crown of my head, all the way down to my curling toes. 

And it never seemed to end. My orgasm kept going and going as long as Grayson’s fingers kept moving in and out of me, leading me through it, sparks traveling from every spot he touched. 

After what felt like forever, Grayson finally pulled his hand away. I slumped back against the couch, my chest heaving and stars still dancing in my eyesight. 

Grayson brought his fingers to his mouth without looking away from me and sucked them clean, groaning. I should have been grossed out, but there was something about the whole scene that made it very crotic. 

Neither of us said anything as he pulled me down until I was lying with my head in his lap, 

watching the TV. He played with my hair, running his sparky fingers over my scalp and down my neck. 

We stayed like this until I was completely relaxed. Grayson, however, had a sort of tenseness rolling off of him. Something was bothering him. 

“I have to talk to you about something,” Grayson murmured. 

My nerves started to swirl in my stomach at his serious tone. “Okay….” I replied, turning my body around so that I was looking up at him. 

“It’s nothing to be nervous about,” Grayson said, trying to calm me, probably feeling my nervous energy through the bond, his purrs already starting in his chest. “I need you to come back home with me.” 

I stiffened. “To Minnesota?” 

He hesitated. “I don’t live in Minnesota anymore. I live…in the supernatural kingdom. In the palace of the Mortars.” 

“You live in a palace?” I flopped back on the couch. “And I thought your pack house was impressive. You’re telling me you have your very own castle now?” 

He twisted his body so he was partially over me on the bed, his hand landing on my waist. “Well, it belongs to the kingdom of the supernatural and my pack, but yes. I live there. And you will too.” 

“Hold your horses there, buddy. Where exactly is this ‘supernatural palace‘?” 

Chapter 34 of 59: Chapter 34 

Emergency calls only MO 

$020% 12:43 

“That’s a little complicated. The supernatural kingdom is in its own magical realm. It’s only accessible by those with permission to be there or of royal blood. 

“The doorway to get there is in Croatia, where the first–ever vampire, Jure Grando Alilović, was 


“Croutiu?” I repeated, sitting up. “You’ve got to be kidding me. At least your pack house was somewhere where they spoke English and, you know, in the United States. 

“You seriously want to take me all the way to Croatia?” 

Grayson nodded once, not even bothering to argue with me. 

“I don’t know if I’m ready,” I said after a few moments. “Even if you wanted to take me back to your pack house…I don’t know. 

“I went through so much trauma with your pack. I don’t know if I’m ready to be…trapped again. With people who hate me.” 

“They don’t hate you. They-” 

“I know they were under the influence of that vampire dude or whatever. Kyle told me. But that doesn’t mean that they like me. W 

don’t know how they really feel about me. 

“But, regardless, that’s not even my main concern. What am I going to do if something happens between us again? What if- 

“Nothing is going to happen between us,” Grayson interrupted with a growl. “I’m not going to let anything happen.” 

“I bet you felt the same way when you first brought me back to your pack house all those months ago. Things happen that we have no control over, Grayson. It’s how the world works. 

“But if something does happen, I can’t be trapped all on my own in your pack house, surrounded by people that hate me again, just waiting for you to finish being taken over by some evil vampire. 

“And what if I’m forced to run away from you again? I can’t do that in Croatia. I wouldn’t know where to go or how to survive.” 

Grayson’s eyes started to turn a dark red as he listened to me. “I need you by my side, Belle. It’s not up for debate.” 

“I want to be with you too,” I agreed, pausing before I said the next bit. “But what if… I just stayed here? 

Emergency calls only 

$0 20% 12:43 “I could keep working at the diner and live in my apartment, and you could come to visit me whenever you wanted. That way, I would stay out of your way while you’re doing your whole king thing, and you-” 

“Absolutely not. Fuck that,” Grayson snapped. “You think I’m capable of staying away from you for more than an hour without losing my fucking mind?” 

He abruptly grabbed me by my waist and tugged me to him. He stared down at me with such intensity that I almost had to look away. 

“I don’t function without you, Belle. Do you understand me? There is no ‘king thing‘ without you- there’s not even a me without you. I will not be away from you. Ever. Not even for one day. You are mine.” 

Before I could respond, Grayson abruptly growled so loudly the walls shook around us. My hands flew up to cover my ears, wincing at the volume. 

I thought that he was upset over the conversation we were having, but then he released me and stood. up, sniffing at the air. 


gonna kill him,” Grayson said. He started walking away, not bothering to give me an explanation. 

He threw open the door to our room and walked out into the hallway. 

I immediately got up to follow him. “Kill who?” 

“That fucking vampire is back,” he growled, his voice low and threatening. 

“What vampire?” 

He didn’t answer and started walking down the hall. 

“Are you talking about Liam?” I pressed, still racing after him, more than a little freaked out by his 


Grayson turned, causing me to stumble right into him. He grabbed me by my arms, staring me down. “Do not say another man’s name right now, Belle. Especially his.His shoulders heaved. 

The feminist in me had to bite her tongue and keep from slapping him. So it was definitely Liam. 

I could see just how angry Grayson was. And that scared me. He was so on edge that if Liam really were here, I had no doubt he would try to kill him. 

Emergency calls only 

020% D 12:43 

So, before he could turn around and continue to plot the murder of my friend, I grabbed his face and forced it down to mine, pressing my lips to his. 

I knew kissing Grayson when he was angry was my go–to tactic when I was trying to get him to calm down. But, hey, it was the best distraction I could come up with on such short notice. Give me a break, would ya? 

Thankfully, though, Grayson seemed to enjoy my choice of distraction. He groaned and didn’t hesitate to slide his hands under my butt, lifting me off my feet and wrapping my legs around his 


My back was slammed into the wall behind me, and the next thing I knew, Grayson was deepening the kiss with enthusiasm. 

A minute or two passed like this, and I found myself falling into the kiss until I momentarily forgot what my goal in all of this had been, thoroughly overtaken by my mate’s lips on mine. 

Someone groaned and coughed behind us. “Ahem, I hate to interrupt, but this is urgent.” 

I ripped my lips from Grayson’s, mecting the gaze of an out–of–breath Liam, standing there in the hallway. 

“Sorry-“I started to say but was interrupted when Grayson grabbed my chin and pulled my lips to his once again with an angry growl. 

He was obviously staking his claim on me in front of Liam. 

And I was a little ashamed to say that I pushed my inner feminist down and melted right back into him, sucked back into the kiss as if I had no control over any of my actions. 

Liam cleared his throat, and both Grayson and I snapped back from each other, although Grayson tried to pull me back to him almost immediately. 

My face filled with heat as I forcefully disentangled myself from my mate, finding it frustratingly difficult. Once I was on my feet, Grayson stepped in front of me, growling low at Liam. 

Liam’s hands raised in surrender. “I’m not here to fight with you. I’m here to let you know that have a friend looking for you, and he’s causing quite an uproar.” 

“Friend?” I asked

“Azazel Mortar.” 

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