You feel better now?” he whispered as he brushed my hair out of my face. 

I nodded even as my face grew redder beneath my hands, still covering me. 

034% 12:55 

“Good,Grayson grunted, pleasure filling his tone. He kissed my forehead one more time, taking a moment to rub his nose against my hair and deeply inhale my scent before walking away from me. 

I peeked out from under my arms to watch my shirtless mate walk to the bathroom connected to the room, feeling saliva pool in my mouth. 

How the fuck was he so hot? It was like an Abercrombie and Fitch model had a baby with Chris Evans. Only he was hotter. And bigger. And sexier. 

And based on firsthand, recent experience seriously good with his tongue. 

Grayson turned to look at me before entering the bathroom, catching me staring. He smirked and winked at me before turning away again. 

Once he was out of sight, I groaned and turned on my side, stuffing my face in a pillow. I looked at the alarm clock on the bedside table. It was nearly three in the morning. 

Just thinking about how late it was made me yawn and grab the blankets pooled at the edge of the mattress, pulling them up to my chin. 

Before I could fall asleep, though, the covers were ripped from my body. 

“Hey!” I whined. “What are you doing?” 

Grayson was standing over me with what looked to be a washcloth in his hand. His eyes scanned body as he climbed back onto the bed, kneeling next to me. 


“I can’t get over how gorgeous you are,” he said. He licked his lips and then tapped the side of leg. “Open.” 


I blinked. “Excuse me?” 

“Open your legs for me, beautiful. I might have done a good job down there with my mouth, but I still need to clean my baby up.” 

“W–What?” I sputtered. Somehow, him…cleaning me felt far more intimate than what we had just done. “Absolutely not!” 

Grayson’s lips turned up. 

Chapter 29 of 59: Chapter 29 

Emergency calls only 

034% 12:55 

Then he started to purr. 

To my absolute horror, my body started to heat up, and my legs opened wide on their own accord, basically inviting him in

1 gasped. “So not fair,” I mewled when he began wiping away the evidence of his saliva and my arousal with the warm washcloth. 

His purrs soon became quiet, calming me instead of turning me on, and my eyes drifted shut. 

Once satisfied, Grayson got up and threw the washcloth in the bathroom before returning to me. He silently removed his jeans and then crawled into bed, immediately pulling me into him. 

I sighed and burrowed into his chest, decidedly the most content I had ever been in my entire life. 

“What about you?” I whispered right before drifting off. 

What about me?“” 

“Do you want me to…?” I hoped he would know what I was talking about without me having to say it. I could feel his hardness against my thigh and knew it couldn’t be comfortable. 

He chuckled. “No. Not tonight, baby.” 

“But that’s not fair to you. Are you sure?” I yawned. 

“I’m sure. Real men don’t keep score.” 

“Okay,” I murmured, choosing not to argue with him since I was already half asleep. I would make it up to him later. 

“I love you, Belle.” He pulled me closer to him, not an inch of space between us. “Sleep.” 

And I did. 

Emergency calls only HO 


The first thing I noticed when I woke up was how warm and content I was. The second thing I noticed was that someone was touching 

Grayson dragged his fingers up and down my spine, then over my waist and along my hips, and anywhere else he could get his hands on. 

I sighed and burrowed deeper into him, seeking more of his warmth and the feeling of his sparky skin against mine. 

He purred for me, and the vibrations of his chest against mine started to lull me back to sleep. But then he began to pull away from me, 

My brow furrowed, and I tried to grab him and pull him back to me, but he was too strong. 

He pressed a kiss to my forehead. “Shh….” he whispered against my hair. “I’m not going. anywhere.” 

I rolled onto my back and watched him sit up and look down at my body which was only covered by a thin sheet. The rest of the blankets were still on the floor from Inst night. 

He licked his lips as his eyes darkened considerably, and his purring increased. 

“What are you doing?” I asked, stretching my arms over my head. 

He didn’t respond. His eyes tracked my movements, and a deep growl left his mouth. 

“Come back to sleep, Grayson.” I yawned. “It’s too early.” 

Again, he said nothing. When I glanced up at him, I noticed his gaze was now centered on my chest, where I realized the sheet had fallen so low while I had been stretching that my nipples were almost visible. 

I snorted. He was so ridiculous. “I’m going back to sleep. You keep doing whatever this“-I gestured to him-“is.” 

I drifted off almost the moment my eyes closed. 


My sleep didn’t last long. No, Grayson had other plans that had nothing to do with me dozing off. I Chapter 30 of 59: Chapter 30 

Emergency calls only 

033% 12:56 

Grayson was kissing my feet. He had also removed the sheet away from my body so that I was completely naked. 

I gasped. “Grayson! I’m naked!” I tried to grab the sheet again, only to find that it was on the floor on the other side of the room. 

My eyes narrowed on Grayson, who still seemed consumed with studying each and every one of my toes like some sort of crazy person. 

I tried covering myself up with my hands, but it didn’t do much. 

It wasn’t like he hadn’t seen my body before I really shouldn’t be feeling embarrassed; it just still felt odd to be completely naked around someone other than myself. 

Especially when that someone had told me on multiple occasions how disappointing my body was when he was taken over by a vampire. 

I fidgeted, feeling uncomfortable. I tried to sit up, but he put one of his massive hands on my bare stomach, so I was forced to lie back down

“Stay,” he commanded in his deep, husky voice. 

I huffed and looked up at the ceiling. “What are you doing?” I asked as he moved back down my body and kissed the arch of my foot, holding it in his hand. 

“Is this your way of telling me you have a foot fetish?” I joked. I tried kicking my foot out of his 


He just tightened his hold, giving me a look that reminded me of how a parent might scold their child. 

I scolded him right back, but that quickly turned into a giggle when he ran his nose over the top of my foot. “That tickles.” 

The corners of his lips turned up. “I could have a fetish for these feet. I could have a fetish for any part of you.” 

I could feel my chest and cheeks reddening. “Okay, but you don’t, right? I laughed nervously. 

I wasn’t one to kink–shame, but something about mouths anywhere near grimy feet–especially mine, which were covered in blisters and callusesmade me feel just a tiny bit ill.. 

Grayson just grinned and then slowly leaned down and kissed the top of my big toe without breaking eve contact.. 

Chapter 30 of 59: Chapter 30 

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033% # 12:57 I made a face. “Would you stop putting your mouth on my feet? That’s so gross!” I tried yanking my foot out of his grasp once again. He only tightened his grip. 

At my request, he chuckled and moved his lips higher, gripping my ankle and kissing the small protruding bone on the side. 

“Okay, seriously,I said, squirming at the sparky feeling his lips left on my skin. “What are you doing? You’re acting really weird. This is really weird.” 

He kissed up the side of my calf, rubbing his nose over my skin and inhaling deeply. “I want to memorize each and every inch of you. I want a road map of your body in my head.” 

His hands gripped my leg tighter. “I want to know where every mole, freckle, and scar is. I want to know your body and its reactions better than I know my own.” 

His tongue slipped out and ran over the side of my leg, making me extremely grateful I had taken a shower last night. 

Grayson growled yet again, and the sound instantly made my entire body heat up with need. 

He inhaled deeply, his nostrils flaring, and his dark–red eyes shot up to meet mine, telling me he could smell my arousal, his whole body stiffening. 

He grinned in victory but thankfully didn’t say anything about it and moved on to my other leg, running his hands up and down my calf before putting his lips on it and kissing up to my knee. 

I continued to squirm. “This might be a little too strange for me,” I murmured, even though I secretly didn’t want him to stop. 

“I spent months not knowing where you were or if you were safe.” He continued to leave kisses in 

between his words. 

“I would drive myself crazy trying to remember you and imagine each part of your perfect body— your smile, your hair, the shape of your hands… And when I couldn’t, I would go ballistic. 

“I will never forgive myself for not having studied you before, gotten to know you so I could imagine you with more clarity after you ran away, and all I had left of you were memories. 

“I will never again go without knowing every little inch of you. Now, lay back and let me memorize 


His purring increased, and my body immediately relaxed, melting deep into the bed. 

Grayson growled in approval and then continued to lick, nip, kiss, and touch every inch of my body 

Chapter 30 of 59: Chapter 30 


Emergency calls only 

#033% ☐ 12:57 

After a while, my embarrassment over my nudity disappeared and was replaced with warmth and relaxation. Everything that had to do with Grayson’s touch just felt right–natural. 

When he seemed to officially have finished with my legs and was getting to the part of me where [ needed him the most, it was fair to say I was totally and completely on fire. 

“Grayson,” I begged. “Please.” 

He continued to take his time, acting as though I hadn’t said anything at all. He licked across my hip bones, his massive hands gripping my legs tightly as he maneuvered his body between them. 

And then his mouth was finally on me. He licked up my slit first, lapping up the evidence of my arousal that I had learned he enjoyed the taste of so much last night. 

I whimpered and gripped his hair. When my hips shot up, he calmly pressed them back down. 

My orgasm came fast and intense the moment he sucked my clit into his mouth. I practically shot off the bed, and stars took over my vision

Grayson pressed a finger inside of me, feeling me pulse around him as he slurped up all of my 


Once again, I was shocked when he didn’t stop, continuing his ministrations as if he couldn’t get enough, even as I writhed against him, extra sensitive. 

By the time he was done, he had added two more fingers and made me come a total of three times, leaving me breathless and languid on the bed. 

Only then did he move on casually, as if he had been thinking, hmm, I’ll just stop here for a few minutes, give her a couple of orgasms, and then continue on my way

“Oh, my god,” I whispered when he had finished running his hands and lips around my stomach and ribs and made his way up to my breasts. 

His fingers skated beneath them first, then moved up, kneading them gently in his hands, tweaking the nipples. “Grayson…” 

He leaned down and ran his tongue over one of the pointed tips, swirling his tongue around it in the same way he had done to my clit only moments before, taking his sweet time, then moving on to the 

other one. 

I arched my back into him, pressing my breasts further into his mouth. He encouraged the action by wrapping an arm under the curve of my back, bringing me even closer to him. 

Chanter 30 of 59 Chapter 30 

Emergency calls onlyO 

033% 12:57 

He continued this for a while, spending almost as much time on my breasts as on the spot between my legs, where a hollow, empty feeling was quickly becoming very prominent. 

It shocked me with its intensity, and I suddenly ground my hips against Grayson’s without thinking, gasping when I felt his hard length pressing up against me in exactly the right place. 

I wasn’t sure where this fierce need had come from especially since I had just finished coming 

three times. 

But something about how he was sucking and kneading my breasts, the air in the room, hot and damp with our panting breath, and the smell of his hair and overall scent so close to my nose that was turning me desperate. 

“Grayson,I whimpered, sounding more than a little breathless. I needed him inside of me. Now.. 

When he didn’t even so much as acknowledge my pleas, still completely captivated by my breasts, I took hold of his head with both hands and force 

tilted it up, so he looked at me. 

And then I completely forgot what I was going to say as he flattened his tongue and ran it up my breast and over my nipple without breaking eye contact for a single second. 

He was putting on the most intimate, erotic show I had ever witnessed. 

I continued to grind against him, chasing after that desperate need to be filled by his cock. 

I hoped he would understand what I wanted from him without having to say it because I had somehow lost all ability to form real thoughts. 

He groaned when I gave a particularly hard thrust against his hips. “Shh, baby girl,” he murmured, grabbing hold of my hips and stilling them. “You’re distracting me from sucking on my tits.” 

I gasped. “Your tits?!” I screeched incredulously, trying to sit up. 

He pushed me back down. “Yes, my tits.” He tweaked my nipple between his pointer finger and thumb, drawing a whine from my mouth. “These tits are mine.” 

Then his hand traveled up and ran over my lips before he put his lips against mine, kissing me roughly. “These lips are mine,” he murmured against my mouth. 

Then his other hand was abruptly cupping my pussy, thrusting his middle finger into me. “And this tight little virgin pussy is definitely mine. All of you is mine.” 

I bit my lip once his finger started to thrust in and out of me. I didn’t have it in me to argue with him. Not at this moment, at least. 

Chapter 30 of 59: Chapter 30. 


Emergency calls only 

“Who do you belong to?” he asked. 

I couldn’t answer. My brain was too muddled

Grayson’s movements stopped. “Answer me, Belle. Who do you belong to?” 

“You!” I gasped out, willing to say anything as long as he continued with what he was doing before. “I belong to you. I’m yours.” 

Once he was done with my front, he flipped me over and did the same on the other side, only this time, the touch turned less passionate and into more of a massage, lulling me nearly back to sleep. 

His sparky hands felt incredible on my skin. 

When he finally seemed to finish his thorough examination, he put one more kiss on the center of my back and flopped down next to me on the bed. I smiled at him. He looked calm. Happy. 

“Do you realize how obsessed I am with you?” he mumbled. 

My lips turned up. “I think I’m starting to get the picture.” 

His hand ran over the side of my hair. “You can’t ever leave me again.” His face turned serious. “I almost went crazy without you. I wasn’t even functioning properly.” 

“I wasn’t functioning either. I’m sure you could tell by the state you found me in.” 

His frown grew deeper. 

“Cold?” he asked. He must’ve noticed the shivers he was causing with his hand traveling up and down my back. 

I hummed in response. 

He pulled me to him. “I’ll warm you up.” 

I laughed. “Haven’t you already been doing that? I think I’m plenty warm.” 

“I’m not convinced.” 

His lips fell onto mine

My entire body buzzed as I kissed him, so completely content and relieved to have the undivided. attention of my mate. 

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A few seconds later, I pulled away just slightly. “My turn?” I whispered against his lips. 

His brows raised, and my heart raced in my chest as I waited for his response. 

033% #12.57 

To my relief, his lips turned up in a smirk, and he leaned back against the headboard, crossing his arms behind his head. 

“Be my guest.” 

I bit my bottom lip and glanced down at his bare chest and arms. He was huge and rock–hard. Even his muscles had muscles. 

I shuffled myself down to kneel by his feet, the same place where he had started. I glanced up at him, wetting my suddenly dry lips. He was watching me intently with that stupid, sexy smirk plastered on 

his face. 

“I don’t actually have to kiss your feet, do I?” I finally asked. 

His head tilted back, and a deep laugh left his throat. 

“Don’t laugh!” I grumbled, smacking his chest. 

He looked back at me, showing off his white teeth with his wide smile. “No, Belle, you don’t have. to put those beautiful lips on my feet if you don’t want to.” 

Without saying another word, I leaned back down, leaving a gentle kiss. As much as I didn’t like the idea of putting my mouth on his feet, I was more than okay with putting them on…other spots

I kissed up one of his legs before moving to the other and doing the same, my hands following close behind. Grayson’s muscles tensed and released under my touch, giving me a strange sense of power. 

I loved that I affected him. There was something so intimate and special about studying the body of my mate, exploring him in the same way he’d explored me. 

When I reached the edge of his boxers, I looked up at him. His chest was rising and falling rapidly with ragged breaths, his eyes dark red once again. His square jaw was clenched. 

“You’re supposed to be enjoying this,” I said. “This is supposed to be relaxing. Why do you look so tense?“” 

“My naked mate’s mouth is inches away from my hard cock, and you’re wondering if I’m enjoying it?” His voice was like gravel. 

Chapter 30 of 59: Chanter 30 


Emergency calls only M 

His Lost Queen 

Annie Whipple 

#033% # 12:57 

He swallowed, his Adam’s apple moving slowly in his throat. “I’m enjoying it too much. I’m doing my best to hold myself back, but you’re making it extremely difficult.” 


I suddenly felt a strange sense of power take over. For once, I was the one driving him crazy. I looked back down at his boxers, running my hands up his legs

Then I squared my shoulders and leaned back down. 


Next Chapter 





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