Chapter 0098

At that very same moment, in the southern suburbs of Ol’ Mare, the Eberherd Mansion was filled with

guests. It was a lively affair.

“Our Mister Eberherd turns six years old now. He’ll be in the big boys’ class at kindergarten!”

“Look at what I brought you for your birthday gift. One hundred and fifty thousand dollars in cash!”

“Your Aunt has given you a crown made in pure gold! You’ll surely be king of your kindergarten! May all

your wishes come true…”

The guests wished the young heir of the Eberherd, Yanis, a very happy birthday. Edith, who was

carrying Yanis, sat on a big armchair with a grin.

She felt much better. Ever since she had been slapped by Susanne at the gates of the kindergarten,

she had been so furious that she had not been eating for the past two days.

That afternoon, Luke called her and said that he would kidnap Olivia Kane. He mentioned how he

would make Alexander Kane kneel and beg for mercy, as well as defile Amber.

More importantly, that day was her precious grandson’s birthday. It was happy news all around!

“That Alexander Kane must have a death wish with him! How dare he mess with you!” said a wealthy

middle-aged lady adorned with jewelry to Edith. “I heard that his daughter hasn’t been to school for a

few days. They must be transferring her away! If she isn’t transferring, you should get Mister Eberherd

to hit her every time he sees her!”

“That’s right!” The other wealthy women chimed in. “We heard that Alexander Kane is quite close to

George Severn. He even formed New Chesire Group. Mister Hudson has been putting sanctions on

their company. They’re about to close down soon!”

“With so many people pushing back, George Severn won’t be able to help him out soon! Mister

Eberhard has to teach that little bitch a lesson! If Alexander Kane still dares to be cocky, just get Mister

Hudson to take down his entire family!”

Edith smiled widely. Her gaze gleamed maliciously. “That bastard Alexander dared let that bitch,

Susanne, slap me!



“We don’t have to wait for Mister Hudson. While everyone is here, let’s round up all of our bodyguards!

We’ll head to Belmont Hills and show Susanne the power of the Eberherd family!

“We’ll break that cripple Patrick Chesire’s other leg, too!”

The wealthy women quickly took out their phones and contacted their own guards.

In less than half an hour, about 20 cars-hosting muscular men-arrived at the Eberherd Mansion. Some

held steel beams, while some held baseball bats. Some even had daggers with them.

They looked extremely murderous.

“Missus Eberherd.” The bodyguards entered the huge hall of the Mansion and bowed to Edith. “We’re

at your service!”

Edith, still carrying Yanis in her arms, looked malevolent. “Good. Once this is done, everyone will be

rewarded fifteen thousand dollars. Come with me now to Belmont Hills. We’ll beat the Chesires to


The group of bodyguards coolly walked to the gates of the mansion.

Right at this moment, a loud screech rang out as a red Porsche swerved to the gates of the mansion.

The tire marks on the ground were smoking.

“What the fuck?”

“Hey, fuck off! You’re in the presence of the Eberherd family!”

“How dare you stop here, boy! You must be seeking death!”

Alexander got out of the car calmly amid screams and curses. His gaze swept past all the bodyguards

and landed directly on Edith standing by the door.

“And here I was, thinking who it was. Turns out, it’s you!” Edith walked out, holding Yanis’ hand. She

looked at Alexander and sneered. “I don’t have to travel far and wide and you brought yourself right to

my doorstep! I was about to head to Belmont Hills to look for you!”

The other wealthy women looked at Alexander condescendingly. “What? Have you come from Mister

Hudson? Did you beg him? Is your wife still there?”

“How does it feel like being cuckolded? How did Mister Hudson treat that bitch, Amber? Tell us!”

“Well, everyone, I’m guessing Mister Hudson must’ve ordered Alexander Kane to come and apologize

to Missus Eberherd!”



Their jeers made Edith even more arrogant. She took a few more steps forward and said

condescendingly, “Since Mister Hudson has sent you here, what are you still waiting for? Kneel!

“As long as you bow to me a hundred times and slap yourself a hundred times. more, I’ll let you go. If

not, you, Susanne, and that cripple Patrick won’t live to see another day!”

Alexander was unfazed by their crass remarks. He quietly looked at Edith and said, “Are you done? I’m

going to say something once. From today onward, any friends and family of the Eberherds better not

show their faces.”


Edith was momentarily stunned.

The other wealthy women looked at each other before cackling. “What nonsense are you talking about,

Alexander Kae? Are you delirious because Mister Hudson had fooled around with your wife?”

“Look at where you are. Look how many people we have here!”


Alexander slowly shook her head. The evil old woman and her fawning friends did not deserve to be

treated as humans.

“So you’re not going to kneel? Okay, I’ll beat you up until you kneel!”

Edith narrowed her gaze and glared at Alexander. She waved her hand at the group of bodyguards.

“Beat him up! Go! If he dies, I’ll bear the responsibility! Just beat him!”

About 70 to 80 bodyguards howled and charged Alexander from all around him. They aimed for every

part of his body.

“You thought they could take me down? They’re too weak!”

Alexander calmly snaked his way around the bodyguards, casually hitting them as he walked past.

The bodyguards could barely see Alexander. All they felt was something breezing past them before

they flew backward and slammed against the walls of the mansion. The walls cracked.

The bodyguards bled and fell to the ground, wailing in misery.

Within less than half a minute, not a single bodyguard was left standing. Alexander took them all down.

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